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In the previous study, we designed one personal rescue winch for high-rise building rescue. Its key requirement is to be small and light enough to suit users. In addition to using lightweight and reasonable materials as in the proposed winch design, in this study, we proceed to optimize the weight of one two-level gear train, which accounts for a large proportion of weight. The first stage is building a weight optimization problem model with seven independent variables, establishing one optimal algorithm, and investigating the variables by Matlab software. The other is replacing the web material of the gears and pinions with Aluminum 6061-T6 and optimizing their hole diameters and hole numbers through using Ansys software. The obtained result shows a significant weight reduction. Compared to the original design, the weight reduces by 10.21% and 52.40% after the first optimal and last stages, respectively.
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Authors and Affiliations

Truong Giang Duong
Van Tinh Nguyen
Tien Dung Nguyen

  1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Civil Engineering, Hanoi, Vietnam.
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Based on comprehensive interrelated mathematical and graphical-analytical models, including 3D cut layers and simulation of contact, strain, force, and thermal processes during gear hobbing friction forces, heat fluxes, and temperature on the teeth of the hob surface are investigated. Various physical phenomena are responsible for their wear: friction on contact surfaces and thermal flow. These factors act independently of each other; therefore, the worn areas are localized in different active parts of the hob. Friction causes abrasive wear and heat fluxes result in heat softening of the tool. Intense heat fluxes due to significant friction, acting on areas of limited area, lead to temperatures exceeding the critical temperature on certain edges of the high-speed cutter. Simulation results enable identification of high-temperature areas on the working surface of cutting edges, where wear is caused by various reasons, and make it possible to select different methods of hardening these surfaces. To create protective coatings with maximum heat resistance, it is advisable to use laser technologies, electro spark alloying, or plasma spraying, and for coatings that provide reduction of friction on the surfaces – formation of diamond-containing layers with minimum adhesion properties and low friction coefficient on the corresponding surfaces.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ihor Hrytsay
Vadym Stupnytskyy

  1. Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
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Against the background of increasing installed capacity of wind power in the power generation system, high-precision ultra-short-term wind power prediction is significant for safe and reliable operation of the power generation system. We present a method for ultra-short-term wind power prediction based on a copula function, bivariate empirical mode decomposition (BEMD) algorithm and gated recurrent unit (GRU) neural network. First we use the copula function to analyze the nonlinear correlation between wind power and external factors to extract the key factors influencing wind power generation. Then the joint data composed of the key factors and wind power are decomposed into a series of stationary subsequence data by a BEMD algorithm which can decompose the bivariate data jointly. Finally, the prediction model based on a GRU network uses the decomposed data as the input to predict the power output in the next four hours. The experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively improve the accuracy of ultra-short-term wind power prediction.

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Authors and Affiliations

Haiqing Liu
Weijian Lin
Yuancheng Li

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