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The article deals with the subject of an important component of energy management, which is the performance of energy efficiency audits in companies. Using the case study analysis, the role of the energy audit was analyzed in the context of improvement of energy efficiency in selected production companies. The essence of legal requirements following from the implementation of the amended Energy Efficiency Act was presented. Specifically, problems and challenges, which refer to the method of implementation of the audit obligation in economic practice, were discussed. Furthermore, the issue of quality and usefulness (in the decision-making process) of prepared reports was raised. It was found that there were indications to claim that the obligatory energy audit of companies is not an instrument for the improvement of energy efficiency, which is always used optimally. The fault in this situation is partly attributable to the state, audit bodies and the company management. In this case, not only is the ineffective communication an issue here, but also the insufficient level of knowledge regarding energy management, as well as haste. The amendment of the Energy Efficiency Act (within just one year) imposed the necessity to conduct an energy audit on a specific group of companies. In principle, because all the entities, to which the obligation referred, had to take actions almost at the same time, numerous issues appeared. Some managers learned about the obligation to conduct the audit from companies who themselves had come out with a proposal to carry it out. This proves the lack of the proper information flow between the government administration authorities and the companies. Again, it turned out that practitioners did not keep pace with the implementation of actions, which were a consequence of numerous (and not always well thought-out) changes in the law. Haste in the fulfillment of the statutory obligation affected a high price spread of the bids sent during tenders, related to the performance of an energy audit. Bureaucratic regulations regarding tenders became another obstacle in the correct performance of the tasks. The entrepreneurs themselves, without clear guidelines on what to expect after the performed energy audit and what a report should look like, on many occasions, selected the “cheapest” bid – not always thinking too much about the qualitative consequences of such a decision. Some certifying bodies – taking advantage of an opportunity and the satisfactory combination of circumstances – offered unprofessional audit services of questionable quality. In the presented conditions, it is difficult to expect real, systemic and desirable results (economically, ecologically and socially) with regards to the energy efficiency both in the micro-, meso- and macr-economic scale. It is worth considering changes in the Energy Efficiency Act and spread the obligation to perform audits over different years according to clearly defined (in cooperation with business) criteria. If relevant actions are not taken, the situation of a temporary Eldorado on the market of energy audits will repeat in 4 years. Again, the consequence may be the poor quality and questionable usefulness of reports from energy audits of companies both at the business level and the ecological-political level. It is necessary to counteract all forms of unfair competition to interdisciplinary and specialist bodies which take actions to improve the energy efficiency of organisations. The creation of appropriate business conditions will have a positive impact on the improvement of energy efficiency. In this context, it is necessary to take actions, which enable the optimization of both the process of the implementation of obligatory legal regulations and voluntary (industry) norms and standards.

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Marzena Hajduk-Stelmachowicz
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Odcieki wysypiskowe są to wody deszczowe migrujące przez złoże wysypiska, wymywające z niego rozpuszczalne frakcje organiczne i mineralne zawarte w składowanych odpadach.Trzyletnie badania odcieków pochodzących ze składowisk odpadów komunalnych w Siemianowicach Śląskich i Dąbrowie Górniczej wykazały, że ChZT odcieków na ogół waha się między wartościami 1000 i 2000 mg/dm3, a w nielicznych okresach w roku przekracza te wartości, osiągając stężenia nawet powyżej 14 000 mg ChZT/dm3• W przypadku gdy stężenie ChZT odcieków jest niskie i nie przekracza 2000 mg//dm3, mamy do czynienia ze związkami trudno rozkładalnymi biologicznie. Odmienną sytuację obserwowano, gdy ChZT odcieków znacznie przekraczało typowe niskie wartości. Napowietrzanie odcieków z osadem czynnym powodowało szybki rozkład związków organicznych i spadek ChZT. Już po 5 godzinach napowietrzania uzyskano 75% obniżenie stężenia ChZT.
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Joanna Surmacz-Górska
Korneliusz Miksch
Tatiana Kita
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In order to research the losses and heat of damper bars thoroughly, a multislice moving electromagnetic field-circuit coupling FE model of tubular hydro-generator and a 3D temperature field FE model of the rotor are built respectively. The factors such as rotor motion and non-linearity of the time-varying electromagnetic field, the stator slots skew, the anisotropic heat conduction of the rotor core lamination and different heat dissipation conditions on the windward and lee side of the poles are considered. Furthermore, according to the different operating conditions, different rotor structures and materials, compositive calculations about the losses and temperatures of the damper bars of a 36 MW generator are carried out, and the data are compared with the test. The results show that the computation precision is satisfied and the generator design is reasonable.

