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The article characterizes geological formations occurring in the Polish lignite deposits having the characteristics of raw materials, i.e. accompanying minerals, giving their location, quality characteristics, estimated resources and potential applications. Attention has also been paid to the economic suitability, e.g. in infrastructure works and for the reclamation of many geological formations found in the overburden, classified as so-called earth or rock mass. There are also raw materials of sorption properties representing a huge potential source of minerals valuable for the economy and environmental protection. This refers to e.g.: beidellite clays from Bełchatów, Poznań clays from the region of Konin and Adamów, lacustrine chalk from Bełchatów, as well as Mesozoic limestone from the lignite bedding in Bełchatów. The reasons for the unsatisfactory use of accompanying minerals have been given. The authors described the methods used in the mining operation and processing of associated minerals, also applicable in Poland, as the legal basis for the extraction of these minerals and the economic and financial conditions. They stressed the need to protect mined not associated minerals used by the construction of anthropogenic deposits. This activity primarily requires regulating the legal status of these deposits and the development and application of an economic and financial system that stimulates the economy of these minerals. In summary, the necessary actions were taken to increase the use of the accompanying minerals and their contribution to the balance of mineral resources in the country.

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Tadeusz Ratajczak
Ryszard Uberman
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Self-fulfilling prophecy is seen as an important phenomenon linking social perception with social interaction, being in line with the assumption that conviction creates reality. The adoption of such a perspective upgrades the rank of expectations, which being in control of human behaviour, permeate all areas of people’s activity. Within the area of interpersonal interaction, its participants either perceive what is expected of them or make assumptions about expectations on the basis of behaviour which is directed towards them. Following this lead, and referring to the possibility of co-operation between teachers and parents, we are confronted with a question whether within the anticipated interaction parents may cope as well, or as badly as it is expected of them by teachers. This article attempts to answer this question as well as to analyse the relationships between teachers and parents through the prism of the idea of self-fulfilling prophecy, bearing in mind that the phenomenon itself consists of extremely complex interaction of cognitive and behavioural factors.

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Inetta Nowosad
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The subject of the study are strategies for the development of 9 cities, which are among the strongest centres outside the current capitals of regions (in Polish: voivodeships) in the least-developed Polish regions. These cities can give the chance to activate their surroundings. Good strategies that increase the competitiveness of cities and stimulate development can contribute to this. The aim of the research was to fi nd answers to the questions whether and to what extent the studied strategies: (1) are in line with the definition and methodology of strategic planning; (2) recognize and use specific combinations of developmental factors; (3) can contribute to the development of their surroundings. The research method involved the analysis of the strategic plans in the light of the above questions. The strategies studied are not fully in line with the strategy defi nition. They contain errors and methodological flaws commonly encountered in other strategies. They use the specificity of developmental factors, but without conscious, methodical recognition of their combinations and without exposing them. The author signals methodical problems specific to the strategic planning in territorial units and makes suggestions for planning practice.

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Jacek Sołtys
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Barley phylloplane is seriously colonized by Drechslera graminea, the causal agent of leaf

stripe disease in the hos. The present study involved the elucidation of alterations induced

in the protein content of the host due to Drechslera infection. Naturally growing barley

plants were obtained from fields and Drechslera graminea was isolated and identified from

diseased plants’ leaves. After identification and preparation of the pure culture, the pathogen

was inoculated on plants grown under aseptic and controlled laboratory conditions.

Changes in the total soluble cytoplasmic proteins and defense enzymes of the host such

as polyphenol oxidase (PPO), peroxidase (POX), phenylalanine lyase (PAL) and tyrosine

ammonia lyase (TAL) were observed up to 5 h after inoculation. The results demonstrated

a significant effect of the pathogen on the cytoplasmic protein expression of the host as well

as in its defense system.

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Navodit Goel
Gaurav Jaiswal
Abhinav Kr Srivastava
Prabir Kumar Paul
Anukrati Goel
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The effect of crude extracts of neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf, neem seed and garlic (Allium sativum) at concentrations ranging from 5% to 30% of the material in 100 ml of Potato Dextrose Agar on mycelial growth of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici was assessed. All the extracts inhibited mycellial growth at various levels. Dry neem seed extract gavel 100% inhibition of mycelial growth. Fresh neem leaf extract reduced mycelial growth with increasing concentration while in garlic there were no differences in growth inhibition among the various concentrations used. However garlic extracts decreased sporulation with increasing concentration and cultures grown on extract amended agar plates remained viable.

