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Lateritic nickel ore is used for producing of ferronickel. Nickel grade in ferronickel ranged from 20–40%. Ferronickel is commonly used to manufacture stainless steel. A new method that can increase the levels of nickel grade is selective reduction, which is a process to reduce the metal oxide to the metallic phase with the addition of additives. In this work, the selective reduction of limonitic nickel ore was carried out by add the 5 wt%, 10 wt%, and 15 wt% of reductant and the 10 wt% of sulfur as additive. The process of selective reduction is performed at temperatures of 950, 1050, and 1150°C with the duration of processs of 60, 90, and 120 minutes, followed by magnetic separation to separate between the concentrate and tailings. The characterization used AAS, XRD, and SEM-EDS for grade and recovery; phases transformation; and the microstructure analysis. The optimum of the grade and recovery of nickel was obtained at a temperature of 1050°C with the duration of process of 60 minutes and 5 wt% of reductant and 10 wt% of additive, which obtain 3.72 wt% and 95.67%. The metal grade and recovery was increase with the increasing of temperature reduction. Nevertheless, too long of the duration of process and too many reductant addition resulted in negative effect on selective reduction of lateritic nickel ore. Highest recovery could get more nickel in the process. And sulfur has the important rules when the selective reduction has been done on the increasing nickel content, the forming of FeS, and decreasing the grain size of ferronickel according to the microstructure in the SEM images around ~30 μm.
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Cao et al. 2010 – Cao, Z.C., Sun, T.C., Yang, H.F., Wang, J.J. and Wu, X.D. 2010. Recovery of iron and nickel from nickel laterite ore by direct reduction roasting and magnetic separation. Chinese Journal of Engineering 32(6), pp. 708–712, DOI: 10.13374/j.issn1001-053x.2010.06.004.
Dalvi et al. 2004 – Dalvi, A.D., Bacon, W.G. and Osborne R.C. 2004. The Past and The Future of Nickel Laterites. PDAC 2004 International Conference Trade Show and Investors Exchange, Toronto, Canada.
Elliot et al. 2015 – Elliot, R., Rodrigues, F., Pickles, C.A. and Peace, J. 2015. A two-stage process for upgrading thermal nickeliferous limonitic laterite ores. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 54(4), pp. 235–252, DOI: 10.1179/1879139515Y.0000000009.
Elliot et al. 2017 – Elliot, R., Pickles, C.A. and Peace, J. 2017. Ferronickel particle formation during the carbothermic reduction of a limonitic laterite ore. Minerals Engineering 100, pp. 166–176, DOI: 10.1016/j.mineng.2016.10.020.
Foster et al. 2016 – Foster, J., Pickles, C.A. and Elliot, R. 2016. Microwave carbhotematic reduction roasting of low-grade ore nickeliferous silicate laterite. Minerals Engineering 88, pp. 18–27, DOI: 10.1016/j.mineng.2015.09.005.
Jiang et al. 2013 – Jiang, M., Sun, T., Liu, Z., Kou, J., Liu, N. and Zhang, S. 2013. Mechanism of sodium sulfate in promoting the selective reduction of nickel laterite ore during reduction roasting process. International Journal of Mineral Processing 123, pp. 32–38, DOI: 10.1016/j.minpro.2013.04.005.
Li et al. 2012 – Li, G., Shi, T., Rao, M., Jiang, T. and Zhang, Y. 2012. Beneficiation of nickeliferous laterite by reduction roasting in the presence of sodium sulfate. Minerals Engineering 32, pp. 19–26, DOI: 10.1016/J.MINENG.2012.03.012.
Prasetyo, A.B. and Puguh. 2011. Increased levels of nickel (Ni) and iron (Fe) from laterite ore saprolite type low levels for raw materials containing nickel pig iron (NCPII/NPI). Met. Mag. 26, pp. 123–130.
Prasetyo, A.B. and Firdiyono, F.E. 2014. Reduction process optimization laterite ore limonite as raw materials type NPI (Nickel Pig Iron). Majalah Metalurgi 29(1), pp. 9–16.
Valix and Cheung. 2002. Effect of sulfur on the mineral phases of laterite ores at a high-temperature reduction. Minerals Engineering 15, pp. 523–530.
Wang et al. 2017 – Wang, Chu, Z., Liu, M., Wang, H., Zhao, W. and Gao, L. 2017. Preparing ferronickel alloy from low-grade laterite nickel ore reduction based on metallized-magnetic separation. Metals 7(8), pp. 313, DOI: 10.3390/met7080313.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Fathan Bahfie
Achmad Shofi
Ulin Herlina
Anton S. Handoko
Nanda A. Septiana
Syafriadi Syafriadi
Suharto Suharto
Sudibyo Sudibyo
Suhartono Suhartono
Fajar Nurjaman