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Yong Liao
Zhen-Nan Fan
Li Han
Li-Dan Xie
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The dynamic process of the interaction between a turbulent jet diffusion methane flame and a lateral wall was experimentally studied. The evolution of the flame temperature field with the Nitrogen dilution of the methane jet flame was examined. The interaction between the diffusion flame and the lateral wall was investigated for different distance between the wall and the central axes of the jet flame. The dilution is found to play the central role in the flame extinction process. The flame response as the lateral wall approaches from infinity and the increasing of the dilution rate make the flame extinction more rapid than the flame without dilution, when the nitrogen dilution rate increase the flame temperature decrease.
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Nadjib Ghiti
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Background: Cardiovascular diseases are the first cause of death globally. Hypercholester-olemia is the most important factor responsible for atherosclerotic plaque formation and increasing cardiovascular risk. Reduction of LDL-C level is the most relevant goal for reduction of cardiovascular risk.
Aims: Real life adherence to guidelines concerning statin therapy in one center study population. Methods: We analyzed data collected in the Department of Internal Diseases from September 2019 to February 2020, obtained from 238 patients hospitalized in this time period. We assessed application of the new 2019 ESC/EAS Guidelines for the Management of Dyslipidaemias in daily clinical practice and compared effectiveness of LLT according to 2016 and 2019 guidelines.
Results: Only 1 in 5 patients with dyslipideamia achieve the 2019 ESC/EAS guideline-recommended levels of LDL-C with relation to their TCVR. We noticed that 20 of patients who did not achieve proper 2019 LDL level, meet the therapy targets established in year 2016. We observed that higher patient TCVR resulted in better compliance with guidelines and ordination of proper LLT. Most patients were on monotherapy with statins.
Conclusions: It could be beneficial to start treatment with double or even triple therapy especially in group with the highest LDL-C levels.
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Authors and Affiliations

Patrycja Cecha
Anna Chromik
Ilona Piotrowska
Michał Zabojszcz
Magdalena Dolecka-Ślusarczyk
Zbigniew Siudak

  1. Collegium Medicum, Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland
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Introduction: Dentin hypersensitivity is a painful clinical condition. The frequency of its occurrence varies from 8 to 57%, depending on tested group and different methods of investigations. Recommended desensitizing agents have different mechanism of action and effectiveness. We are still looking for solutions that will improve their effectiveness and simultaneously allow for wider use of e.g. as a base material, counteracting postoperative hypersensitivity, reducing marginal microleakage. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of a selected desensitizing agent occluding dentin tubules with calcium hydroxyapatite on marginal microleakage formation of a class V composite restorations subjected to thermocycles.

Materials and Methods: In study it was used 40 molars and premolars, which were alternately assigned into two groups. In both groups standardized cavities were prepared. In the study group (study group — SG) before application of bonding agent Teethmate Desensitizer (f. Kuraray, Noritake Dental Inc., Okayama, Japan) was used. In the control group (control group — CG) OptiBond All-in-one (f. Kerr, Bioggio, Switzerland) bonding agent was used and cavities were filled using composite material Gradia Direct (f. GC Europe N.V., Leuven, Belgium). After storage in saline, teeth were subjected to 600 thermo-cycles, passive dye penetration test was done, teeth were cut in the area of filling, according to its long axis. Under light microscope magnification value of microleakage was measured and marginal microleakage rate (M) was counted. The results of the tests were statistically analyzed using the package STATISTICA 12.0 (StatSoft, USA).

Results: The average value of M for the SG group was 0.46 (min 0.05, max 0.76, SD 0.226) and for CG was 0.22 (min 0, max 0.74, SD 0.235). The differences between M values were statistically significant (p = 0.0094).

Conclusion: A reduction in the number of retention sites for the bonding system, facilitates the formation of microleakage in the experimental conditions and reduces the degree of adhesion of the composite material to the hard tissues of the tooth.