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Ogechi N. Agbenin
P.S. Marley
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Power electronic circuits (PECs) are prone to various failures, whose classification is of paramount importance. This paper presents a data-driven based fault diagnosis technique, which employs a support vector data description (SVDD) method to perform fault classification of PECs. In the presented method, fault signals (e.g. currents, voltages, etc.) are collected from accessible nodes of circuits, and then signal processing techniques (e.g. Fourier analysis, wavelet transform, etc.) are adopted to extract feature samples, which are subsequently used to perform offline machine learning. Finally, the SVDD classifier is used to implement fault classification task. However, in some cases, the conventional SVDD cannot achieve good classification performance, because this classifier may generate some so-called refusal areas (RAs), and in our design these RAs are resolved with the one-against-one support vector machine (SVM) classifier. The obtained experiment results from simulated and actual circuits demonstrate that the improved SVDD has a classification performance close to the conventional one-against-one SVM, and can be applied to fault classification of PECs in practice.
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Jiang Cui
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The issue of maximizing penetration depth with concurrent retaining or enhancement of image resolution constitutes one of the time invariant challenges in ultrasound imaging. Concerns about potential and undesirable side effects set limits on the possibility of overcoming the frequency dependent attenuation effects by increasing peak acoustic amplitudes of the waves probing the tissue. To overcome this limitation a pulse compression technique employing 16 bits Complementary Golay Sequences (CGS) Code was implemented at 4 MHz. In comparison with other, earlier proposed, coded excitation schemes, such as chirp, pseudo-random chirp and Barker codes, the CGS allowed virtually side lobe free operation. Experimental data indicate that the quality — resolution, signal penetration and contrast dynamics — of CGS images is better than the one obtain for standard ultrasonography using short burst excitation.

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A. Nowicki
W. Secomski
I. Trots
J. Litniewski
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The orientations of recrystallization nuclei and their adjacent as-deformed regions have been characterised in deformed single crystals of different metals (Ag, Cu, Cu-2%wt.Al and Cu-8%wt.Al) in which twinning and/or shear banding occur. {112}<111> oriented crystals of these metals have been compressed to different strains, then lightly annealed, and the crystallographic aspects of the recrystallization process along shear bands examined by local orientation measurement in TEM and SEM. The results clearly show the existence of a well-defined crystallographic relation between the local deformation substructure and the first recrystallized areas of uniform orientation. The first-formed nuclei always exhibit near 25–400(<111>–<112>) type misorientations, in the direction of highest growth, with respect to one of the two main groups of the deformation texture components. The rotation axes can be correlated with the slip plane normal of highest activity. As recrystallization proceeds, recrystallization twinning develops strongly and facilitates rapid growth; the first and higher generations of twins then tend to obscure the initial primary crystallographic relation between the shear bands and recrystallization nuclei .

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H. Paul
J.H. Driver
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In the electromagnetic field simulation of modern servo drives, the computation of higher time and space harmonics is essential to predict torque pulsations, radial forces, ripple torques and cogging torque. Field computation by conformal map ping (CM) techniques is a time-effective method to compute the radial and tangential field components. In the standard CM approach, computational results of cogging torque simulations as well as overload operations observe deviations to nonlinear finite element (FE) simulations due to the neglection of slot leakage and saturation effects. This paper presents an extension of the classical CM. Additional CM parameters are computed from single finite element computations so as to consider both effects listed above in the model over a wide operation range of the electrical drive. The proposed approach is applied to a surface permanent magnet synchronous machine (SM-PMSM), and compared to numerical results obtained by finite element analysis (FEA). An accuracy similar to that of FE simulations is obtained with however the low computation time that is characteristic for analytical models.

