The Potential of Stairways to Influence Spatial and Visual Interaction of Landscape Elements in Historical Urban EnvironmentJournal title
Teka Komisji Urbanistyki i Architektury Oddziału Polskiej Akademii Nauk w KrakowieYearbook
vol. XLIXAuthors
Sárospataki, Máté : Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Science— MATE, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art, Department of Garden Art and Landscape Design ; Christian-Oláh, Brigitta : Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Science— MATE, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art, Department of Garden Art and Landscape Design ; Szabó, Patrícia : Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Science— MATE, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art, Department of Garden Art and Landscape DesignKeywords
identity ; aesthetic value ; heritage site ; characterDivisions of PAS
Nauki TechniczneCoverage
Oddział PAN w KrakowieBibliography
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