@ARTICLE{Strzelecka_Elżbieta_Horticultural_2020, author={Strzelecka, Elżbieta and Woźna, Magdalena}, number={No 277}, journal={Biuletyn KPZK}, pages={57-70}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={PAN, Komitet Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju}, abstract={Cities seeking their individual development path use various development models. Urban development management through large urban projects is an expression of departure from the so-called global change regulated urbanism to urbanism through projects. This approach is also used by the city of Lodz, recovering, e.g. through large revitalization projects, its industrial heritage, but processed and adapted to the needs of current residents. The Horticultural EXPO 2024 exhibition (so-called Green EXPO) planned in Lodz belongs to the highest world-class exhibitions, i.e. class A1. The topics of this type of exhibition focus on various aspects related to, among others with greenery in cities, ecology, agriculture and gardening. It is another development opportunity for Lodz in accordance with a relatively new and innovative model – urban agriculture – in urban planning. The article presents the historical context of the organization of the exhibition, the results of research on the needs and expectations of the inhabitants of Lodz related to the planned exhibition, including the spatial aspect, the importance of the exhibition for the needs of shaping a healthy living environment.}, type={Artykuł}, title={Horticultural EXPO 2024 in Lodz and Urban Agriculture}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/124854/PDF-MASTER/Biuletyn%20277-6-Strzelecka.pdf}, keywords={Horticultural EXPO in Lodz, municipal greenery, sustainable development, urban agriculture, urbanism through projects}, }