A Study on the Durability of Dimensionally Stable Electrode in High-Rate Electroplating Process Condition Using Accelerated Life TestJournal title
Archives of Metallurgy and MaterialsYearbook
vol. 66Issue
No 3Authors
Park, Sung Cheol : Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Advanced Functional Technology R&D Department, Incheon, Republic of Korea ; Park, Sung Cheol : Inha University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Incheon, Republic of Korea ; Jung, Yeon Jae : Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Advanced Functional Technology R&D Department, Incheon, Republic of Korea ; Koo, SeokBon : Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Advanced Functional Technology R&D Department, Incheon, Republic of Korea ; Lee, Kee-Ahn : Inha University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Incheon, Republic of Korea ; Son, Seong Ho : Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Advanced Functional Technology R&D Department, Incheon, Republic of KoreaKeywords
durability ; prediction ; dimensionally stable electrode ; accelerated life test ; failure mechanismDivisions of PAS
Nauki TechniczneCoverage
Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences ; Committee of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy of Polish Academy of SciencesBibliography
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