@ARTICLE{Ospanov_Zhandos_Increasing_2024, author={Ospanov, Zhandos and Dossanova, Saule and Tadjieva, Sayora and Maidyrova, Aigul}, volume={Vol. 15}, number={No 4}, journal={Management and Production Engineering Review}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Production Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Association for Production Management}, abstract={In the context of Kazakhstan’s economic digitalisation, increasing economic efficiency is a top priority. Digitalisation enhances enterprises’ financial stability and decision-making speed. This is particularly vital for mining enterprises, a key focus of the “Digital Kazakhstan” state program. This study aims to develop strategies to boost economic efficiency by analysing its essence and evaluating mining enterprises in East Kazakhstan. The methods used in the research include statistical analysis, comparison, structural and logical analysis, and synthesis. The results include determining the essence of economic efficiency, evaluating the dynamics of industrial production indices, production volume, and structure, and assessing economic efficiency indicators of mining enterprises. Five key areas affecting economic efficiency were identified: technology, material resources, management, labour resources, and the general system. The introduction of Big Data digital technology is suggested for each area to significantly enhance efficiency.}, title={Increasing the Economic Efficiency of Mining Industry Enterprises in Terms of Digitalisation: Example of the East Kazakhstan Region}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/133933/PDF-MASTER/1134_1k.pdf}, keywords={Digital technology, Big Data, Profitability, Material Intensity, Capital Productivity}, }