

Self-esteem and social support in the occupational stress-subjective health relationship among medical professionals

Journal title

Polish Psychological Bulletin




No 1


Divisions of PAS

Nauki Humanistyczne i Społeczne


Committee for Psychological Science PAS




DOI: 10.2478/s10059-009-0003-5


Polish Psychological Bulletin; 2009; No 1


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Aims and scope

Polish Psychological Bulletin (founded in 1970) is an official journal of Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee for Psychological Science.The journal publish a variety of papers, including empirical reports of experiments, surveys and field studies, theoretical articles, controversies and analytic papers on important psychological topics. Relevance for an international readership is our prominent goal, Polish Psychological Bulletin does not publish clinical case studies, or technical articles. Submissions from all domains of psychology are encouraged, especially those that address new developments and pursue innovative approaches.

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