Details Details PDF BIBTEX RIS Title Geochemical Characteristics of the Bismuth and Antimony Occurrence in Some Coal Seams in the Lublin Coal Basin (LCB) Journal title Archives of Mining Sciences Yearbook 2017 Issue No 2 Authors Parzentny, Henryk R. ; Róg, Leokadia Divisions of PAS Nauki Techniczne Publisher Committee of Mining PAS Date 2017 Identifier DOI: 10.1515/amsc-2017-0024 ; ISSN 0860-7001 Source Archives of Mining Sciences; 2017; No 2 References Xu (2003), Status of trace element emission in a coal combustion process : a review, Fuel Processing Technology, 85, 215. ; Parzentny (2009), Srebro cyna i wolfram w węglu z formacji Lublina ( westfal w Lubelskim Zagłębiu Węglowym ( LZW ) - Mineral Nr, Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi Resources Management, 25, 147. ; Ratafia (1994), Overview of trace elements partitioning in flam es and furnaces of utility coal - fired boilers, Fuel Processing Technology, 39, 139. ; Lewińska (2009), Geochemical distribution of trace elements in Kaffioyra and Longyearbyen coals Spitsbergen Norway of Coal, International Journal Geology, 80, 211. ; Strugała (2014), Analiza zawartości wybranych pierwiastków krytycznych w odpadach z procesu wzbogacania węgla kamiennego Polityka Energetyczna, Energy Policy Journal, 17, 77. ; Lopo (1999), de The petrographic composition of world coals Statistical results obtained from a literature survey with reference to coal type ( maceral composition ) of Coal, International Journal Geology, 40, 27. ; Ketris (2009), Estimations of Clarkes for Carbonaceous biolithes : World avarages for trace element contents in black shales and coals of Coal, International Journal Geology, 78, 135.