@ARTICLE{Karczewski_Ks._Marek_„Zaiste_2021, author={Karczewski, Ks. Marek}, volume={Tom 16}, pages={215-232}, journal={Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Polskia Akademia Nauk - Komitet Nauk Teologicznych}, abstract={The Apocalypse of St. Jana delights with the richness of eschatological content. However, the eschatological themes of the Apocalypse are not a frequent subject of scientific study. The reflections contained in this article take the form of methodological guidelines. They concern the process of interpreting the eschatology of Apocalypse. The Apocalypse should not be interpreted in isolation from historical and literary research. It should also not be interpreted in isolation from ethical research. It should also take into account the specific nature of prophetism of the Apocalypse. Eschatological contents contain an important place in this book. In order to interpret them properly, it is necessary to note i.a.: eschatological dynamics of the Apocalypse; the ambiguity of some symbols; the relation of eschatology to christology and ecclesiology.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={„Zaiste przyjdę niebawem” (Ap 22,20). Kilka refleksji nad eschatologią Apokalipsy św. Jana}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/123124/PDF/12_Karczewski_druk.pdf}, doi={10.31743/snt.12594}, keywords={Apokalipsa św. Jana, eschatologia Apokalipsy, profetyzm Apokalipsy, teologia Apokalipsy}, }