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Martin Hafner
David Franck
Kay Hameyer
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The radial distribution system is a rugged system, it is also the most commonly used system, which suffers by loss and low voltage at the end bus. This loss can be reduced by the use of a capacitor in the system, which injects reactive current and also improves the voltage magnitude in the buses. The real power loss in the distribution line is the I2R loss which depends on the current and resistance. The connection of the capacitor in the bus reduces the reactive current and losses. The loss reduction is equal to the increase in generation, necessary for the electric power provided by firms. For consumers, the quality of power supply depends on the voltage magnitude level, which is also considered and hence the objective of the problem becomes the multi objective of loss minimization and the minimization of voltage deviation. In this paper, the optimal location and size of the capacitor is found using a new computational intelligent algorithm called Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA). To calculate the power flow and losses in the system, novel data structure load flow is introduced. In this, each bus is considered as a node with bus associated data. Links between the nodes are distribution lines and their own resistance and reactance. To validate the developed FPA solutions standard test cases, IEEE 33 and IEEE 69 radial distribution systems are considered.

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V. Tamilselvan
T. Jayabarathi
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Experimental design and computational model for predicting debonding initiation and propagation are of interest of scientists and engineers. The design and model are expected to explain the phenomenon for a wide range of loading rates. In this work, a method to measure and quantify debonding strength at various loading rates is proposed. The method is experimentally verified using data obtained from a static test and a pulse-type dynamic test. The proposed method involves the cohesive zone model, which can uniquely be characterized with a few parameters. Since those parameters are difficult to be measured directly, indirect inference is deployed where the parameters are inferred by minimizing discrepancy of mechanical response of a numerical model and that of the experiments. The main finding suggests that the design is easy to be used for the debonding characterization and the numerical model can accurately predict the debonding for the both loading cases. The cohesive strength of the stress-wave case is significantly higher than that of the static case; meanwhile, the cohesive energy is twice larger.
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Fergyanto E. Gunawan
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The article aims at an exegetical exploration of the theme of reconciliation in Eph 2:11-22. First it is argued that the passage has chiastic literary structure (ABCDD’C’B’A’). Reconciliation is in the structure a central (pivotal) theme around which go all other theo-logical motifs. The first element of pragmatic strategy of the author in Eph 2:11-22 is to show the condition of the addressee of the letter from the point of view of the Old Testament religion. As Gentiles they were deprived of God and His salvific promises. Thanks to the work of reconciliation accomplished by Christ’s death on the cross, both previously divided parts of the world (namely Gentiles and Jews) have become one. Christ’s work of reconcil-iation restores above all the relationship of each hostile group with God. The reconciliation between the two groups is a consequence of their prior reconciliation with God by Christ in the Holy Spirit (Trinitarian theology). Thanks to Christ’s work of reconciliation Gentiles are not strangers to God any more but together with the faithful Christians of Jewish origin form one “holy temple”, “Gods dwelling through the Spirit”, namely the Church.

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Ks. Janusz Kręcidło MS
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The effect of cationic, anionic and nonionic surface active additives, organic compounds and polymers on the electrodeposition of Zn-Mo coatings on steel substrate and detailed characterization in chosen optimal conditions was studied. The influence of polyethylene glycol (PEG) various concentration, sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), triton X-100, d-sorbitol, cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB), thiourea and disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) on the electrodeposition process was examined. The composition of deposits was defined by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (WDXRF). Results has shown that the current efficiency of the electrodeposition of Zn-Mo coatings is 71.4%, 70.7%, 66.7% for 1.5 g/dm3 PEG 20000, 0.1 g/dm3 Triton X-100 and 0.75 M D-sorbitol respectively. The surface topography and roughness of selected coatings on steel was investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The attendance of D-sorbitol of 0.75 M in the solution cause clear reduction of grain size and the value of roughness parameter (Ra) in relation to SDS, PEG, Triton X-100 and the sample prepared without the additives. The morphology of electrodeposited layers was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The addition of selected additives to the electrolytic bath results in the formation of smoother, brighter and more compact Zn-Mo coatings in comparison to layers obtained from similar electrolytes but without the addition of surfactants. The optimal concentration of the most effective additives such as PEG 20000, Triton X-100 and D-sorbitol is 1.5 g/dm3, 0.1 g/dm3, 0.75 M respectively.

