@ARTICLE{Kostecki_Maciej_Polycyclic_2001, author={Kostecki, Maciej and Czaplicka, Marianna}, volume={vol. 27}, number={No 3}, pages={119-135}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2001}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The results of first investigation (from the formation in 1939) Gliwice Channel of polycyclic hydrocarbons concentration in bottom sediments was given. PAHs is a very important element of pollution for point of view of bottom deposits utilisation. From the Gliwice Harbour during the channel concentrations of PAHs are reduce. The most polluted is section of first 10 km. The highest concentration (7528 μgfkg) was determined in the bottom sediments of Kłodnica River, on the water intake to the channel. The smallest concentration was determined on the section from 19 to 28.9 km of channel (175 to 700 μg/kg ). The section from chemical factory Blachownia to Kozie Harbour has concentrations 946.88 μgfkg to 2254.915 μgfkg. During the every flood-gate-sections the PAHs concentrations were increased. The hydraulic conditions are the agent determining the distribution of PAHs by influent on the organic suspended solids sedimentation.}, type={Artykuł}, title={Polycyclic Hydrocarbons as the Pollutants of Bottom Sediments of Gliwice Channel}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/123996/PDF-MASTER/11_AE_VOL_27_3_2001_Kostecki_Wielopierscieniowe.pdf}, keywords={polycyclic hydrocarbons, bottom sediments}, }