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W sierpniu 2015 roku w efekcie wystąpienia szeregu niekorzystnych okoliczności zaistniało zagrożenie bezpieczeństwa dostaw energii elektrycznej w Polsce. Pierwszy raz od lat osiemdziesiątych XX wieku wprowadzono stopnie zasilania. Wystąpienie tak poważnej sytuacji skłoniło do zadania pytania o bezpieczeństwo funkcjonowania systemu elektroenergetycznego w okresie letnim i sformułowania konkretnych wniosków na przyszłość. W artykule dokonano szczegółowej analizy czynników prowadzących do wystąpienia tej sytuacji. W sierpniu 2015 roku na obszarze Polski wystąpiła susza, która wraz z wyjątkowo wysokimi maksymalnymi temperaturami dobowymi powietrza stworzyła niekorzystne warunki dla funkcjonowania elektrowni cieplnych, szczególnie z obiegami otwartymi, oraz wydatnie ograniczyła przepustowość napowietrznych linii przesyłowych. Warto podkreślić, że wybitnie niekorzystne warunki meteorologiczne panowały wówczas w całej Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej i Zachodniej, ale jedynie w Polsce wystąpiło zagrożenie bezpieczeństwa dostaw energii elektrycznej. Niewłaściwa polityka remontowa oraz liczne awarie jednostek wytwórczych centralnie dysponowanych spowodowały znaczące obniżenie dostępnej mocy w Krajowym Systemie Elektroenergetycznym. Nie bez znaczenia był także fakt wystąpienia zjawiska przepływów kołowych, przez co możliwości importu energii zostały ograniczone praktycznie do zera. Ponadto wykazano korelację między maksymalną temperaturą dobową w dni upalne a wzrostem zapotrzebowania na energię elektryczną. Całokształt czynników wpływających niekorzystnie na funkcjonowanie Krajowego Systemu Elektroenergetycznego doprowadził do wystąpienia zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa dostaw energii elektrycznej. W niniejszym artykule zwrócono także uwagę na raport Najwyższej Izby Kontroli z 2014 roku, który przewidział wystąpienie takiej sytuacji, jednak pozostał bez echa. Sformułowano także propozycje przedsięwzięć mających na celu poprawienie funkcjonowania Krajowego Systemu Elektroenergetycznego w okresie letnim oraz zapobieganie wystąpieniu podobnych zdarzeń w przyszłości.

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Bartosz Sobik


The subject of the study are strategies for the development of 9 cities, which are among the strongest centres outside the current capitals of regions (in Polish: voivodeships) in the least-developed Polish regions. These cities can give the chance to activate their surroundings. Good strategies that increase the competitiveness of cities and stimulate development can contribute to this. The aim of the research was to fi nd answers to the questions whether and to what extent the studied strategies: (1) are in line with the definition and methodology of strategic planning; (2) recognize and use specific combinations of developmental factors; (3) can contribute to the development of their surroundings. The research method involved the analysis of the strategic plans in the light of the above questions. The strategies studied are not fully in line with the strategy defi nition. They contain errors and methodological flaws commonly encountered in other strategies. They use the specificity of developmental factors, but without conscious, methodical recognition of their combinations and without exposing them. The author signals methodical problems specific to the strategic planning in territorial units and makes suggestions for planning practice.

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Jacek Sołtys


The purpose of the article is to show how the TV-series—one of the most important forms of television production — is incorporated into the daily routines of the spectators. Michel de Certeau perspective of applied sociology of everyday life and critical reflection on everyday life is used as a theoretical framework. In the case of TV-series, the routines can take a form of: (1) “logging in” and “reading”” TV-series, (2)movement and sociability routines, and (3) discursive development of received meanings. “Soap opera experience” consists mainly of linguistic practices cultivated while watching the series, which is a modern form of storytelling, socializing, which changes the audiences’ view of reality, its social framework for evaluation and interpretation. A viewer is critical and active; they use consumption processes as an excuse to construct their own meanings and narratives, and negotiate the meaning of what is presented to them.

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Łukasz Sokołowski


The obligation of states to guarantee the sustainable use of the natural resources of the seas and oceans is a result of the regulations of international law. Above all, these emphasize the necessity of linking the process of managing those resources with protection of the marine environment in which they occur. Less attention, however, is paid to the social consequences of not fulfilling the duty to use resources sustainable. The subject of this article is the heterogeneous scope of rights and duties of individual states to use marine resources, dependent on the geographical localization of these resources. Attention will also be given to the central role which is fulfilled, in the context o f the law of the sea, by the whole set of legal principles, according to which states using resources should be guided with the aim of ensuring the sustainable exploitation of those resources.

