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This article looks at the mobility of highly skilled female migrants from the perspective of the post-socialist semi-peripheral countries in Eastern Europe. It analyses chosen aspects of the biographical experiences of highly skilled women from three post-USSR republics bordering the European Union – namely Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia – in Poland, a post-socialist country itself but also an EU member-state. The empirical analysis focuses on their lifestyle changes and choices, made through the experience of living in a new, though quite familiar Polish culture, which is both more emancipated (Western) while, at the same time, pertaining to some of the familiar (Eastern) patterns. Due to this liminal nature of the host country, the adaptation process of migrants is easier and comes at a lower biographical cost. In the analysis, I explore two notions: the gender roles renegotiation and the changes in the women’s approach towards the external manifestations of femininity, which I contrast with their reflections of the changes undergone. As for the gender role renegotiation, three main approaches were described varying by the degree to which the old, familiar patterns are maintained. In terms of the external notions of femininity, while taking care of one’s looks is still an observable element of the migrants’ identity, they do take advantage of the wider spectrum of options available in the host society, and try to blend in with the casual big-city crowd. The article was written on the basis of empirical material in the form of twenty in-depth, unstructured interviews, which were confronted with the selected subject literature.

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Anna Dolińska
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The aim of this article is to take a closer look at school communities in the Polish‑Ukrainian borderland in the 1918/1919 school year. Their members, particularly the headteachers, previously focused on teaching the students obedience and loyalty towards the emperor in Vienna, had to completely redefine their roles in order to find themselves in the new reality in the late autumn of 1918. Moreover, another year of the turmoil of war, countless teachers and students in the army, enormous economic problems, exacerbated by the fights for dominance on the disputed territory, forced the headteachers to deal with matters as they arose, and the decisions they made did not always work in practice. What cast a shadow over secondary school activity apart from the Polish‑Ukrainian war was also Polish‑Jewish relations.
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Tomasz Pudłocki

  1. Jagiellonian University
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U podstaw funkcjonowania komisji do spraw etyki badań leży założenie o możliwości konfliktu interesów między badaczem a badaną społecznością, dostrzeżenie strategicznej przewagi badacza w relacjach z uczestnikami badań oraz przeświadczenie o konieczności równoważenia potencjalnych korzyści badaczy i badanych. W związku z postępującym w ostatnich latach rozpowszechnieniem komisji etyki w polskich jednostkach akademickich, artykuł analizuje wyzwania związane z ich funkcjonowaniem w perspektywie teoretycznej neoinstytucjonalizmu. Dzieli wyzwania na trzy kategorie, z których każda charakteryzuje się mniejszą lub większą dywersyfikacją akademickich obyczajów i norm: wyzwania wynikające z różnorodności systemów normatywnych; wyzwania wynikające ze swobody interpretacyjnej w wykładni klauzul generalnych i zwrotów niedookreślonych; oraz wyzwania dotyczące obligatoryjności i ostateczności opinii komisji. Analiza zwraca uwagę na konieczność głębszego namysłu nad instytucjami pośredniczącymi między normami a jednostkami, czyli rolą struktur mezospołecznych w determinowaniu jednostkowych aktywności w obrębie ram wyznaczanych przez instytucje. Model komisji etyki nie jest jedynym możliwym rozwiązaniem, które umożliwia wzmocnienie etycznych aspektów badań. Instytucjonalizacja procedury oceniania etycznego działa nie tylko jako ściślejsze określenie reguł formalnych, ale wpływa też na obyczaje akademickie, tzn. może wzmacniać antycypacyjną samokontrolę etyczną prowadzących projekty.
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Andrejuk

  1. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
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Discontinuous coefficients in the Poisson equation lead to the weak discontinuity in the solution, e.g. the gradient in the field quantity exhibits a rapid change across an interface. In the real world, discontinuities are frequently found (cracks, material interfaces, voids, phase-change phenomena) and their mathematical model can be represented by Poisson type equation. In this study, the extended finite element method (XFEM) is used to solve the formulated discontinuous problem. The XFEM solution introduce the discontinuity through nodal enrichment function, and controls it by additional degrees of freedom. This allows one to make the finite element mesh independent of discontinuity location. The quality of the solution depends mainly on the assumed enrichment basis functions. In the paper, a new set of enrichments are proposed in the solution of the Poisson equation with discontinuous coefficients. The global and local error estimates are used in order to assess the quality of the solution. The stability of the solution is investigated using the condition number of the stiffness matrix. The solutions obtained with standard and new enrichment functions are compared and discussed.

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Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Stąpór

  1. Faculty of Management and Computer Modelling, Kielce University of Technology, Poland

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