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Authors and Affiliations

Elżbieta Zarzecka-Francica
Joanna Gołda
Olga Górnicka
Barbara Śliwowska
Przemysław Kustra
Małgorzata Pihut
Joanna Zarzecka
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Introduction: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) represents a group of chronic inflamma-tory disorders characterized by dysbiosis and altered short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) level. The association between individual SCFA levels and cytokine levels is unknown.
Objectives: We aimed to determine the fecal SCFA levels in patients with IBD in relation to disease severity and the serum levels of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines.
Patients and Methods: The study included 61 patients with IBD (inactive, 22; active, 39) and 16 controls. Fecal levels of organic acids (acetic, lactic, propionic, butyric, isovaleric, isobutyric, and valeric), serum levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-10 (IL-10), IL-17, and IL-22, complete blood count and C-reactive protein (CRP) were measured.
Results: Patients with active IBD had reduced butyric, acetic, valeric, and isovaleric acid levels and elevated lactic acid levels in stool. Hemoglobin levels were positively correlated with the levels of acetic and butyric acids ( R = 0.266 and R = 0.346, respectively; P <0.05). In addition, CRP levels were inversely correlated with butyric acid levels ( R = –0.573; P <0.05). Higher serum TNF-α levels were observed in patients with active IBD compared with controls (6.64 pg/ml vs 2.05 pg/ml, P <0.05). No relationship was noted between the SCFA profile and cytokine levels.
Conclusions: The study showed that determination of SCFA levels can be used to evaluate the activity of IBD. The relationship between individual SCFA and cytokine levels seems to be complex and requires further studies.
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Authors and Affiliations

Olga Kaczmarczyk
Agnieszka Dąbek-Drobny
Michał Woźniakiewicz
Paweł Paśko
Justyna Dobrowolska-Iwanek
Aneta Woźniakiewicz
Aneta Targosz
Agata Ptak-Belowska
Agnieszka Piątek-Guziewicz
Kacper Wcisło
Paweł Zagrodzki
Małgorzata Zwolińska-Wcisło
1 2

  1. Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  2. Unit of Clinical Dietetics, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  3. Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
  4. Department of Food Chemistry and Nutrition, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  5. Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  6. Department of Pathomorphology, University Hospital, Kraków, Poland
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Analysis of weathering parameters of bones from cave deposits is presented as a useful tool of palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. As an example, we studied profiles of sediments in two Palaeolithic sites: Nietoperzowa Cave and Deszczowa Cave. Our studies included histological and EDS analyses of bone remnants found in these profiles. This method allowed us to reconstruct the changes of palaeotemperature and palaeohumidity, and finally the climatostratigraphy of sediments. The results presented here put a new light onto the stratigraphy of Deszczowa Cave's filling. In particular, besides the Vistulian sediments (MIS 2-5d), we confirmed the presence oflayers formed during the Penultimate Glaciation (MIS 6) and Eemian Interglacial (MIS 5e).

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Maciej T. Krajcarz
Teresa Madeyska
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During austral summer phytoplankton is the main component of food of E. superba postlarval stages. Diatomeae: Thalassiosira spp., Nitzschia spp. and tiny Pennatae constitue 98% of all consumed food particles. 91% of algae consumed were of 8—40 μm, and their mean size is 21.4 μm. The mean amount of algae found in of Euphausia superba was about 1700 per individual. The differences in species composition and the size of algae eaten by juvenes, preadult and adult individuals decrease the food competition between particular age groups of E. superba.

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Krystyna Maciejewska
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In the years 1987-1995 studies were carried out on the content of Cu, Mn, Zn, Pb and Cd in plants and soil in the Bellsund area, Western Spitsbergen. For the studies the author used predominating species of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens collected from beaches littoral planes, valleys, slopes and mountain peaks. Some plant species, largely bryophytes and lichens, were shown to contain increased amounts of Zn, Pb and Cd, whilst in others Cu deficiency was found. This paper is summing up studies concerning the content of Cu, Mn, Zn, Pb and Cd in plants of Western Spitsbergen, which were conducted over many years.

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Zbigniew Jóźwik
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This study presents the hydrochemical composition of groundwater under long-term irrigation of Wonji plain (Ethiopia) and its quality status for drinking purpose. Groundwater samples were collected from 30 groundwater monitoring tube wells installed at different parts of the sugarcane plantation and then analysed for the major physico-chemical quality parameters (pH, EC, major cations and anions) following standard test procedures. The status of groundwater for drinking was compared with WHO and other quality standards. Analytical analysis results indicated that majority of the considered quality parameters are rated above the prescribed tolerable limits for drinking set by WHO. About 97% of the water sample has water quality index in the range of very poor to unfit for drinking. The contamination index is in the ranges of low (–1.0) to high (3.6). In general, the groundwater of the area is unsuitable for human consumption without proper treatment such as boiling, chlorination, filtering, distillation, desalinaization, defluoridation, deionization, demineralization (ionexchange) and membrane processes. Since the TDS concentration is relatively small (<2000 ppm), demineralization process alone can be sufficient to bring the water to an acceptable level.

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Megersa O. Dinka

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