@ARTICLE{Kryzia_Dominik_An_2023, author={Kryzia, Dominik and Kryzia, Katarzyna}, volume={vol. 26}, number={No 3}, journal={Polityka Energetyczna - Energy Policy Journal}, pages={171-186}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i EnergiÄ… PAN}, abstract={The aim of this article is to assess the potential of converting gasoline-powered passenger cars into electric vehicles in Poland. Based on the available literature data, the vehicle structure was classified using the following criteria: vehicle age, engine capacity, car segment, type of fuel used, and curb weight. The average fuel and electric energy consumption values per vehicle before and after conversion were determined using specially developed statistical models. The conversion and operation costs of a conventionally fueled vehicle and an electric vehicle (after conversion) were estimated using a stochastic simulation model employing probability density distributions of vehicle parameters and the Monte Carlo method. Vehicle parameters were estimated to reflect the real structure of passenger cars in Poland. The estimated costs of converting a gasoline-powered vehicle to an electric vehicle (including the purchase and installation of an electric motor and battery) and its subsequent operating costs enabled the assessment of the economic efficiency of the car conversion process. The potential for converting gasoline-powered cars to electric vehicles was estimated by comparing the operating costs of the vehicle before and after conversion, taking into account the costs of the conversion itself. The potential of the studied conversion process amounted to 535,000 vehicles, which would generate an annual electricity demand of 1,746.36 GWh with electricity prices of 0.6 PLN/kWh. The conversion is economically viable mainly in passenger cars with a spark engine (more than 90% of cases).}, type={Article}, title={An evaluation of the potential of the conversion of passenger cars powered by conventional fuels into electric vehicles}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/128700/PDF/10-Kryzia%20i%20Kryzia.pdf}, keywords={electromobility, conversion, ICE vehicles, Monte Carlo, economic efficiency}, }