Assessment of mineral profile in Algerian Arbia goats across reproductive phases: Implications for reproductive performanceJournal title
Polish Journal of Veterinary SciencesYearbook
vol. 28Issue
No 1Authors
Guebli, B. : Department of Animal Health, Veterinary Sciences Institute, University of Tiaret, Tiaret, 14000, Algeria ; Guebli, B. : Laboratory of Research on Local Animal Products, University of Tiaret, Tiaret, 14000, Algeria ; Smail, F. : Department of Animal Health, Veterinary Sciences Institute, University of Tiaret, Tiaret, 14000, Algeria ; Smail, F. : Laboratory of Research on Local Animal Products, University of Tiaret, Tiaret, 14000, Algeria ; Ferras, N. : Private Veterinarian Practice, Tizi-Ouzou, 15000, Algeria ; Benahmed, M. : Veterinary doctor, Pilot farm production manager, Tiaret, 14025, Algeria ; Aiche, S. : Department of Agronomy Sciences, University of Laghouat, 3000, Algeria ; Benachenhou, R. : Private Analysis Laboratory, Ahmer El Ain, Tipaza, 42005, Algeria ; Chikhaoui, M. : Department of Animal Health, Veterinary Sciences Institute, University of Tiaret, Tiaret, 14000, Algeria ; Chikhaoui, M. : Laboratory of Research on Local Animal Products, University of Tiaret, Tiaret, 14000, AlgeriaKeywords
Arbia goats ; mineral profile ; parity ; reproduction stages ; reproductive characteristicDivisions of PAS
Nauki Biologiczne i RolniczeCoverage
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