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Barbara Janusz-Pawletta


Effects of mixing on the course of fast chemical reactions are relatively well understood, especially in homogeneous systems. This enables to design and operate chemical reactors with the goal to achieve a high yield of a desired product and use systems of complex reactions as a chemical probe (chemical test reactions) to identify progress of mixing and quality of mixture. Recently, a number of studies have focused on the application of chemical test reactions to identify energy efficiency of mixing, being a convenient way of comparing mixers and reactors in terms of their mixing efficiency. This review offers a presentation of chemical test reactions available in the literature and methods of applications of test reactions to identify the energy efficiency of mixing. Also methods to assess the extent of micromixing by measuring product distribution or segregation index, and to determine the time constant for mixing are presented for single phase homogeneous systems and two-phase liquid-liquid systems.

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Magdalena Jasińska


Reliable estimation of longitudinal force and sideslip angle is essential for vehicle stability and active safety control. This paper presents a novel longitudinal force and sideslip angle estimation method for four-wheel independent-drive electric vehicles in which the cascaded multi-Kalman filters are applied. Also, a modified tire model is proposed to improve the accuracy and reliability of sideslip angle estimation. In the design of longitudinal force observer, considering that the longitudinal force is the unknown input of the electric driving wheel model, an expanded electric driving wheel model is presented and the longitudinal force is obtained by a strong tracking filter. Based on the longitudinal force observer, taking into consideration uncertain interferences of the vehicle dynamic model, a sideslip angle estimation method is designed using the robust Kalman filter and a novel modified tire model is proposed to correct the original tire model using the estimation results of longitudinal tire forces. Simulations and experiments were carried out, and effectiveness of the proposed estimation method was verified.

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Long Chen
Te Chen
Xing Xu
Yingfeng Cai
Haobin Jiang
Xiaoqiang Sun


Obtaining discrete data is inseparably connected with losing information on surface properties. In contact measurements, the ball tip functions as a mechanical-geometrical filter. In coordinate measurements the coordinates of the measurement points of a discrete distribution on the measured surface are obtained. Surface geometric deviations are represented by a set of local deviations, i.e. deviations of measurement points from the nominal surface (the CAD model), determined in a direction normal to this surface. The results of measurements depend both on the ball tip diameter and the grid size of measurement points. This article presents findings on the influence of the ball tip diameter and the grid size on coordinate measurement results along with the experimental results of measurement of a free-form milled surface, in order to determine its local geometric deviations. One section of the surface under research was measured using different measurement parameters. The whole surface was also scanned with different parameters, observing the rule of selecting the tip diameter d and the sampling interval T in the ratio of 2:1.

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Małgorzata Poniatowska


The development of the crystallographic texture in copper subjected to severe plastic deformation (SPD) by means of high pressure torsion (HPT) and equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) was experimentally investigated and analyzed by means of computer modelling. It was demonstrated, that the texture developed in HPT and ECAP Cu is characterized by significant inhomogeneity. Therefore, the analysis focused on the study of the texture distribution and its inhomogeneity in sample space. The detailed texture analysis, based on the X-ray diffraction technique, led to important observations concerning the localization of the maximum texture gradient and the regularity of its changes related to the parameters of the applied deformation. The obtained results provided the basis for certain conclusions concerning complex texture changes in SPD Cu.

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I.V. Alexandrow
M.V. Zhilina
J.T. Bonarski


The text is an overview of the first volume of the lexical atlas of the Russian folk dialects. It presents modern cartographic methods used in the volume and types of maps contained therein. In order to better present the volume, one exemplary map is analysed, indicating its advantages and drawbacks. In conclusion the richness of the Russian dialectal lexical material, which was precisely geographically located, is stressed. This is the biggest merit of the atlas.

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Jadwiga Waniakowa


The paper deals with application of the Gumbel model to evaluation of the environmental loads. According to recommendations of Eurocodes, the conventional method of determining return period and characteristic values of loads utilizes the theory of extremes and implicitly assumes that the cumulative distribution function of the annual or other basic period extremes is the Gumbel distribution. However, the extreme value theory shows that the distribution of extremes asymptotically approaches the Gumbel distribution when the number of independent observations in each observation period from which the maximum is abstracted increases to infinity. Results of calculations based on simulation show that in practice the rate of convergence is very slow and significantly depends on the type of parent results distribution, values of coefficient of variation, and number of observation periods. In this connection, a straightforward purely empirical method based on fitting a curve to the observed extremes is suggested.

