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Disposable foundry models constitute an increasingly important role in a unitary large-size foundry. These models have many benefits, but technologies using such materials require an understanding of degradation kinetics at the time of filling. The studies presented in the article determine the size of the polystyrene combustion products used for disposable foundry models. The results were obtained by carrying out the combustion process of the polystyrene model in a special combustion chamber, in different configurations. The pressures generated during thermal degradation vary depending on process parameters such as model density or the use of an additional adhesive binder. The results of laboratory tests may suggest what values of pressure are generated when filling in full-mold and lost foam technologies. The studies provide a prelude to further analysis of materials used for disposable foundry models and quantitative evaluation of their thermal degradation products for computer simulation.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Jureczko
1 2
Dariusz Bartocha

  1. Department of Foundry Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, 7 Towarowa Str. 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
  2. Joint Doctoral School, Silesian University of Technology, 2A Akademicka Str. 44-100 Gliwice, Poland

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