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This contribution presents the record of an abundant assemblage of well-preserved, thallophytic noncalcified algae and of an epibiotic form that has been recognised as a putative graptolite from the upper Silurian (Ludlow, Gorstian–Ludfordian) of Podolia (western part of Ukraine). The sediments represent a shallow peritidal zone of the shelf. A new genus and species, Voronocladus dryganti, belonging to the Dasycladales Pascher, 1931, is established. Most of the specimens representing the algal thallus are overgrown by problematical epibiotic graptolites, described as Podoliagraptus algaeoides gen. et sp. nov. This phenomenon is explained as an epiphytic mode of life of the putative graptolite on algae, and is herein compared to recently known coexistences of algae with other organisms. The excellent state of preservation, and the abundance of studied Dasycladales algae and epibiotic problematics indicate that the investigated mudstone layer can be treated as a ‘Konservat Lagerstätte’ sensu Seilacher (1970).
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Stanisław Skompski
Anna Kozłowska
Wojciech Kozłowski
Piotr Łuczyński

  1. University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geology, Żwirki i Wigury 93, 02-089 Warszawa, Poland
  2. Institute of Paleobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warszawa, Poland
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This article focuses on the question of the relation between the subject of The Modern World-System by Immanuel Wallerstein and the theoretical object of worldsystem analysis as a multidisciplinary approach that he proposed for history and the social sciences. The importance of this approach as well as its theoretical deficiencies are shown by examining two unanswered critiques of the first volume of The Modern World-System — one coming from Robert Brenner and the second from Fernand Braudel.

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Jan Swianiewicz
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The analysis of cogging torque, torque ripple and total harmonic distortion of a permanent magnet (PM) flux-switching machine having separate excitation stators is presented in this study. Further, the effect of unbalanced magnetic force (UMF) on the rotor of this machine is also investigated. A comparison of the analysed machine having different rotor pole configurations is also given. The analysis shows that the largest cogging torque, torque ripple as well as total harmonic distortion (THD) are obtained in the four-rotor-pole machine while the least of THD and torque ripple effects is seen in the thirteen-rotor-pole machine. Furthermore, the evaluation of the radial magnetic force of the machines having an odd number of rotor poles shows that the investigated machine having a five-rotor-pole number exhibits the highest value of UMF, while the smallest amount of UMF is obtained in an eleven-rotor-pole machine. Similarly, it is observed that the machines having an even number of rotor poles exhibit a negligible amount of UMF compared to the ones of the odd number of rotor poles.

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Chukwuemeka Chijioke Awah
Ogbonnaya Inya Okoro
Edward Chikuni
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In order to ensure the safe operation of electromagnetic suspension (EMS) maglev trains, it is necessary to pay attention to the control loop performance of the suspension system. The suspension system with closed-loop control is tuned to achieve excellent performance at its early stage of operation. After running for a period of time, the control loop may encounter problems e.g., degraded operation, and paralysis may occur in severe cases. In order to quantify the control performance of the suspension system in an explicable manner, this paper proposed a data-driven control loop performance evaluation method based on fractal analysis, which does not require any external sensors and can be applied without data source restrictions such as dimension, volume and resolution. The control loop performances of such suspension systems were monitored, analysed, and evaluated by cross-sectional study, based on the field data of a commercial operation line in the commissioning stage. Furthermore, the track condition was revealed by capturing performance changes of the suspension system running on different guideway girders. The results demonstrate that the proposed method enables early warning of the degeneration of the suspension systems and the track.
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Fei Ni
Yawen Dai
Junqi Xu
Lijun Rong
Qinghua Zheng