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S. Woliński
T. Pytlowany


The resistance parameters of timber structures decrease with time. It depends on the type of load and timber classes. Strength reduction effects, referred to as creep-rupture effects, due to long term loading at high stress ratio levels are known for many materials. Timber materials are highly affected by this reduction in strength with duration of load. Characteristic values of load duration and load duration factors are calibrated by means of using probabilistic methods. Three damage accumulation models are considered, that is Gerhard [1] model, Barret, Foschi[2] and Foshi Yao [3] models. The reliability is estimated by means of using representative short- and long-term limit states. Time variant reliability aspects are taken into account using a simple representative limit state with time variant strength and simulation of whole life time load processes. The parameters in these models are fitted by the Maximum Likelihood Methods using the data relevant for Polish structural timber. Based on Polish snow data over 45 years from mountain zone in: Zakopane – Tatra, Świeradów – Karkonosze, Lesko – Bieszczady, the snow load process parameters have been estimated. The reliability is evaluated using representative short – and long –term limit states, load duration factor kmod is obtained using the probabilistic model.

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T. Domański


The paper presents a spatial model of the satellite antenna with an arbitrary number of flexible arms. Such a system is an example of an open kinematic chain with a tree-like structure. The modification of the rigid finite element method is used to discretise flexible links. The equations of motion are derived from the Lagrange equations and the motion of the system is described using joint coordinates and homogenous transformations. Numerical simulations have been carried out to analyse how the method of extending the arms influences the dynamics of the system.

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Krzysztof Augustynek
Iwona Adamiec-Wójcik
Edmund Wittbrodt


In 1981, the Kórnik library acquired some exceptionally valuable manuscript materials of the Mycielski family living at Wydawy near Poniec, Greater Poland. They included more than 130 letters written by Helena Mycielska to her old friend Maria Harsdorf née Gniewosz. Helena (1857–1937), daughter of Józef and Maria née Turno, came from a family which stamped their virtue in difficult periods of Polish history. Her ancestors and relatives participated in national uprisings, were patriotic and social activists, scholars, and artists. Helena herself was interested in literature and art. She authored small works and reviews. She was also interested in the past of her family living in Wydawy and meticulously collected materials on their history. In about 1886, during a drawing course in Krakow, she met Maria Gniewosz, with whom she soon made friends, although Maria was 12 years younger than herself. The beautiful friendship of the two gentry women survived until Maria’s death in 1910. Helena Mycielska’s letters very interestingly document the life of the Polish landed gentry at the turn of the 20th century on the lands remaining under the rule of foreign powers for several dozen years.

In the first part of the presented letters, the reader may become acquainted with Helena’s daily problems, dreams, and interests, as well as the issues which were important for her mother, her siblings, and her numerous relatives and acquaintances. She devoted a lot of space to house-related issues, in particular the duties which, as the eldest daughter, she was obliged to carry out, including the keeping of books of accounts, the keeping in order of all the bills, the managing of the home finances and the caring for the garden. She wrote about the numerous guests visiting her hospitable home at Wydawy. She gave many accounts of her participation in numerous family events such as christenings, weddings, and funerals. She mentioned her trips to Ignacy Paderewski’s concerts in Poznan and Wrocław. She devoted a lot of space in her correspondence to the books she read. She also confided to Maria on her own writing. She very carefully followed her friend’s developments as the author of reviews and small literary works, and gave her some good advice concerning the manner of writing. She often mentioned religious issues, in particular the retreats in which she participated, and she gave interesting accounts of the teaching of rural children, paying attention to the talents many of them displayed.

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Maria Hłyń


The parish church at Kórnik was founded by Mikołaj Górka – the chancellor of the Poznan Cathedral Chapter, the owner of Kórnik castle, and the founder of the town of Kórnik. The church is an architectural copy of the Holy Virgin Mary in Summo – the collegiate church located by Poznan cathedral, erected in the style of master Brunsberg of Szczecin. It was consecrated in 1437, and it must have been largely finished by that time. It was only a couple of years ago that it was established that it had a tribune above its sacristy, and that together with the latter it had the exterior form of a tower. On the basis of architectural analysis, the author of the article reconstructs the shape of the tribune in detail and proves that it was completed in its entirety and used. He also formulates a thesis that the interior of the tribune combined the functions of a chapel and ceremonial area. The unusual shape of the great arcade, opening the interior of the tribune towards the church chancel, is an indication of a reference to the chapel tribunes in the towers surrounding the chancel of the Poznan cathedral.

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Witold Miedziak


W prawie polskim dotyczącym planowania przestrzennego jedną z podstaw jest zachowanie ładu przestrzennego. Jednak analiza prawa i jego realizacji wskazuje, że uwarunkowania raczej prowadzą do nieładu przestrzennego. Analizie poddano uchwalone w 2018 roku prawo, które miało przyspieszyć realizację zabudowy mieszkaniowej. Wyniki badań pokazują, że na mocy tej ustawy może powstać chaos w przestrzeni zurbanizowanej. Jednym z mankamentów jest podważenie porządku przestrzennego, poprzez możliwość wydawania uchwał dla zabudowy mieszkaniowej i towarzyszących usług sprzecznych z zapisami miejscowych planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego.

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Elżbieta Czekiel-Świtalska

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