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Amendment of VS juice agar and soil leachate with grapefruit extract resulted in the inhibition of colony growth and sporulation of Phytophthora ramorum. Zoosporangia were more susceptible to the extract than pathogen hyphae and chlamydospores. Spraying of rhododendron inoculated with P. ramorum with grapefruit extract at cone. 165 μglcm' inhibited 2-3 times the spread of necrosis on stems and leaves.
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Leszek B. Orlikowski
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Magnetoabsorption in far and mid IR ranges in double HgTe/CdHgTe quantum wells with inverted band structure has been studied in high magnetic fields up to 30 T. Numerous intraband and interband transitions have been revealed in the spectra and interpreted within axial 8 × 8 k·p model. Splitting of dominant magnetoabsorption lines resulting from optical transitions from hole-like zero-mode Landau level has been discovered and discussed in terms of a built-in electric field and collective phenomena.

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L.S. Bovkun
A.V. Ikonnikov
V.Ya. Aleshkin
K.V. Maremyanin
N.N. Mikhailov
S.A. Dvoretskii
S.S. Krishtopenko
F. Teppe
B.A. Piot
M. Potemski
M. Orlita
V.I. Gavrilenko
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Any type of material that increases soil yield, both qualitatively and quantitatively, to strengthen the soil and increase its fertility is called fertilizer. The current study examines the production of a new effective fertilizer. Results presented involve effects of new bioorganic-mineral compositions obtained from the combination of vermicompost and sulphur-containing waste from sulphuric acid production on the yield and quality of tubers (beets, carrots). An increase in the yield of tubers has been found to be 1.13–1.25 times when the bioorganic-mineral composition (~20 Mg∙ha–1) is introduced into the sierozem (serozem) soil. The best results are obtained with mass ratios in the range 30–45 and 55–70 for vermicompost and sulphur-perlite-containing waste, respectively. The effectiveness of the mixture of vermicompost and sulphur-containing waste is explained by the increased synergistic interaction of these components. The proposed composition has high structure-form-ing, water-retaining, nutritional and biologically active properties.
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Moldir O. Baikhamurova
1 2
Gaukhar A. Sainova
Amankul D. Akbasova
Gulshat D. Anarbekova
Mehmet A. Ozler

  1. Kazakh National Agrarian University, Faculty of Agrobiology, Abay avenue 8, Almaty 050010, Kazakhstan
  2. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Ecology Research Institute, B. Sattarhanov avenue 29, Turkistan 161200, Kazakhstan
  3. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Faculty of Science, Turkey
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Reflecting structures placed over the stage in auditoria and concert halls should provide sound reflection in a way that enhances sound emission from the stage without causing acoustic defects in the interior. Model studies conducted by the authors were used to determine the relative level of sound reflection by reflecting structures as a function of frequency for a number of geometric configurations and materials. Analysis of the results allowed drawing conclusions about the effect of modifications of the ceiling over the reflecting panels on the quality of the sound reflected from them. It was shown that modification of the ceiling over the reflecting panels by employing highly sound absorbing materials significantly improved the characteristics of the reflected sound. Also, certain configurations of elements located in the space under the ceiling should be avoided, as the experiments indicated the occurrence of adverse acoustic effects.

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Tadeusz Kamisiński
Agata Szeląg
Jarosław Rubacha
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Mycoherbicides are special biotechnology products which contain fungi or fungal metabolites as nonchemical alternatives thereby reducing the input of harmful chemicals to control noxious weeds. The present communication emphasizes on the potential of an indigenous isolate of Alternaria alternata ITCC 4896 as a mycoherbicide for the global weed – Parthenium hysterophorus. Of the various spore concentrations tested by in vitro Detached Leaf Bioassay, 1x106 spores/ml was the most effective inducing 89.2% leaf area damage on the 7th day and was further tested by Whole Plant Bioassay. Both in vitro Detached Leaf Bioassay and Whole Plant Bioassay exhibited a similar trend in disease development showing 50% damage at 96 hours post treatment. However, 100% mortality was observed in the Whole Plant Bioassay on the 7th day. This is the very first report on the bioweedicidal potential of A. alternata ITCC 4896 (LC#508) for use as a mycoherbicide for P. hysterophorus.

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Sanjai Saxena
Mukesh Kumar

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