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This paper presents results of object-oriented classification of Landsat ETM+ satellite im-age conducted using eCognition software. The classified image was acquired on 7 May 2000. In this particular study, an area of 423 km2 within the borders of Legionowo Community near Warsaw is considered.

Prior to classification, segmentation of the Landsat ETM+ image is performed using panchro-matic channel, fused multispectral and panchromatic data. The applied methods of classification en-abled the identification of 18 land cover and land use classes. After the classification, generalization and raster to vector conversion, verification and accuracy assessment are performed by means of vis-ual interpretation. Overall accuracy of the classification reached 94.6%. The verification and classifi-cation results are combined to form the final database.

This is followed by comparing the object-oriented with traditional pixel-based classification. The latter is performed using the so-called hybrid classification based on both supervised and unsuper-vised classification approaches. The traditional pixel-based approach identified only 8 classes. Com-parison of the pixel-based classification with the database obtained using the object-oriented ap-proach revealed that the former reached 72% and 61% accuracy, according to the applied method.

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Stanisław Lewiński


The Vistula Pomeranian (the former Prussian province of West Prussia) remained the longest dependent part of the partitioning power of Poland, which was reborn after 1918. In the second half of the nineteenth century, the Polish population of these lands, whose original ethnic component was Kashubians, strengthened their national awareness under the influence of modernisation processes. As in the entire Prussian partition, the dominant factor here was the idea of national solidarity built around an attachment to Catholicism. The defeat of Germany in World War I was associated by the local Poles with the incorporation of Pomeranian lands into the borders of the Polish Republic. The decisions of the Paris Conference of 1919 were awaited with hope and enthusiasm. Independence, however, brought disappointment caused by the economic crisis, as well as the inability of the central authorities to deal with the native population. Against this background, there were conflicts and misunderstandings throughout the entire interwar period. After 1920, the slogans of regional particularism gained popularity among the indigenous Pomeranian population. However, the German threat of the yoke forced local political and social activists to respond to the idea of unification of Pomeranian lands with the rest of the country, pushed by the central authorities.
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Tomasz Krzemiński

  1. Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń


Measurements were made of organic fluxes at a coastal sediment at Signy Island , South Orkney Islands, Antarctica , between December 1990 and March 1992. The deposition rate of organic matter to the sediment was measured at the same time with a maximum sedimentation rate of 306 mg C m–2 d–1. The rates of sedimentary organic input were small during winter ice cover, and the organic content of the sediment declined during this period as available organic matter was depleted. Fresh organic input occurred as soon as the sea-ice melted and ice algal biomass was deposited to the sediment; and was sustained during the spring after ice break-up by continued primary production in the water column. The proportion of available carbon in surface sediments was measured during a seasonal cycle using Pseudomonas aeruginosa as an indicator organism over the 0–1 cm depth horizon. Variations in the amount of organic matter deposited to the sediments and the proportion of available carbon were observed during the seasonal cycle. Seasonal variations of benthic activity in this coastal sediment was regulated by the input and availability of organic matter, and not by seasonal water temperature, which was relatively constant between –1.8 and 0.5°C .

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Tony R. Walker


Przedstawiono analizę znanej w teorii niezawodności przestrzeni błędów grubych bądź omyłek niewykrywalnych w procesie estymacji metodą najmniejszych kwadratów w liniowych modelach Gaussa- Markova. Podstawę analizy stanowi ogólna zależność wiążąca zaburzenia obserwacyjne i odpowiedzi modelu. Chociaż definicja tej przestrzeni jest identyczna z podaną w pracy [I] dochodzi się do niej w nieco odmienny sposób. Sformułowano kilka własności tej przestrzeni. Jedna z nich pokazuje związek tej przestrzeni z poziomem niezawodności modelu z obserwacjami nieskorelowanymi. Wprawdzie w rozważaniach teoretycznych uwzględnione są modele zlinearyzowane, podejście do nich jest zasadniczo zwykłym rozszerzeniem podejścia zaproponowanego dla modeli liniowych i nie można go traktować jako gotowej propozycji dla potrzeb praktycznych. Teoria ilustrowana jest przykładami zaczerpniętymi z pomiarów inżynieryjnych.
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Witold Prószyński


In the article the author discusses the practice associated with name-giving among the residents of Łódź (only Catholics of Polish origin) during the period from the beginning of the seventeenth century to the first half of the nineteenth century. The material was collected from official documents. Habits associated with the first names were treated as a kind of linguistic behaviour that implements a specific communication need of the given community. Observations of these habits show that they oscillate — like any linguistic behaviour — between automatism (and convention) and spontaneity. Conventional measures that should be considered: the use of a limited collection of names that indicate a high degree of stability in subsequent periods and against the background of habits of name-giving in the region and other territories of the former Poland (especially the most popular names of women, e.g. Marianna, Katarzyna, Agnieszka and names of men, e.g. Józef, Jan, Franciszek) and inheritance of names. In contrast, a large number of rare names (names of women, e.g. Idalia, Jokasta, Kasylda, and of men, e.g. Bonawentura, Wit, Witalis) and a visible preference in some families for the usage of rare names, e.g. Damazy, Feliks, Lubomira (including Slavic first names, e.g. Bolesław, Władysław, Bronisław) were included as spontaneous factors. Analysis of the material reveals a tendency to differentiate names depending on the social status of the inhabitants (the representatives of the noble families often used rare names). The author also draws attention to the problem of the diversity of names in Łódź (both in the context of different collections of names and different practices) depending on parameters such as the religion (Catholics, Protestants, Jews) and nationality (Poles, Germans, Czechs) of residents of the city.

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Rafał Zarębski


The paper presents a certain way which determines the critical buckling force for a micro-heterogeneous FGM plate band. A stiffness matrix of an individual cell of such band, different for various cells, has been determined. The obtained matrix can also be treated as a variable stiffness matrix of a “superelement” in the Finite Element Method. A computational algorithm for the critical force as well as the way of testing of its correctness has also been presented. The results obtained for various support conditions have been compared to the values known from the literature. The influence of the number of cells on the critical buckling force has been investigated.

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M. Chalecki
G. Jemielita


Artykuł dotyczy medalu autorstwa Johanna Philipa Holzhaeussera, podarowanego w 1780 r. Ignacemu Krasickiemu przez Stanisława Augusta. Na podstawie źródeł (m.in. archiwalia, korespondencja) przedstawiono okoliczności jego realizacji oraz recepcję za życia obdarowanego i po 1801 r. Przeanalizowano także towarzyszące medalowi przesłanie, łącząc je z polityką medalierską Stanisława Augusta.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Magdalena Kinga Górska

  1. Instytut Badań Literackich Polska Akademia Nauk

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