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The paper compares changes in the structure and mechanical properties due to the synergistic effect of alloying elements Zr and Ti. It is assumed that by increasing the content of Zr and Ti in the aluminium alloy, better mechanical properties will be achieved. Paper focuses on description of the differences between the samples casted into the shell mold and the metal mold. Main difference between mentioned molds is a different heat transfer coefficient during pouring, solidification and cooling of the metal in the mold. The main goal was to analyse the influence of Zr and Ti elements and compare the mechanical properties after the heat treatment. Curing and precipitation aging were used during the experiment. The effect of the elements on AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy created differences between the excluded Zr phases after heat treatment. Evaluation of the microstructure pointed to the decomposition of large predominantly needle Zr phases into smaller, more stable formations.
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Authors and Affiliations

E. Kantoríková
M. Kuriš
R. Pastirčák

  1. Department of Technological Engineering, University of Žilina in Žilina, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia
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Two cognate groups of appellatives appear in the West Germanic languages: OE. līra m. ‘muscle, soft parts of the body’, E. lire ‘fl esh, muscle, brawn’, MDu. liere f. ‘fleshy part of the leg, calf’ (< PGm. *līzán-) and MLG. liese ‘thin skin’, LG. liëse f. ‘layer of fat around the kidneys’ (< PGm. *lī́san-). The words under discussion straight forwardly derive from the Proto-Indo-European archetype *léh1is-on- (gen. sg. *leh1is-n-ós)m. ‘soft, fl eshy part of the body’, which is closely related to the Proto-Indo-European adjective *léh1isos (o-stem) ‘soft, lean (of meat)’, cf. Lith. líesas adj. ‘lean (of meat), thin, non-greasy, slim, skimmed, infertile’, Latv. liẽss adj. ‘lean (of meat), thin, non-greasy, slim, infertile (of soil)’, Gk. λεῖος adj. ‘level, smooth, rubbed, well-ground’. Other nouns derived from the same adjective fre-quently denote ‘soft organs (of the body)’ in Indo-European languages, e.g. Latv. liêsa f. ‘spleen’; Hitt. lēši n. ‘liver’; Arm. leard ‘liver’; Toch. A lyyā (pl.) ‘parts of the body’, Toch. B lyyāsa (pl.) ‘members (of the body)’ (< PIE. *leh1is-).

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Krzysztof Tomasz Witczak

Authors and Affiliations

Marek Kuś

  1. Polska Akademia Nauk, Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej, Al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warszawa

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