@ARTICLE{Szwajcowski_Adam_Continuous_2023, author={Szwajcowski, Adam}, volume={vol. 48}, number={No 1}, journal={Archives of Acoustics}, pages={127-139}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Committee on Acoustics}, abstract={Expressing head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) in the spherical harmonic (SH) domain has been thoroughly studied as a method of obtaining continuity over space. However, HRTFs are functions not only of direction but also of frequency. This paper presents an extension of the SH-based method, utilizing hyperspherical harmonics (HSHs) to obtain an HRTF representation that is continuous over both space and frequency. The application of the HSH approximation results in a relatively small set of coefficients which can be decoded into HRTF values at any direction and frequency. The paper discusses results obtained by applying the method to magnitude spectra extracted from exemplary HRTF measurements. The HRTF representations based on SHs and HSHs exhibit similar reproduction accuracy, with the latter one featuring continuity over both space and frequency and requiring much lower number of coefficients. The developed HSH-based continuous functional model can serve multiple purposes, such as interpolation, compression or parametrization for machine-learning applications.}, type={Article}, title={Continuous Head-related Transfer Function Representation Based on Hyperspherical Harmonics}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/126391/PDF-MASTER/aoa.2023.144267.pdf}, doi={10.24425/aoa.2023.144267}, keywords={hyperspherical harmonics, HRTF, spherical harmonics, continuous functional model, directivity}, }