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The author considers problems of the book by Krystyna Waszakowa on the cognitive and communicative aspects of the study of modern Polish word-‑formation. The researcher focuses her attention on the possibility of using the cognitive semantics model of Ronald Langacker and the cognitive‑discourse model of Elena Kubryakova for the analysis of mechanisms of forming the semantics of word‑formation derivatives. Perspectives of the cognitive-‑communicative approach to the study of modern Polish word‑formation derivation Krystyna Waszakowa discusses in connection with the achievements of Slavic descriptive and structural derivatology.
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Dokulil M., 1962, Tvořeni slov v češtine. I: Teorie odvozováni slov, Praha: Československá akademie věd.
Puzynina J., 1967, Pojęcie regularnej i nieregularnej konstrukcji morfemowej a fakty słowotwórcze, „Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Językoznawczego”, zesz. 25, s. 91–102.
Tezisy 1967: Tezisy Prazhskogo lingvisticheskogo kruzhka, [in:] Prazhskiy lingvisticheskiy kruzhok : sbornik statey, sost., red., avt. predisl. N.A. Kondrashov, Moskva: Progress, pp. 17–41.
Waszakowa K., 2017, Kognitywno‑komunikacyjne aspekty słowotwórstwa. Wybrane zagadnienia opisu derywacji w języku polskim, Warszawa: Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
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Євгенія Карпіловська

  1. Інститут української мови Національної академії наук України, Київ
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This article presents a low-profile and flexible dualband AMC Antenna operating at 2.45/ 5.8 GHz for wireless local area network (WLAN) on-body antenna applications using textile materials. A dual-band artificial magnetic conductor (AMC) structure with a dual hexagonal shape was used to reduce back radiation, therefore specific absorption rate (SAR), and improve the antenna performance parameters. To study the antenna/body interaction, a suitable comprehension and detailed studies of the wave propagation in the vicinity of the human arm in different meteorological conditions were carried out to demonstrate the effects of the skin condition on the antenna performance parameters. The simulation and measurement results indicate that electromagnetic communication on wet skin is viable. Acceptable SAR values were obtained, revealing that the body is well immune from the antenna electromagnetic radiation in functional wearable conditions. The proposed wearable AMC antenna provided engaging simulation and measurement results. It satisfies users' comfort and safety properties, making it a good candidate for WLAN/WBAN applications.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wahida Bouamra
Imen Sfar
Ameni Mersani
Lotfi Osman
Jean-Marc Ribero

  1. Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia
  2. Higher School of Communication of Tunis, University of Carthage, Tunis, Tunisia
  3. University Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Sophia Antipolis, France

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