  1. Research Unit for Mineral Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia, Jalan Ir. Sutami Km 15 South Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia
  2. Agency for Rembang Regional Planning and Development, Rembang Local Government, Indonesia
  3. Department of Physic-University of Lampung,Jl. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sumantri Brojonegoro No. 1, Gedong Meneng, Kec. Rajabasa, Kota Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
  4. Chemical Engineering Department, University of Jenderal Achmad Yani, Jalan Terusan Jend. Sudirman, Cibeber, Kec. Cimahi Sel., Kota Cimahi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia


Defined as “the ways the writers project themselves into their texts to communicate their integrity, credibility, involvement, and a relationship to their subject matter and their readers” (Hyland, 1999: 101), stance can be expressed by a variety of means, including, among others, hedges, emphatics and attitude markers. The use of these elements – their frequency, distribution and variety in different text types – is language and culture-specific. This paper focuses on selected exponents of stance by which speakers of English and Polish express their assessment of the truth of a proposition and their commitment to this assessment, and more specifically, on high-value modal verbs of epistemic necessity and inference used in linguistics research articles in these two languages. The analysis is based on two corpora of research articles published in the years 2001–2006 in English- and Polish-language linguistics-related journals, each corpus consisting of 200 complete articles. The analysis focuses on the following modal and quasi-modal verbs: MUST, NEED, HAVE (GOT) TO (Eng.) and MUSIEĆ (Pl.) in an attempt to discuss their use in one specific genre and discipline but across languages and cultures. The results indicate that, compared to the English necessity and inference cluster, Polish MUST is heavily underrepresented, but that the proportion of epistemic and root meanings as well as the ratio of epistemic proper and indirect evidential senses is similar across the two studied corpora. It is also apparent that for the English data the relative frequency of individual modal expressions is different from that reported from non-academic varieties of English, and that the proportion of epistemic and root meanings for these modals is different in the studied sample and in non-academic contexts.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krystyna Warchał


The paper presents the results of simulation tests of hydraulic resistance and temperature distribution of the prototype Stirling alpha engine supplied with waste heat. The following elements were analyzed: heater, regenerator and cooler. The engine uses compressed air as a working gas. Analyses were carried out for three working pressure values and different engine speeds. The work was carried out in order to optimize the configuration of the engine due to the minimization of hydraulic resistance, while maintaining the required thermal capacity of the device. Preliminary tests carried out on the real object allowed to determine boundary and initial conditions for simulation purposes. The simulation assumes that there is no heat exchange between the regenerator and the environment. The solid model used in simulation tests includes the following elements: supply channel, heater, regenerator, cooler, discharge channel. Due to the symmetrical structure of the analyzed elements, simulation tests were carried out using 1/6 of the volume of the system.

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Mariusz Furmanek
Jacek Kropiwnicki


This paper describes the weather conditions on the NE coast of Sørkappland (South Spitsbergen) during August 2005, and considers them in the context of the general synoptic situation over the North Atlantic . A comparison of local climates features for the East and West coast of southern Spitsbergen shows that the general atmospheric circulation and direct solar radiation in summer are the decisive factors affecting weather on the East coast. Foehn effects were observed during the study period. In the East, these were triggered by the westerly cyclonic situation and, in the West, by the easterly. The differences in the intensity of foehn effects may be explained by a specific relief of the Sørkappland peninsula.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Wojciech Maciejowski
Adam Michniewski


The paper looks at the issues of operation safety of the national power grid and the characteristics

of the national power grid in the areas of transmission and distribution. The issues of

operation safety of the national transmission and distribution grid were discussed as well as threats

to operation safety and security of the electricity supply related to these grids. Failures in the

transmission and distribution grid in 2017, caused by extreme weather conditions such as: a violent

storm at the night of 11/12.08.2017, hurricane Ksawery on 5–8.10.2017, and hurricane Grzegorz on

29–30.10.2017, the effects of which affected tens of thousands of electricity consumers and led to

significant interruptions in the supply of electricity were presented. At present, the national power

(transmission and distribution) grid does not pose a threat to the operation safety and security of

the electricity supply, and is adapted to the current typical conditions of electricity demand and the

performance of tasks during a normal state of affairs, but locally may pose threats, especially in

extreme weather conditions. A potentially high threat to the operation safety of the national power

grid is closely linked to: age, technical condition and the degree of depletion of the transmission and

distribution grids, and their high failure rate due to weather anomalies. Therefore, it is necessary

to develop and modernize the 400 and 220 kV transmission grids, cross-border interconnections,

and the 110 kV distribution grid (especially in the area of large urban agglomerations), and the MV

distribution grid (especially in rural areas). The challenges faced by the transmission and distribution

grid operators within the scope of investment and operating activities, with a view to avoiding

or at least reducing the scale of grid failures in the case of future sudden high-intensity atmospheric

phenomena, are presented.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Waldemar Dołęga


