Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Effect of structural relaxations within the amorphous structure on the magnetic properties of amorphous tapes from FeCoB family Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Metallurgy and Materials Rocznik 2017 Wolumin vol. 62 Numer No 1 Autorzy Szota, M. Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Wydawca Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences ; Committee of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy of Polish Academy of Sciences Data 2017 Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/amm-2017-0031 ; e-ISSN 2300-1909 Źródło Archives of Metallurgy and Materials; 2017; vol. 62; No 1 Referencje Goll (2007), Micromagnetism - Microstructure Relations and the Hysteresies Loop Handbook of Magnetism and Advanced Magnetic Materials Edited by, and, 2. ; Brown (1940), Theory of the Approach to Magnetic Saturation, Phys Rev, 58. ; Gondro (2015), Magnetocaloric Effect in Amorphous and Partially Crystallized Fe Alloy, Acta Phys Pol A, 127. ; Błoch (2015), Approach to Ferromagnetic Saturation for the Bulk Amorphous Alloy Co Ti -, Acta Phys Pol A, 61, 127. ; Gondro (2014), Microstructure and some thermomagnetic properties of amorphous and partially crystallized Fe - - - alloys, Physica B Condensed Matter, 22, 445. ; Szewieczek (2001), Changes of mechanical properties and fracture morphology of amorphous tapes involved by heat treatment, Mater Process Tech, 109. ; 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