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The purpose of the study was determining of degree of contamination of soil cover as a result of disposing of different industrial wastes and comparison of the soil quality with quality of soils and the grounds described in standards in relation to the reclamation works carried out on the dump. Analysed waste dump belongs to the sparse objects of this type in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, where both coal mining wastes as well as flying ashes occur.
During investigations there was done a collection of 9 soil samples around the dump using Egner`s cane from the depth of 30 cm. The content of heavy metals was determined (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) using method of emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and phase composition studies using the X-ray diffraction method (XRD ).
Obtained results enabled determination of impact of disposed wastes on the degradation of pedosphere of studied area, which represents III group of fallow lands. The contents of heavy metals in soil samples vary in wide spectrum, but do not exceed permissible content of metals and metalloids for the aforementioned soil group. The highest concentrations reaches iron (average content 0,6%), while concentrations of other elements do not exceed 0.02%. In the mineral composition of soil samples the dominant components are typical for soils in the area of post-mining dumps, i.e. quartz, feldspars, clay minerals, represented by kaolinite and illite. The presence of muscovite with a share of < 5% was also found. Minerals from the carbonate group – calcite (< 3.5%) and dolomite (< 0.3%) occur rarely. In the investigated samples there was identified presence of mullite, component typical for wastes coming from energy sector.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marek Marcisz
Zdzisław Adamczyk
Łukasz Gawor
Katarzyna Nowińska

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland


The paper introduces a new design of a platform mechanism with 6 DOF. The platform is supported on three active legs, each equipped with two rotating drives. The mechanism can be used in active vibration control systems. The values of drive angular velocities are precisely controlled, so that the transmission of the base vibrations onto the platform could be minimal. The values of drive torques to be generated are determined. The mechanism was modelled using the Working Model® 30. The effects of active vibration control are also presented.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Grzegorz Tora


The names of stations in the Way of the Cross may be used as titles of pictures and sculptures, each corresponding to a particular event in the Passion of Christ, or as titles of meditations. The article focuses on the second meaning, but the trends of the development of both kinds of names are similar. The study is based on material consisting of about 200 texts of the service that have been published from the beginning of the 20th century to the present (2020). The purpose of the article is to describe the changes that have taken place in the 20th century, a period of particularly turbulent changes in religious discourse. The article deals with the function, syntactic structure and features of style, such as the use of archaic or colloquial vocabulary. These properties are considered in connection with social and cultural changes. At the beginning of the analyzed period, it was customary to use relatively long titles, which informed the participant or reader about a particular event using expressive and evaluative lexis. Those titles gradually gave way to short, schematic names. Since the Second Vatican Council, titles of a new type have appeared. Their purpose is to attract the attention of the recipient. They are based on a riddle, a contrast, allusions, etc. Therefore, the recipient derives satisfaction from deciphering the puzzle or finding the source of the quote or allusion. These phenomena are known from research on the language of press or fiction, but they can also be linked to current trends in the so-called new evangelization.

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Agnieszka Sieradzka-Mruk


W opracowaniu przedstawiono podstawowe regulacje prawne odnoszące się do bezpiecznego i sprawnego funkcjonowania terminalu przeładunkowego skroplonego gazu naturalnego – LNG. Przyjęto przedmiotowy podział przepisów opisanych w trzech grupach tematycznych, których podstawowym zagadnieniem jest szeroko pojęte bezpieczeństwo: bezpieczeństwo statku i infrastruktury portowej, ochrona środowiska naturalnego oraz kwestie ochrony portu przed atakiem terrorystycznym.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Aleksandra Koska-Legieć


In this paper, two techniques for calculating the geoid-to-quasigeoid separation are employed. One of them is GPS/Levelling customary method as a criterion where the geoid undulation and height anomaly are computed by subtracting the ellipsoid height attained via GPS from the orthometric height and normal height, respectively. Another approach is Sjöberg’s equation. We have used of the ICGEM website for definition of the variables of the Sjöberg’s equation, as the applied reference model is the EGM2008 global geopotential model and WGS84 reference ellipsoid. The investigations are performed over the stations of the GPS/Leveling network related to three selected areas in desert, mountain and flatland namely the Lout, Zagros and Khuzestan in Iran and afterward the correlation coefficient between the geoid-to-quasigeoid separation calculated using the satellite data in Sjöberg’s equation and GPS/Levelling method is estimated. The results indicate a straight correlation between the estimated separations from the two methods as its value for the Lout is 0.754, for the Zagros is 0.497 and for the Khuzestan is 0.659. consequently, using the satellite data in Sjöberg’s equation for the regions where there are not the GPS/Levelling and land gravity data, specially for the even areas, yield a satisfactory response of the geoidto-quasigeoid separation.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ata Eshaghzadeh
Roghayeh Alsadat Kalantari
Zohreh Moeini Hekmat

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