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A. Hara
H. Kazimierczak
A. Bigos
Z. Świątek
P. Ozga
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The present study aimed to propose a conceptual model of the general effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the self-regulatory behavior of students learning online. The participants of the study included 350 students of Salman Farsi University of Kazerun who answered an electronic questionnaire from November 5 to November 24, 2020. This electronic questionnaire consisted of two tools: 1. COVID-19 General Impact Survey 2. Online Self-regulated Learning Questionnaire (OSLQ). The results of the structural equation modeling (SEM) showed that the goal orientation dimension has the highest mean (M=17.58) and the time management dimension has the lowest mean (M=10.18) among students. With the increase in negative academic outcomes and the decrease in students' psychological health during the COVID-19, their online self-regulated learning behaviors have also reduced. In addition, the COVID-19 had a negative and direct effect on online self-regulated learning behaviors in students. The results also showed that the greatest effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the self-regulatory components of online learning was related to the time management component. As for academic achievement, the three dimensions of goal setting, environmental structure, and self- evaluation showed a positive and significant relationship with the average of two semesters of students. Finally, the overall effects of the COVID-19 could explain 11% of online self-regulatory learning behaviors in students. Implicit implications of these findings for education as well as suggestions for further research are discussed.
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Moslem Abbasi
Yaser Khajavi
Leila Shameli

  1. Salman Farsi University of Kazerun, Iran
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The aim of the present study, set in the Polish-English context, is to discuss the lexical infl uence of English upon the Polish names of professions. The analysis is based on the offi cial list of professions in Polish, compiled by the Polish Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. The loans are classifi ed into different groups, with various criteria taken into account: they are classified (1) according to the time of their fi rst occurrence in Polish (the criterion here is based on their existence or non-existence in two dictionaries, one of general Polish, i.e. Uniwersalny słownik języka polskiego, and one of English borrowings in Polish, i.e. Słownik zapożyczeń angielskich w polszczyźnie); (2) according to the place in which a given borrowing is used (in the very name of the profession or in its peripheral parts) and (3) according to the function of a given borrowing (functioning as the only name of the profession or as an additional name, parallel to the Polish one). Additionally, the roles of the English borrowings in the names of professions are analyzed.

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Marcin Zabawa
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In this short communication describing experiments carried out on the larvae of two insects, Unaspis euonymi Comstock (feeding on Euonymus japonicus Thunb.) and Dynaspidiotus britannicus Newstead (feeding on Laurus nobilis L.), we evaluate for the first time the efficiency of using DNA insecticides in the control of sap-sucking insects, including armored scale insects. Over a period of 10 days, high insect mortality was detected in both U. euonymi and D. britannicus, accompanied by a significant decrease in the concentration of target RNAs. At the same time, no visible changes were observed when the leaves of the host plants were subjected to treatment with DNA insecticides for one month. The results show the high efficiency of DNA insecticides used against hemipteran insect pests. It is noteworthy that the high efficiency of DNA insecticides and their low cost in comparison with RNA preparations provides a safe and extremely promising potential vehicle for the control of sap-sucking insects.

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Nikita Gal’chinsky
Refat Useinov
Ekaterina Yatskova
Kateryna Laikova
Ilya Novikov
Mikhail Gorlov
Natalya Trikoz
Alexander Sharmagiy
Yuri Plugatar
Volodymyr Oberemok
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This article presents the results of an assessment of the potential for the use of CNG in Poland as a fuel for passenger cars powered by an internal combustion engine fuelled by petrol or diesel. The basis for assessing the potential was an analysis of the economic efficiency of converting a passenger car fuelled by petrol or diesel to a dual-fuel vehicle by installing a CNG system. On the basis of available literature data, the vehicle structure was characterised using the following criteria: vehicle age, engine capacity, car-segment, type of fuel used and kerb weight. The average fuel consumption (petrol or diesel) of the vehicle before conversion was determined on the basis of specially developed statistical models. The conversion and operating costs of a vehicle fuelled with conventional fuel and with CNG (after vehicle conversion) were estimated on the basis of a stochastic simulation model using probability density distributions of vehicle parameters and the Monte Carlo method. The vehicle parameters were estimated so that the obtained set of vehicles reflected the actual structure of passenger cars in Poland. The estimated costs of vehicle conversion (purchase and installation of a CNG system) and its subsequent operating costs made it possible to assess the economic efficiency of the car conversion process. The potential use of CNG as a fuel for combustion cars was estimated by comparing the operating costs of a vehicle before conversion and the operating costs of a vehicle after conversion, taking into account the costs of conversion. Analogous calculations were carried out for the conversion of a vehicle to run on LPG, i.e. the most important competitor to CNG.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dominik Kryzia
Monika Pepłowska

