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The article presents an analysis of Russia’s participation in international steam coal trade, which has been its important participant for years. The research covered the years 2014–2018. The geographical location on two continents and the availability of coal deposits, favors its presence on both the Pacific and Atlantic markets. The article also discusses the main coal producers in Russia and the prices of Russian steam coal directed to the spot market. Due to the significant share of coal exports for the Russian economy, the focus was also on analyzing Russian seaports.

In recent years, Asian exports have dominated in Russian steam coal exports. The share of export to this market in the years 2014–2018 was in the range of 49–57% (60–87 million tons). Currently, three countries play an important role among Asian countries: South Korea, China and J apan. They purchased a total of 38–52 million tons of Russian coal. Although in the years under analysis Russia exported 52–67 million tons of steam coal to the European market, the share of this market dropped from almost half to around 40%. T he slow departure from coal energy contributes to reducing the share of recipients from this direction. Among European countries, in 2014 the main direction of export was Great Britain with 19% (24 million tons) of total export share. In 2018, exports fell to 9 million tons (5%).

Among European destinations for Russian coal, Poland’s share is growing in importance. In the years 2014–2018, steam coal exports to Poland varied in the range of 5.6–16.2 million tons. In the years 2014–2018 it changed in the range of 5.6–16.2 million tons. The dynamic growth achieved in the last three years is noteworthy. In relation to 2016, imports increased by 10.0 million tons and in 2018 amounted to as much as 16.1 million tons. The article also discusses the geographical structure of coal imports to Poland by railway border crossings and seaports.

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Katarzyna Stala-Szlugaj
Zbigniew Grudziński
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The stable supply of iron ore resources is not only related to energy security, but also to a country’s sustainable development. The accurate forecast of iron ore demand is of great significance to the industrialization development of a country and even the world. Researchers have not yet reached a consensus about the methods of forecasting iron ore demand. Combining different algorithms and making full use of the advantages of each algorithm is an effective way to develop a prediction model with high accuracy, reliability and generalization performance. The traditional statistical and econometric techniques of the Holt–Winters (HW) non-seasonal exponential smoothing model and autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model can capture linear processes in data time series. The machine learning methods of support vector machine (SVM) and extreme learning machine (ELM) have the ability to obtain nonlinear features from data of iron ore demand. The advantages of the HW, ARIMA, SVM, and ELM methods are combined in various degrees by intelligent optimization algorithms, including the genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm and simulated annealing (SA) algorithm. Then the combined forecast models are constructed. The contrastive results clearly show that how a high forecasting accuracy and an excellent robustness could be achieved by the particle swarm optimization algorithm combined model, it is more suitable for predicting data pertaining to the iron ore demand.
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Authors and Affiliations

Min Ren
Jianyong Dai
Wancheng Zhu
Feng Dai

  1. Northeastern University, Shenyang, China
  2. University of South China, Hengyang, China
  3. Northeastern University, Shenyang
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Paper brings a description of free motion of particles suspended in the atmospheric air and being under action of the gravitational field together with additional accelerations caused by their relative motion. Theoretical part of the paper presents physical background of the particles motion within rotating channels together with the simplified method allowing to determine efficiency of the dust separator. Experimental part of the paper describes the test stand layout together with details of the dust separator design and its principles of action. In the closing part final conclusions and suggested practical applications of the devices under investigation are presented.
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Tadeusz Knap
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The paper focuses on the modelling of bromate formation. An axial dispersion model was proposed to integrate the non-ideal mixing, mass-transfer and a kinetic model that links ozone decomposition reactions fromthe Tomiyasu, Fukutomi and Gordon (TFG) ozone decaymodelwith direct and indirect bromide oxidation reactions, oxidation of natural organicmatter and its reactionswith aqueous bromine. To elucidate the role of ammonia an additional set of reactions leading to bromamine formation, oxidation and disproportionation was incorporated in the kinetic model. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to obtain information on reliability of the reaction rate constants used and to simplify the model.

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Urszula Olsińska
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The paper presents the problem of determination of one- and multi-stage prognosis of post-mining surface dislocations. The finite and chronologically ordered vector of geodetic surveys is the describing variable herein. Completed surveys show that the analyzed process can be written as a composition of both deterministic process and singular one. Hence the quantitative description of the kinetics of the process of dislocation forming has been assigned to the class of the stochastic model. An adequate series sum in which time is the argument and random variables are the values makes up the formal definition of the model. The optimization of one-stage prognosis has been carried out for utility purposes. The Durbin-Levinson algorithm is the applied numerical procedure. The utility fragment of this is based on verification of the defined model for certain mining-geological conditions and surveying results. The obtained analytical representation and optimal prognosis of the kinetics of vertical dislocations correspondend to surveying results, which can be testified by adequate measures of the quality of description of the process.
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Wiesław Piwowarski

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