@ARTICLE{Plebankiewicz_E._Szacowanie_2015, author={Plebankiewicz, E. and Juszczyk, M. and Malara, J.}, number={No 3}, pages={51-62}, journal={Archives of Civil Engineering}, howpublished={online}, year={2015}, publisher={WARSAW UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING and COMMITTEE FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES}, abstract={The article presents briefly several methods of working time estimation. However, three methods of task duration assessment have been selected to investigate working time in a real construction project using the data collected from observing workers laying terrazzo flooring in staircases. The first estimation has been done by calculating a normal and a triangular function. The next method, which is the focus of greatest attention here, is PERT. The article presents a way to standardize the results and the procedure algorithm allowing determination of the characteristic values for the method. Times to perform every singular component sub-task as well as the whole task have been defined for the collected data with the reliability level of 85%. The completion time of the same works has also been calculated with the use of the KNR. The obtained result is much higher than the actual time needed for execution of the task calculated with the use of the previous method. The authors argue that PERT is the best method of all three, because it takes into account the randomness of the entire task duration and it can be based on the actual execution time known from research.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Szacowanie czasów realizacji zadań z wykorzystaniem metody PERT na przykładzie konkretnej realizacji}, title={Estimation of task completion times with the use of the PERT method on the example of a real construction project}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/84030/mainfile.pdf}, keywords={Metoda PERT, czas pracy, PERT method, working time}, }