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Sapropel is a layer of sediment composed of organic and inorganic substances that accumulates at the bottom of lakes. The water of such lakes often have elevated levels of heavy metals such as Cd, Cr, Cu, and Zn, which can pose risks to human health. Sapropel may be used as a biosorbent in removing these heavy metals from aqueous solutions. Various doses of sapropel ranging from 1 to 50 g/L and different mixing times from15 to150 minutes have been tested. The maximum removal efficiencies for Cd (93%), Cr (31%), Cu (84%), and Zn (84%) from aqueous solutions were achieved using the minimum doses of sapropel (50 g/L). The study has shown that mixing sapropel for 15 minutes is sufficient for the removal of Cr, 30 minutes for Cd and Cu, and 60 minutes for Zn.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ramunė Albrektienė-Plačakė
Dainius Paliulis

  1. Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering, Vilnius TECH, Lithuania
  2. Department of Environmental Protection and Water Engineering, Vilnius TECH, Lithuania
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The concept of estoppel appears in Anglo-Saxon judicature, and also applies in international relations. It is current both in peace-time and in conditions of armed conflict. At its most general, one can define estoppel as a voluntary renunciation of procedures for establishing proofs. A physical or legal entity, especially however a state, cannot deny the existence of facts or of a law if previously they have drawn advantage from these facts. The author analyses different forms of the concept of estoppel: I. on the basis of concrete physical action; 2. on the basis of a treaty, compromise, exchange of notes, publication, or other written from; 3. on the basis of the principle of legitimacy.
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Tadeusz Maria Gelewski
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The paper presents an investigation of mass transfer in gas-liquid annular flow in a microreactor. The microreactor had a meandered shape with a square cross-section of the channel (292×292 μm, hydraulic diameter 292 μm) and 250 mm in length. The rate of CO2 absorption from the CO2/N2 mixture in NaOH (0.1 M, 0.2 M, 0.7 M, 1.0 M and 1.5 M) water solutions was measured. Two velocities of gas flow and two velocities of liquid flow were used. In two cases a fully developed annular flow at the beginning of the channel was observed, whilst in two cases annular flow was formed only in about 2/3 of the microchannel length. Based on the measurements of CO2 absorption rate, the values of volumetric liquid - side mass transfer coefficients with the chemical reaction were determined. Then physical values of coefficients were found. Obtained results were discussed and their values were compared with the values predicted by literature correlations.

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Paweł Sobieszuk
Karolina Napieralska
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Photovoltaic (PV) technologies which play a role in PV market are divided into basic two types: wafer-based (1st generation PV) and thin-film cell (2nd generation PV). To the first category belong mainly crystalline silicon (c-Si) cells (both mono- and multi-crystalline). In 2015 around 90% of the solar market belonged to crystalline silicon. To the 2nd generation solar cells belongs thin film amorphous silicon (a-Si) or a combination of amorphous and microcrystalline silicon (a-Si/μc-Si), compound semiconductor cadmium telluride (CdTe), compound semiconductor made of copper, indium, gallium and selenium (CIS or CIGS) and III–V materials. The PV market for thin film technology is dominated by CdTe and CIGS solar cells. Thin film solar cells’ share for all thin film technologies was only 10% in 2015. New emerging technologies, called 3rd generation solar cells, remain the subject of extensive R&D studies but have not been used in the PV market, so far.

In this review the best laboratory 1st and 2nd generation solar cells that were recently achieved are described. The scheme of the layer structure and energy band diagrams will be analyzed in order to explain the boost of their efficiency with reference to the earlier standard designs.

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E. Płaczek-Popko
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The list of shallow—water molluscs: chitons (2 species), gastropods (33 species) and bivalves (36 species) of Isfjorden is presented. Distribution, frequency and domination structure are discussed and zoogeographical analysis is presented.

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Olgierd Różycki
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Under conditions of gravity flow, the performance of a distribution pipe network for drinking water supply can be measured by investment cost and the difference in real and target pressures at each node to ensure fairness of the service. Therefore, the objective function for the optimization in the design of a complex gravity flow pipe network is a multi-purpose equation system set up to minimize the above-mentioned two parameters. This article presents a new model as an alternative solution to solving the optimization equation system by combining the Newton–Raphson and genetic algorithm (GA) methods into a single unit so that the resulting model can work effectively. The Newton–Raphson method is used to solve the hydraulic equation system in pipelines and the GA is used to find the optimal pipe diameter combination in a net-work. Among application models in a complex pipe network consisting of 12 elements and 10 nodes, this model is able to show satisfactory performance. Considering variations in the value of the weighting factor in the objective function, opti-mal conditions can be achieved at the investment cost factor (ω1) = 0.75 and the relative energy equalization factor at the service node (ω2) = 0.25. With relevant GA input parameters, optimal conditions are achieved at the best fitness value of 1.016 which is equivalent to the investment cost of USD 56.67 thous. with an average relative energy deviation of 1.925 m.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ernawan Setiono
I Wayan Yasa

  1. University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Faculty of Engineering, Jl. Raya Tlogomas No. 246, 65114, Malang, Indonesia
  2. Mataram University, Faculty of Engineering, Mataram, Indonesia
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The aim of the present work was to determine the influence of the microstructural evolution of copper single crystals with the initial orientations of <001> and <111> after cold drawing on their corrosion resistance. Transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and electron backscattering diffraction were used to characterize the microstructural changes. To evaluate the corrosion resistance after deformation, open circuit potential, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and potentiodynamic polarization analyses were conducted. The microstructural observations showed the presence of dislocation cell structures and shear bands in deformed sample with initial orientation <001> single crystal, as well as a strongly-developed substructure in sample <111>. The material with initial orientation of <001> was more resistive in analyzed medium than material with the initial orientation of <111>.

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M. Koralnik
A. Dobkowska
B. Adamczyk-Cieślak
J. Mizera
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In this paper, finite element modelling is employed for simulating and analysing seepage and slope stability of earthfill dam via GeoStudio software. Two products are employed, which are SLOPE/W for slope stability and SEEP/W for seepage analysis. The behaviour of earthfill dam with four different types of sandy soils having different values of hydraulic conductivity (K) has been studied. Different upstream (US) slopes of 1:2, 1:2.5, 1:3 and 1:3.5 for the earthfill dam are simulated. The downstream (DS) slope is constant at 1:2. The results showed for all the four types of soils that when the US slope is increased, the amount of seepage from the dam increases and the factor of safety (F) decreases. For each US slope, when K (type of soil) increases, both seepage and F increase. Fine sand soil is associated with less seepage and less F. Sixteen equations are obtained to predict both seepage and F with respect to US slope for each type of soil and K of the soil for US slope. An experimental model for earthfill dam is constructed in the laboratory of hydraulics, Benha University to investigate the seepage of water through earthfill dams. It is concluded that seepage decreased when K decreased, and when the US slope for each type of soil decreased. The seepage increased when K increased for each US slope. Seven equations are obtained to predict seepage with respect to US slope for each type of soil, and K for each US slope.

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Alaa N. El-Hazek
Neveen B. Abdel-Mageed
Mohammed H. Hadid

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