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This article offers a reading of Einaudi’s trilingual series “Scrittori tradotti da scrittori”, a project that the publisher Valerio Magrelli conceived as a critical experimental work, based on the fusion of translation, rewriting and interpretative essay. The first volume of the series, Joseph Conrad’s Typhoon translated into French by André Gide and into Italian by Ugo Mursia, prompts a reflection on the role of “canonising” translations within the retranslation movement that has influenced editorial choices over the last decades.
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Simona Munari

  1. Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"
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Surface melting and alloying of Copper-Nickel (Cupronickel) alloy by preplacing aluminum powder and using tungsten inert gas process (TIG) in shielded atmosphere of argon gas were investigated. Surface melting resulted in the formation of a fairly porous dendritic microstructure. Surface alloying with aluminum resulted in the formation of Al 2Cu and Al 4Cu 9 intermetallic compounds along with Cu-rich matrix and unstable martensitic structure. Surface melting reduced the hardness from 140 HV 0.1 (substrate) to 70 HV 0.1, mainly due to the loss of cold work effect of the initial substrate. On the other hand, surface alloyed zone showed a hardness of 300 HV 0.1, mainly due to the formation of intermetallic compound. Tafel polarization results indicated improvement in corrosion resistance of cupronickel alloy after surface melting and alloying.
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Fatemeh Koeini
Mahmoud Heydarzadeh Sohi
Parham Pirayesh

  1. University of Tehran, College of Engineering, School of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Tehran, Iran
  2. Islamic Azad University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Metallurgy and Materials, Karaj Branch, Karaj, Iran
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The aim of this work is to present problems related to tinnitus symptoms, its pathogenesis, hypotheses on tinnitus causes, and therapy treatment to reduce or mask the phantom noise. In addition, the hypothesis on the existence of parasitic quantization that accompanies hearing loss has been recalled. Moreover, the paper describes a study carried out by the Authors with the application of high-frequency dither having specially formed spectral characteristics. Discussion on preliminary results obtained and conclusions are also contained.

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Tomasz Poremski
Bożena Kostek
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Badano wpływ osadu ściekowego na aktywność enzymatyczną pokrywy glebowej na terenie po otworowej kopalni siarki w celu oceny możliwości jego wykorzystania w leśno-łąkowej rekultywacji terenów Kopalni Siarki "Jeziórko". Wyniki, uzyskane po sześciu latach od zastosowanych zabiegów rekultywacyjnych wskazują, że osad ściekowy, dodany w odpowiedniej dawce, wpływał na ogól korzystnie na właściwości biochemiczne i chemiczne gleby. Oznacza to, że zastosowany osad może być brany pod uwagę, jako jeden ze środków służących do rekultywacji gruntów toksycznych.
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Elżbieta Jolanta Bielińska
Anna Slowinska-Jurkiewicz
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The paper presents results of the research on the influence of sewage sludge on the enzymatic activity of the anthropogenic soil on the area of the former borehole sulphur-mine as well as· the effectiveness of sewage sludge utilization for forest-meadow reclamation of this ground.
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Agnieszka Jagiełło
Marta Bożym
Witold Wacławek
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The use of moods in Italian is a very interesting problem but also difficult raking into account the complexity of phenomena which must be analysed at the same time. It especially concerns contexts in which different moods can appear alternatively. The aim of the article is to examine contexts in which it is possible to use indicative and congiuntivo moods. The possibility of choice between moods would mean the duality of human nature which hesitates between affirmation and keeping a distance to that what makes the content of an utterance. Employing the research mechanism described by cognitive linguistics that is, among others, notions such as prototype, semantic invariant or scheme and the methodology which is based on relationships existing between recognition, semantics and grammar it seems that the choice of moods is the result stemming from information processing and based on man's cognitive abilities and his knowledge about the world - indicative would reflect loeutor 's responsibility for the truth value ofutterance content whereas congiuntivo would be a language sign of distance position towards that what he says.
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Katarzyna Kwapisz-Osadnik
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The paper is dedicated to the memory of Professor Jan Strelau, who passed away in Warsaw 4th of August 2020. Professor Jan Strelau was the most prominent and world-wide recognized Polish psychologist and his scientific contribution was essential for psychology of individual differences and studies on temperament. Paper presents the life and scientific achievements of Professor Jan Strelau.

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Jerzy Marian Brzeziński
Bogdan Zawadzki
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A project containing suggested amendments to the act of 2010 regulating the work of Commission for Research Integrity (CIR) has been forwarded to the Ministry of Education and Science In August 2022 – no decision has been communicated yet. In April 2022 CIR met with President of PAS prof. J. Duszyński. Current organizational and legislative issues have been discussed as well as means to strenghten the work of CRI. A meeting between CRI and Council for Scientific Excellence was held on 1 August 2022 which dealt with the need to modify the legislation relevant for promotion to full professorship. As pointed out earlier by CRI referees should have access to complete scientific output of a candidate (and not only to its fragments selected by a candidate). In addition, the evaluation should also include ethical aspects of a candidate scientific activity.
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Andrzej Górski
Mieczysław Grabianowski

  1. przewodniczący Komisji do sprawEtyki w Nauce
  2. dyrektor Gabinetu Prezesa PAN

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