@ARTICLE{Parker_Kimberly_A._Reflections_2022, author={Parker, Kimberly A. and Hester, Erin B. and Geegan, Sarah A. and Ciunova-Shuleska, Anita and Palamidovska-Sterjadovska, Nikolina and Ivanov, Bobi}, volume={vol. 11}, number={No 1}, journal={Central and Eastern European Migration Review}, pages={65-84}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk, Ośrodek Badań nad Migracjami UW}, abstract={For small, low-to-middle-income countries such as North Macedonia, the prospect of young, educated peo-ple leaving their place of residence (i.e. emigrating) can have significant negative societal-level effects. Understanding the complexity of the brain-drain phenomenon and its antecedents is critical to developing multi-level (i.e. global, societal and individual) strategic solutions. A qualitative analysis of several focus-group interviews was used to understand young, educated residents’ reasons either for emigrating or for remaining in North Macedonia. Two overarching themes served to organise the participant-identified driv-ers for emigration and those opposed to it. Three sub-themes emerged describing the factors for emigra-tion: 1) a lack of professional opportunities, 2) institutional systems, and 3) cultural tightness. Likewise, three sub-themes emerged describing the factors for staying: 1) community, 2) culture and 3) social re-sponsibility. Insights serve to contextualise some of the experiences of young, educated people in small, low-to-middle-income, countries which impact on their emigration decisions.}, type={Article}, title={Reflections on the Emigration Aspirations of Young, Educated People in Small Balkan Countries: A Qualitative Analysis of Reasons to Leave or Stay in North Macedonia}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/123903/PDF-MASTER/Parker%20et%20al.%202022.pdf}, keywords={North Macedonia, Balkans, migration aspirations, emigration-decision conflict, brain drain}, }