Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Calculation Of The Brushless DC Motor Shaft Speed With Allowances For Incorrect Alignment Of Sensors Tytuł czasopisma Metrology and Measurement Systems Rocznik 2015 Wolumin vol. 22 Numer No 3 Autorzy Kolano, Krzysztof Słowa kluczowe drive systems ; BLDC motor ; sensor misalignment Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 393-402 Wydawca Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Metrology and Scientific Instrumentation Data 2015[2015.01.01 AD - 2015.12.31 AD] Typ Artykuły / Articles Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/mms-2015-0038 ; ISSN 2080-9050, e-ISSN 2300-1941 Źródło Metrology and Measurement Systems; 2015; vol. 22; No 3; 393-402 Referencje Alaeinovin (2008), Evaluating misalignment of hall sensor in brushless DC motors Electric, Power Conference IEEE, 1. ; Samoylenko (2007), Improving dynamic performance of low - precision brushless Dc motors with unbalanced hall sensor power engineering Society General Meeting, IEEE, 1. ; Samoylenko (2008), Dynamic performance of brushless DC motors with unbalanced hall sensor Transactions on, IEEE Energy Conversion, 23, 752, ; Hung (2007), A variable - sampling controller for brushless DC motor drives with low - resolution position sensors Industrial, Electronics IEEE Transactions, 54, 2846, ; Sikora (2012), Impact of Hall sensor positioning on symmetry of BLDC control signals Power Electrical Drives Automation and motion International, Electronics Symposium, 249. ; Damodharan (2010), Sensorless brushless DC motor drive based on the zero - crossing detection of back electromotive force from the line voltage difference IEEE Transaction on, Energy Conversion, 25, 661, ; Baszyński (2014), A novel speed measurement method for high - speed BLDC motor based on signals form rotor position sensor Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions, 10, 84. ; Kia (2011), A novel method for measuring rotational speed of BLDC motors using voltage feedback Control and Automation nd International Conference, Instrumentation, 791.