@ARTICLE{Zaremba_Marcin_Our_2014, author={Zaremba, Marcin}, number={Nr 2 (42) 2014 Utility}, pages={22-24}, journal={ACADEMIA. The magazine of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, language={eng}, abstract={The historian should try to understand the past and interpret it in such a way that people will want to read about it. I would not propose any other mission. And certainly the historian should never have a political axe to grind - says Dr. Marcin Zaremba.}, type={Interview}, title={Our New Battlefields}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/126436/PDF-MASTER/9_ACADEMIA_EN_2_42_2014_Zaremba_Our.pdf}, }