@ARTICLE{Kostecki_Maciej_Atmospheric_2002, author={Kostecki, Maciej}, volume={vol. 28}, number={No 2}, pages={45-58}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2002}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={A trial to determine the atmospheric precipitants and their role as the element of pollutants budget in transport of pollutants into water ecosystems has been presented. Total dawnfall method were used with sedimentary funnels of 0.28 m2 . The pH, conductivity, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, organic nitrogen, phosphates, organic carbon, chlorides, sulphates, calcium, magnesium and heavy metals (iron, zinc, lead and cadmium) were determined. The analysis results are similar to the results obtained at other sample points of Upper Silesia. The range of pollutant concentration changes indicate the objective factors for the analysis results dispersion. With the method apllied, only average values of concentration can be used for the evaluation of the chemical status of downfall waters and atmospheric air. The atmospheric precipitants thought underestimated are siginificant source for pollutants (nitrogen, phosphorus and heavy metals) introduced directly to the trophogenical zone of water ecosystem. In the case of the Kłodnica hydro-junction reservoirs, the loads of nitrogen and phosphorus from atmospheric precipitations are determined as "dangerous surface loading". The presence of considerable loads of magnesium in the precipitations indicates the possibility of chemical precipitation of polyphosphates from epilimnion zone, and are consequence the quicker transportation of phosphorus to the bottom sediments. It can activate the intra-reservoir enrichment process.}, title={Atmospheric Precipitation as the Element of Pollutants Budget on Dam-reservoirs of Kłodnica Water-junction}, type={Artykuł}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/123855/PDF-MASTER/7_AE_VOL_28_2_2002_Kostecki_Opad.pdf}, keywords={precipitation, pollutants budget, dam-reservoirs}, }