Details Details PDF BIBTEX RIS Title Hexactinellid sponge assemblages across the Campanian– Maastrichtian boundary in the Middle Vistula River section, central Poland Journal title Acta Geologica Polonica Yearbook 2012 Volume vol. 62 Issue No 4 Authors Świerczewska-Gładysz, Ewa Divisions of PAS Nauki o Ziemi Publisher Komitet Nauk Geologicznych PAN ; Wydział Geologii UW Date 2012 Identifier DOI: 10.2478/v10263-012-0030-y ; ISSN 0001-5709 Source Acta Geologica Polonica; 2012; vol. 62; No 4 References Yahel (2006), and Size in - dependent selective filtration of ultraplankton by hexa - ctinellid glass sponges, Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 45, 181, ; Schneider (2011), Between the Alb and the Alps The fauna of the Upper Cretaceous Sandbach Formation ( Passau region southeast Germany ), Bulletin of Geosciences, 86, 785, ; Niebuhr (2011), Integrated stratigraphy of the Kronsmoor section ( northern Germany a reference point for the base of the Maastrichtian in the Boreal Realm, Acta Geologica Polonica, 61, 193. ; Walaszczyk (2012), Integrated stratigraphy of the Campan - ian Maastrichtian boundary succession of the Middle Vistula River ( central Poland ) section ; introduction Acta, Geologica Polonica, 62, 463. ; Alexandrowicz (1954), Turonian of the southern part of the Cracow Upland, Acta Geologica Polonica, 4, 361. ; Skupien (2008), Campanian to Maas - trichtian palynofacies and dinoflagellate cysts of the Silesian Unit Outer Western Carpathians Czech Re - public, Bulletin of Geosciences, 83, 207, ; Machalski (2012), Stratigraphically important ammonites from the Campanian Maastrichtian boundary interval of the Middle Vistula River section central Poland Acta, Geologica Polonica, 62, 91. ; Błaszkiewicz (1966), Remarks on Campanian and Maas - trichtian stratigraphy of the Middle Vistula River valley ( Central Poland [ In Polish with English summary, Geological Quarterly, 10, 1060. ; Keutgen (2012), Early rep - resentatives of the belemnite genus Belemnella ( Cephalopoda ) from the uppermost Campanian Lower Maastrichtian of the Middle Vistula River Valley section central Poland, Acta Geologica Polonica, 62, 535, ; Schrammen (1903), Zur Systematik der Kieselspongien Mitteilungen aus dem Roemer, Museum Hildesheim, 19, 1. ; Conway (1991), and Luternauer Holocene sponge bioherms on the western Canadian continental shelf, Continental Shelf Research, 11, 771, ; Pile (2003), Heterotrophy on ultraplankton communities is an impor - tant source of nitrogen for a sponge rhodophyte symbio - sis The of, Journal Experimental Biology, 206, 4533, ; Olszewska (2009), and Świerczewska The phosphatized sponges from the Santonian ( Upper Cretaceous ) of the Wielkanoc Quarry southern Poland ) as a tool in stratigraphical and environmental studies Acta, Geologica Polonica, 59, 483. ; Wiese (2001), The hexactinellid sponge Cys - tispongia bursa from the Turonian and HEXACTINELLID SPONGES ACROSS THE CAMPANIAN MAASTRICHTIAN BOUNDARY Lower Coniacian ( Upper Cretaceous ) of northern Ger - many and England, Cretaceous Research, 22, 579, ; Rützler (1978), Siliceous sponge spicules in coral reef sediments, Marine Biology, 49, 147, ; Świerczewska (2006), Late Cretaceous siliceous sponges from the Middle Vistula River Valley ( Central Poland ) and their palaeoecological significance Annales, Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 76, 227. ; Remin (2012), The Belemnella stratigraphy of the Cam - panian Maastrichtian boundary ; a new methodological and taxonomic approach, Acta Geologica Polonica, 62, 495, ; Kennedy (1992), Am - monite correlation of the uppermost Campanian of West - ern Europe the U Gulf Coast Atlantic Seaboard and Western Interior and the numerical age of the base of the Maastrichtian, Geological Magazine, 129, 497, ; Leys (1998), Hexactinellid sponge ecology growth rates and seasonality in deep water sponges of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Journal, 230, 111. ; Vodrážka (2009), Phosphatic intraclasts in shallow - water hemipelagic strata : a source of palaeoecological taphonomic and bios - tratigraphic data ( Upper Turonian Bohemian Cretaceous Basin ), Cretaceous Research, 30, 204, ; Whitney (2005), Oceanographic habi - tat of sponge reefs on the Western Canadian Continental Shelf, Continental Shelf Research, 25, 211, ; Termier (1981), and Termier Spongiaires du Crétacé Moyen, Cretaceous Research, 2, 427, ; Haq (1988), Mesozoic and Cenozoic chronostratigraphy and cycles of sea - level changes In Posamentier Ross and So - ciety of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication, Van, 42, 71. ; Krautter (2006), Recent hexactinosidian sponge reefs ( silicate mounds ) off British Columbia Canada : Frame - building processes Journal of, Paleontology, 80, 38,[0038:RHSRSM]2.0.CO;2 ; Walaszczyk (2004), Inoceramids and inoceramid bios - tratigraphy of the Upper Campanian to basal Maas - trichtian of the Middle Vistula River section Central Poland, Acta Geologica Polonica, 54, 95.