Nadrzędnym celem funkcjonowania Krajowego Systemu Elektroenergetycznego (KSE) jest zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa dostaw energii elektrycznej. W okresie letnim nasila się tendencja wzrostowa zapotrzebowania na energię elektryczną wywołana m.in. przez upowszechnienie klimatyzacji. W związku z tym należy spodziewać się utrzymania tendencji wzrostowej zapotrzebowania szczytowego w okresie letnim. Przykłady z lat 2015, 2016 czy 2018 wskazują, że KSE potrzebuje letniego źródła szczytowego, które będzie w stanie wytwarzać energię elektryczną niezależnie od sytuacji hydrologicznej. Fotowoltaika jest źródłem energii, które może pokryć zapotrzebowanie szczytowe w dni upalne. W niniejszym artykule pokrótce scharakteryzowano problem wzrostu zapotrzebowania na energię elektryczną w okresie letnim i posłużono się przykładami zdarzeń, które miały miejsce w ostatnich latach. Głównym wnioskiem jest postulat rozbudowy mocy fotowoltaicznych, którego celem będzie produkcja energii elektrycznej w dni upalne pokrywająca szczytowe obciążenie sytemu. Przedstawiono zalety i wady takiego rozwiązania. Niekorzystne warunki atmosferyczne ograniczają produkcję energii elektrycznej z farm wiatrowych czy bloków konwencjonalnych, a także zwiększają straty w przesyle, dlatego fotowoltaika jest pożądanym źródłem z punktu widzenia KSE. W artykule powołano się na przykłady z Czech i Niemiec, gdzie znaczna moc zainstalowana fotowoltaiki pozwala na stabilizowanie pracy systemu elektroenergetycznego w dni upalne. Wskazano także na wzrost roli fotowoltaiki w KSE, który jest zgodny z założeniami Projektu Polityki Energetycznej Polski do 2040 roku.

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Bartosz Sobik


This article describes a thermodynamic analysis of an oxy type power plant. The analyzed power plant consists of: 1) steam turbine for supercritical steam parameters of 600 °C/29 MPa with a capacity of 600 MW; 2) circulating fluidized bed boiler, in which brown coal with high moisture content (42.5%) is burned in the atmosphere enriched in oxygen; 3) air separation unit (ASU); 4) CO2 capture installation, where flue gases obtained in the combustion process are compressed to the pressure of 150 MPa. The circulated fluidized bed (CFB) boiler is integrated with a fuel dryer and a cryogenic air separation unit. Waste nitrogen from ASU is heated in the boiler, and then is used as a coal drying medium. In this study, the thermal efficiency of the boiler, steam cycle thermal efficiency and power demand were determined. These quantities made possible to determine the net efficiency of the test power plant.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Janusz Kotowicz
Aleksandra Dryjańska


The paper deals with the computational fluid dynamics modelling of carbon dioxide capture from flue gases in the post combustioncapture method, one of the available carbon capture and storage technologies. 30% aqueous monoethanolamine solution was used as a solvent in absorption process. The complex flow system including multiphase countercurrent streams with chemical reaction and heat transfer was considered to resolve the CO2 absorption. The simulation results have shown the realistic behaviour and good consistency with experimental data. The model was employed to analyse the influence of liquid to gas ratio on CO2 capture efficiency.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Paweł Niegodajew
Dariusz Dariusz Asendrych
Stanisław Drobniak


Adam Mickiewicz’s Pan Tadeusz (in English: Sir Thaddeus, or the Last Lithuanian Foray), the national epic poem, was first published in June 1834. It was perceived as a idyllic work, full of happiness and very ideal heroes. However, one of the most problem of this poem is treason! It is very important to put a question: what is treason in the strict sense of the word? There are a lot of kinds of treason or only one? Is it possible to betray own country on account of favouriting strange fashion, customs or painting? In Pan Tadeusz Mickiewicz intended to stand up for the Polish tradition. He had a high opinion of loyalty, steadiness and the selfless sense of duty.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jan Tomkowski


Conducting Mariology in context is one of the original elements of contemporary Polish theology. Its methodological and theological justification is through the mystery of the Triune God and not the constantly changing culture. Researching the image of God in Mariological doctrine is one manner of verifying theological hypotheses or conclusions. The image of Mary is dependent on the image of God. Whenever the history of salvation was perceived as the work of the Father through the Son in the Holy Spirit, Mary was presented as a participant (or a recipient) and a witness of the activities of God. The more Divine Providence was valued, the more frequent was the encouragement to worship it as Mother of Jesus did in her Magnificat. Some theses from the analyzed sources are especially inspirational. We need to notice the invitations to reflect on the mediatorship of Jesus (per Jesum ad Mariam) and the Holy Spirit (per Spiritum ad Mariam) as well as reflect on the soteriological model of receptio.
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Ks.Kazimierz Pek

  1. Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II w Lublinie

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