@ARTICLE{Janosz-Rajczyk_Marta_Effect_2002, author={Janosz-Rajczyk, Marta and Tomska, Agnieszka}, volume={vol. 28}, number={No 3}, pages={51-61}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2002}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={In the present investigation we have studied the effects of static magnetic field on removal of organic compounds and ammonium nitrogen by high loading activated sludge. The research was carried out on laboratory scale at room temperature. Three or two continuously operating test systems were used in the experiment. In two test systems the return activated sludge was exposed to magnetic field strength of 20 mT or 40 mT. The magnets were attached to a pipe used for activated sludge recirculation. The nitrification rate for test systems when the return activated sludge was exposed to magnetic field was higher than for control system in absence of magnetic field. The best data was observed for test system which was exposed to magnetic field of 40 mT. The nitrification rate was 2 times higher than for control system when the loading of activated sludge was in the range of 0.6 to 0,9 g COD/gMLSS ·d for. The results show that magnetic field improves nitrification of domestic wastewater by high loading activated sludge.}, type={Artykuł}, title={Effect of Static Magnetic Field in the Wastewater Treatment Process. II. Change of Organic Compounds and Ammonium Nitrogen in the Static Magnetic Field Strength of 20 mT and 40 mT}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/123878/PDF/8_AE_VOL_28_3_2002_Janosz_Rajczyk_Wplyw_2.pdf}, keywords={wastewater treatment, activated sludge, magnetic field}, }