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In this study, non-sintered ceramsite was prepared using coal gasification coarse slag obtained from a methanol plant. The basic performance and heavy metal leaching toxicity were analyzed. The results showed that seven out of nine non-sintered ceramsite groups were in accordance with the national standard of compressive strength (5 MPa), while only three groups met the national standard of water absorption index of less than 22%. The heavy metal concentrations in these three groups were found to be lower than that specified in National Class IV of surface water environment standards. The concentration of Cr was found to be 16.45 μg/L, which represents only 1% of the IV standard. The optimum mixing ratio, which showed high compressive strength (6.76 MPa) and low water absorption (20.12%), was found to be 73% coal gasification coarse slag, 15% cement, and 12% quartz sand. The characterization using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy showed that the formation of gelatin in ceramsite enhances the performance of the ceramsite base and increases the immobilization of heavy metal. The study proved that the preparation of non-sintered ceramsite using coal gasification coarse slag reduces its environmental risk and achieves efficient utilization of the slag. Therefore, it can be concluded that it is a feasible and environmental friendly method for the disposal of coal slag.

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Authors and Affiliations

Shenwei Zhao
Linying Yao
Haibin He
Yiping Zou
Lei Hu
Yujia Zhai
Yajing Yu
Jianli Jia
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Global climate change is a fact that affects all components of the environment. The main aim of this research was to conduct the retrospective monitoring of soils in the Trans-Ural Steppe Zone (Russia) and the analysis in changing of key climatic parameters for the periods 1937–1982 and 1982–2019. We investigated average temperatures and precipitation (monthly and annual) using archived data from a nearby weather station, as well as data from NASA and weather forecast websites. We identified a decrease of soil fertility and an increase in alkalinisation processes over the past 37 years for the studied area. Comparison of these periods showed an increasing the average monthly and annual air temperatures (on 1.4°C) and a decrease in the amount of precipitation in the summer (on 4.4 mm) period. We found that a more arid climate accelerates the rate of soil salinization due to the active evaporation of groundwater. Nevertheless, in some areas there were found the soil desalinization due to the change in the hydrologic regime and lowering of the groundwater level. In general, the climate changing in the studied region is consistent with global warming trend. Increased average annual temperature and reduced precipitation in summer period contribute to aridization of the region. Such conditions will more restrict soil fertility due to development of salinization and desertification processes.
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Authors and Affiliations

Azamat Suleymanov
1 2
Ilyusya Gabbasova
Ruslan Suleymanov
1 3
Mikhail Komissarov
Timur Garipov
Ludmila Sidorova
Fliza Nazyrova

  1. Ufa Institute of Biology, Ufa Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of Soil Science, Pr. Oktyabrya 69, 450054, Ufa, Russia
  2. Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Department of Environmental Protection and Prudent Exploitation of Natural Resources, Kosmonavtov St 1, 450064, Ufa, Russia
  3. Bashkir State University, Department of Geodesy, Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, Ufa, Russia

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