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
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Fatty acids are very important biological substances due to their metabolic, structural and signal- ing functions. Omega-3 has different beneficial, harmful and neutral effects on adipokines. Adi- pokines have autocrine, paracrine and endocrine effects on metabolism. In the study 54 German Fawn x Hair crossbred goats were synchronized using intravaginal sponges. During the first pe- riod (mating-75 days), all animals were fed a diet supplemented with protected fat and during the second period of pregnancy (76 days-kidding), one of the groups was fed a diet supplemented with fish oil and other was fed a diet supplemented with protected fat. Serum leptin, ghrelin, adi- ponektin and omentin levels were measured by ELISA system. Distributed fed (roughage and concentrate) were sampled and dry matter, crude protein, fat, and ash were determined by AOAC (1988) analysis methods. The Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) and Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF) analysis were conducted using heat stable α-amylase and sodium sulphite. Fat source (fish oil or protected fat) affected feed consumption and the highest feed consumption was found in the group fed with protected oil first half of the pregnancy and with fish oil in the second half of the pregnancy and in the fish oil group during the pregnancy. It was determined that the use of fish oil during pregnancy did not affect ghrelin, leptin and omentin concentrations in serum. Adipokine levels of fish oil fed animals during any period of pregnancy were found to be high and it was also found that serum adiponectin levels in goats fed with diet containing fish oil in the first half of pregnancy and protected fat in the second half were statistically significantly high in adipokines.

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K. Öztabak
U. Serbester
F. Esen Gürsel
I. Akış
A. Ateş
H. Yardibi
G. Atmaca
N. Koluman
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This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different dietary supplementation levels with jujube fruit powder on the performance, biochemical parameters, and egg quality characteristics of laying quails. A total of 60 quails (45 days old) were randomly assigned to treatments with different levels of jujube fruit powder: a basal diet (control) and diets supplemented with 5 g/kg (T1), 10 g/kg (T2), with five replicates per treatment (20 quails/treatment and four quails/replicate). The differences between 1-15 and 16-30 days for feed intake (p<0.05), 1-60 days for egg production (p<0.05), 16-30 days for egg weight (p<0.05), and 1-15 and 1-60 days for feed conversion ratio were statistically significant. The highest values for egg width (p<0.01) and egg length (p<0.05) were found in the control group (25.87 and 33.55 mm), while lower values were observed in the T1 and T2 groups. There was no statistical difference between the groups in egg shape index, shell weight, shell ratio, and shell thickness (p>0.05). The yolk height (p<0.05) and yolk diameter (p<0.01) were statistically significant. The differences between the groups for all serum biochemical parameters were insignificant (p>0.05). According to the results of this study, jujube fruit, a rich energy source, can be used as an alternative supplement in poultry diets with positive effects on egg production and feed conversion ratio.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Eroglu
M. Ciftci
U.G. Simsek
S. Akarsu
S. Arslan
M.A. Hames
M. Mutlu

  1. Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Siirt University, 56100, Siirt, Turkey
  2. Department of Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Firat University, 23119, Elazig, Turkey
  3. Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Firat University, 23119, Elazig, Turkey
  4. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Elazığ Directorate of Provincial Agriculture and Forestry, 23040, Elazig, Turkey
  5. Department of Laboratory and Veterinary Medicine, Birecik Vocational School, Harran University, 63400, Birecik, Sanlıurfa, Turkey
  6. Elazıg Veterinary Control Institute, Republıc of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 23200, Elazig, Turkey

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