

Analysis of the effect of inertial forces of the electrolyte flow on the ECM machining effects of curvilinear rotary surfaces

Journal title

Archive of Mechanical Engineering




vol. 69


No 4



Sawicki, Jerzy : Department of Mechanics and Computer Methods, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, Bydgoszcz, Poland ; Paczkowski, Tomasz : Department of Manufacturing Techniques, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, Bydgoszcz, Poland ; Zdrojewski, Jarosław : Department of Digital Technology, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, Bydgoszcz, Poland


centrifugal forces ; longitudinal forces ; electrochemical machining ; electrolyte flow ; computer simulation ; method of perturbation

Divisions of PAS

Nauki Techniczne




Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee on Machine Building


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DOI: 10.24425/ame.2022.143097