  1. National Maglev Transportation Engineering R&D Center, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
  2. Institute of Rail Transit, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
  3. Thyssenkrupp Transrapid GmbH, Munich 80809, Germany
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The publication of Dialectics of Enlightenment by M. Horkheimer and T. Adorno in 1947 provoked a fundamental shift in social philosophy of that time. It forced post-war philosophy to look for a new theory that could be used to analyze ‘the society of late
capitalism’. According to the common view, Dialectics of Enlightenment did not propose any new theory that could fulfill the expected role. Because of that, Horkheimer and Adorno allowed post-war ‘anti-enlightenment’, postmodern philosophical currents to deliver a solution to this problem, which ‘cut this Gordian knot’ by getting rid of the idea of determinate negation from philosophy – which had been one of the most fundamental assumptions of modern philosophy from Hegel to Lukács. According to this popular interpretation, works of critical deconstructors of the discourse of modernity, such as e.g. G. Bataille, J. Lacan, M. Foucault, J. Derrida, F. Jameson, N. Land, G. Deleuze, J.F. Lyotard or J. Baudrillard, were a necessary implication of Dialectics of Enlightenment and its inability to form a new theory. My main aim in this work is to undermine such misinterpretations of Dialectics of Enlightenment and to show errors underlying such views about the ‘counterenlightenment’ as its necessary, long-term effect. My goal is to show that Horkheimer and Adorno in fact considered their book to be a beginning of a new, still ‘proenlightenment’ method of critical social philosophy. They also inserted in the book a real solution to the post-war crisis of social philosophy. The ongoing work of contemporary Frankfurt School representatives is a proof that Dialectics of Enlightenment and the critical theory are still alive and actual nowadays.
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1. Adorno T. (1939), On Kierkegaard’s Doctrine of Love, „Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung” / „Studies in Philosophy and Social Science” 8 (3), s. 413–429.
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3. Adorno T. (2012a), Świadomość negatywna, przeł. P. Graczyk, „Kronos” 3, s. 9–15.
4. Adorno T. (2012b), Umieranie dzisiaj, przeł. P. Graczyk, „Kronos” 3, s. 16–21.
5. Adorno T. (2017), Introduction to dialectics, przeł. C. Ziermann, Cambridge: Polity.
6. Benjamin W. (2006), Paralipomena to „On the Concept of History”, w: tenże, Selected Writings, t. 4, przeł. E. Jephcott, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, s. 401–411.
7. Deleuze G. (2012a), Nietzsche, przeł. B. Banasiak, Łódź: Officyna.
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11. Hegel G.W.F. (2002), Fenomenologia ducha, przeł. A. Landman, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
12. Honneth A. (2007), Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory, Cambridge: Polity.
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15. Horkheimer M., Adorno T.W. (1994), Dialektyka oświecenia, przeł. M. Łukasiewicz, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN.
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28. Olesik M. (2012), Krytyka i utopia – kręte drogi dialektyki jako idei mesjańskiej w filozofii T.W. Adorna, „Kronos” 3, s. 113–126.
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35. Walentowicz H. (2008), Utopia i antyutopia w Szkole Frankfurckiej, „Przegląd Filozoficzny – Nowa Seria” 3, s. 179–208.
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Karol Staśkiewicz
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The subject of the analytical and experimental studies therein is of two metal seven-layer beam - plate bands. The first beam - plate band is composed of a lengthwise trapezoidally corrugated main core and two crosswise trapezoidally corrugated cores of faces. The second beam - plate band is composed of a crosswise trapezoidally corrugated main core and two lengthwise trapezoidally corrugated cores offaces. The hypotheses of deformation of a normal to the middle surface of the beams after bending are formulated. Equations of equilibrium are derived based on the theorem of minimum total potential energy. Three-point bending of the simply supported beams is theoretically and experimentally studied. The deflections of the two beams are determined with two methods, compared and presented.

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E. Magnucka-Blandzi
P. Paczos
P. Wasilewicz
A. Wypych
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Representations of loss, grief and mourning are have a prominent place in Mikhail Shiskhin's fiction. They coexist with other parathanatological themes such as funerals and reflections on life after death. As funerals provide the proper opening of periods of mourning, the first part of the article deals with the characters’ reactions to the scenes of death and burial. It is followed, in the second part, by a close examination of the internal life of selected female characters who experience grief after the loss of a person they love. On the whole, Shiskhin's characters seem to be less preoccupied with the funeral as a social institution, but rather tend to experience bereavement in a way which is typical of a melancholic. Drawing on Jacques Derrida's conceptualization of mourning, the article demonstrates how Shishkin's female characters conceal mourning by the act of incorporating the dead into their own bodies and allowing them their voice. At the same time, the activity of letter writing enables them to hinder or even deny bereavement, and in this way, hold off the admission of a complete loss.
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Anna Skotnicka

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński

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