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Personality types are currently understood as basic configurations of personality traits from the Big Five model. However, to date, research has provided inconsistent results as to the number and content of personality types. The broadest support was found for the three-type RUO (Resilient-Undercontrolled-Overcontrolled) typology, but many studies indicate the existence of four or five basic personality types. The prevalence of an exploratory orientation in research on personality types was identified as the main cause of these inconsistencies, and the need for a well-justified theoretical basis for the personality typology was observed. The current study examines the predictions resulting from the four-type RUNO (Resilient-Undercontrolled-Nonresilient-Overcontrolled) typology – a proposal built on the Two Factor Model of personality and its extension: the Circumplex of Personality Metatraits. We used various measurement instruments (11 questionnaires to measure Big Five traits), samples (five samples with a total of 4430 respondents) and statistical procedures (cluster analyses on row and standardized data) testing the three-type, four-type and five-type solutions. We expected that although the robustness of the empirically derived type-solutions across different research conditions will be limited (in accordance with the previous studies), the configurations of each type found in the Big Five data will be in a concordance with the RUNO typology. Obtained results roughly confirmed our expectations. We conclude that a renewed focus on the theoretical basis of personality typology seems to be necessary to further advance this field of research and the Circumplex of Personality Metatraits enables the essential turn from an exploratory approach (usually used in the previous studies) to a theoretically driven approach (proposed by us in the current study) to personality typology.
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Authors and Affiliations

Włodzimierz Strus
Natalia Cybis
Jan Cieciuch
Tomasz Rowiński

  1. Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
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Perforated sheets are materials which – maintaining good mechanical properties – are characterized by reduced mass in comparison to full sheets. Their elastic properties are important features that are considered in the context of these materials’ design applications. Compared to full sheets, they are characterized by reduced mass while simultaneously preserving good strength properties. This article presents an experimental and numerical analysis of the effect of key parameters of the hole mesh (open area, hole diameter and orientation relative to the direction of greatest hole concentration) in association with the type of material and sheet thickness �� on the value of the effective Young’s modulus of perforated sheet. A significant influence of open area (the share of holes in the sheet, as a percentage) and orientation angle was determined. On the basis of experimental results and computer simulations, a mathematical dependency allowing for calculation of this parameter’s valuewas proposed. The average deviation of calculated values from experimental is less than 4%.
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Łukasz Kuczek
Wacław Muzykiewicz
Marcin Mroczkowski

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Non-Ferrous Metals, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Cracow, Poland
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The article presents the latest forecasts for global coal demand and supply in the short and long term. According to IEA analyzes, there was to be a peak in global coal production and consumption in 2023 (amounting to 8.7 and 8.5 billion tons, respectively), with a successive decline in the following three years. At the 2026 horizon, global coal production will be 8.5 billion tons, declining by 4% from 2023. Coal demand will fall by 2% to 8.3 billion tons. In the 2050 outlook, according to the State Policies Scenario, coal production compared to 2022 will decrease by 43% to 3.5 billion tce. By contrast, according to the Announced Pledges Scenario, the decline will be 75%, with production expected to fall to 1.5bn tce. Coal production and demand will decline due to the decarbonization of many global economies. The article also presents forecasts of global coal production and demand by region. In Poland, coal is an important energy carrier based on indigenous production, supplemented by imports. Poland is one of the important producers and users of coal in Europe and the EU27. Between 2016 and 2022, Poland’s coal production decreased from 36 to 28 million tce. Coal production in Poland accounts for 14–15% of coal production in Europe and 20–22% of production in the EU27. Poland’s share is relatively small at 0.5–0.7% relative to global production. In terms of coal consumption, Poland’s share is relatively stable (32–38 million tce in 2016–2022). It accounted for 8–10% of European consumption, 11–16% of EU27 consumption and 0.6–0.7% of global coal consumption. The latest Polish forecasting document, a draft update of the National Plan Energy and Climate Plan to 2030, assumes in the 2030 horizon, relative to 2020, a 32% decrease in coal production to 30 million tce, and a 23% decrease in coal consumption to 19 million tce. Similarly to global trends, Poland is also pursuing a decarbonization policy for many branches of the economy.
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Stala-Szlugaj

  1. The Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

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