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In this study, effects of political stability, economic freedom and trade freedom of above-stated Fragile Five Countries consisting of Brazil, Indonesia,India, Turkey, and South Africa on the performance of FDI appeal was analyzed with first generation panel data analysis method for the 1996-2017 period. The cointegration analysis between series was conducted by means of Kao (1999) and Pedroni (2004) test. The analyses showed that political stability and trade freedom have a significant positive coefficient on the Fragile Five Countries’FDI. It was also determined that the impact of economic freedom on FDI was statistically insignificant. Thus, it was concluded that the most important determinant of FDI entry into countries is political stability. Error correction mechanisms of models have been working well. In addition, it was found that political stability, economic freedom, and trade freedom are the cause of foreign direct investment in the long-run.

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Tuğba Akın
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This article is intended as an updated addendum to the history of the reception of Jakub Szela, leader of the peasant uprising in Galicia in 1846, in Franciszek Ziejka’s Złota legenda chłopów polskich [ The Golden Legend of Polish Peasants], published in 1984. It seems that practically all of the accounts of the bloody events of 1846 follow either of two master narratives distinguished by their characteristic patterns of sidetracking and omissions. The two narratives also differ in their contrarian ideological leanings and aesthetic sensitivity. Another important observation concerns the congruence of the narrative written by the gentry and the traditional national history, and a similar congruence of the peasant narrative with the approach of social history.
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Iwona Węgrzyn

  1. Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków
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In recent times, the concept of hard turning has gained awareness in metal cutting as it can apparently replace the traditional process cycle of turning, heat treating, and finish grinding for assembly of hard, wear-resistant steel parts. The major apprehension in hard turning is the tool vibration, which affects the surface finish of the work piece, has to be controlled and monitored. In order to control tool vibration in metal cutting, a magnetorheological fluid damper which has received great attention in suppressing tool vibration was developed and used. Also an attempt has been made in this study to monitor tool vibration using the skewness and kurtosis parameters of acoustic emission (AE) signal for the tool holder with and without magnetorheological damper. Cutting experiments were conducted to arrive at a set of operating parameters that can offer better damping characteristics to minimize tool vibration during turning of AISI4340 steel of 46 HRC using hard metal insert with sculptured rake face. From the results, it was observed that the presence of magnetorheological damper during hard turning reduces tool vibration and there exist a strong relationship between tool vibration and acoustic emission (AERMS) signals to monitor tool condition. This work provides momentous understanding on the usage of magnetorheological damper and AE sensor to control and monitor the tool condition during turning of hardened AISI4340 steel.

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P. Sam Paul
Mohammed Jazeel
A.S. Varadarajan

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