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The misinformation effect is influenced by many mnestic and non-mnestic factors. This article concerns the role of two of them: 1) state anxiety, defined as a situational experience of anxiety; 2) memory distrust, understood as a constant tendency to negatively evaluate one's memory. Both factors are relevant in the situation of being a witness and are believed to have a negative effect on the magnitude of the misinformation effect. In the present research, participants’ state anxiety had an immunizing effect against misinformation. As for memory distrust, no relationship was found between negative evaluation of memory and susceptibility to misinformation. The results confirm the beneficial effect of anxiety on resisting misinformation and demonstrate a greater need for further explorations concerning memory distrust.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marta Kuczek
Malwina Szpitalak
Romuald Polczyk

  1. Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University, Poland
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The hulls of naval ships are exposed to forces and moments coming from internal and external sources. Usually, these are interactions that can be described mathematically by harmonic and polyharmonic functions. The shock of UNDEX type (underwater explosion) works completely differently and its time waveform is difficult to describe with mathematical functions as pressure vs. time. The paper presents a simplification of physical and mathematical models of 1-D kickoff pressure whose aim is performance the simulation of the external force of the detonation wave. The proposed models were verified and tuned on naval, sea trials. The main goals of the proposed models are to perform simulation calculations of the detonation pressure for different explosion charge weights from different distances of the UNDEX epicentre for the design process of machine foundation. The effects of pressure are transformed as impulses exposed on shock absorber mounted at light shock machine.

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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Grządziela
Agata Załęska-Fornal
Marcin Kluczyk
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Recently, the world has been gaining vastly increasing access to more and more advanced artificial intelligence tools. This phenomenon does not bypass the world of sound and visual art, and both of these worlds can benefit in ways yet unexplored, drawing them closer to one another. Recent breakthroughs open possibilities to utilize AI driven tools for creating generative art and using it as a compound of other multimedia. The aim of this paper is to present an original concept of using AI to create a visual compound material to existing audio source. This is a way of broadening accessibility thus appealing to different human senses using source media, expanding its initial form. This research utilizes a novel method of enhancing fundamental material consisting of text audio or text source (script) and sound layer (audio play) by adding an extra layer of multimedia experience – a visual one, generated procedurally. A set of images generated by AI tools, creating a story-telling animation as a new way to immerse into the experience of sound perception and focus on the initial audial material. The main idea of the paper consists of creating a pipeline, form of a blueprint for the process of procedural image generation based on the source context (audial or textual) transformed into text prompts and providing tools to automate it by programming a set of code instructions. This process allows creation of coherent and cohesive (to a certain extent) visual cues accompanying audial experience levering it to multimodal piece of art. Using nowadays technologies, creators can enhance audial forms procedurally, providing them with visual context. The paper refers to current possibilities, use cases, limitations and biases giving presented tools and solutions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Grzegorz Samson

  1. Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz, Poland
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To clarify the effect of copper powder morphology on the microstructure and properties of copper matrix bulk composites reinforced with Ni-doped graphene, spherical and dendritic copper powders were selected to fabricate the Ni-doped graphene reinforced copper matrix bulk composites. The Ni-doped graphene were synthesized by hydrothermal reduction method, followed by mixing with copper powders, and then consolidated by spark plasma sintering. It is found that the Ni-doped graphene are well bonded with the dendritic copper powder, whereas Ni-doped graphene are relatively independent on the spherical copper powder. The copper base bulk composite prepared by the dendritic copper powder has better properties than that prepared by spherical copper powder. At 0.5wt.% Ni-doped graphene, the dendritic copper base bulk composite has a good combination of hardness, electrical conductivity and yield strength, which are 81.62 HV, 87.93% IACS and 164 MPa, respectively.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jituo Liu
Xianhui Wang
Jia Liu
Hangyu Li
Yan Liang
Jingyi Ren

  1. Xi’an University of Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an 710048, P.R. China
  2. Xi’an Polytechnic University, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an 710048, P.R. China

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