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Nowadays, the Internet connects people, multimedia and physical objects leading to a new-wave of services. This includes learning applications, which require to manage huge and mixed volumes of information coming from Web and social media, smart-cities and Internet of Things nodes. Unfortunately, designing smart e-learning systems able to take advantage of such a complex technological space raises different challenges. In this perspective, this paper introduces a reference architecture for the development of future and big-data-capable e-learning platforms. Also, it showcases how data can be used to enrich the learning process.

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Luca Caviglione
Mauro Coccoli
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In this paper, an asynchronous demodulation method for a four-single sideband (SSB) signal arranged on the frequency axis is developed to support burst mode transmission in a mobile radio path and to achieve greater data throughputs. When a reduced pilot carrier is placed at the center of the 4-SSB signal, it is guarded by lower and upper sidebands, that is, this scheme is classified into a tone-in-band (TIB) system. Digital signal processing (DSP) processors are useful for implementing a Hilbert transform. However, we have for a long time neglected introducing it into the demodulation process of SSB signals.
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Kazuhiro Daikoku

  1. Tokyo, Japan
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Helicobacter species have been reported in animals, some of which are of zoonotic importance. This study aimed to detect Helicobacter species among human and animal samples using conventional PCR assays and to identify their zoonotic potentials. Helicobacter species was identified in human and animal samples by genus-specific PCR assays and phylogenetic analysis of partial sequencing of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene. The results revealed that Helicobacter species DNA was detected in 13 of 29 (44.83%) of the human samples. H. pylori was identified in 2 (15.38%), and H. bovis was detected in 4 (30.77%), whereas 7 (53.85%) were unidentified. H. bovis and H. heilmannii were prevalent among the animal samples. Phylogenetic analysis revealed bootstrapping of sequences with H. cinaedi in camel, H. rappini in sheep and humans, and Wollinella succinogenes in humans. In conclusion, the occurrence of non-H. pylori infections among human and animal samples suggested zoonotic potentials.
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Authors and Affiliations

A.I. Youssef
A. Afifi
S. Abbadi
A. Hamed
M. Enany

  1. Animal Hygiene and Zoonoses, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Suez Canal University, 41522, 4.5 Km Ring Road, Ismailia, Egypt
  2. Microbiology and Immunology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Suez Canal University, Egypt
  3. Microbiology and Immunology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Suez University, 43512, Alsalam City, Suez, Egypt
  4. Biotechnology Department, Animal Health Research Institute, P.O. Box 264, Dokki, Giza 12618, Egypt

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