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The aim of the work was to develop a mathematical model using equations of fluid mechanics that describe the dynamics of air flow in a part of the compost aerating system integrated with a stationary reactor. The results of the simulation show that adjusting the flow resistance along the entire length of the compost aerating duct, depending on the distance from the connection of the duct with the fan's pressure conduit pipe through gradually increasing the air outflow area by increasing the number of repeatable gaps, yields a uniform pressure distribution above the grate. The process parameters used for computation were relevant to composting a subscreen fraction separated from mixed municipal waste using 80 mm mesh screen (Fr<80 mm) under real conditions. Microsoft EXCEL 2010 software and STATISTICA version 13.3 by StatSoft were used for numerical and statistical analysis of the test results. The research results are presented in four tables and five figures and discussed in the text of the article. During tests performed in real conditions, various variants were tested for reactor filling level and air outflow active surfaces in subsequent grate parts (Fc (i)). It was found that the target waste layer thickness i.e. 3.0 m and Fc (i) changes, in accordance with the values of the developed model, result in a stable pressure distribution pd, amounting to 1506 Pa and 1495 Pa at the grate front and end part.
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  1. Bernat, K., Kulikowska D., Wojnowska-Baryła, I. & Kamińska A. (2022). Can the biological stage of a mechanical biological treatment plant that is designed for mixed municipal solid waste be successfully utilized for effective composting of selectively collected biowaste, Waste Management, 149, pp. 291-301. DOI:10.1016/j.wasman.2022.06.025
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Authors and Affiliations

Robert Sidełko
Dariusz Boruszko

  1. Koszalin University of Technology, Poland
  2. Bialystok University of Technology, Poland
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Functional urban areas (FUA) have became an important component of polycentric settlement structure of all European countries. FUAs have been defined as labour market basins, composed on large city and its surrounding areas (commuting zones). The very spatial and economic concept formed the foundation of old industrial regions. Old industrialized regions with all the spatial challenges and economic problems could be also perceived as a specific type of functional urban area. In Poland, National Spatial Development Concept 2030 (NSDC 2030 2013) describes restructuring and revitalization of degraded areas and cities in terms of spatial policy measures addressed to the supporting of cohesion in problematic areas. That is why integrated revitalization programs of functional urban areas may become key instrument of regional spatial policy and urban strategies. In response to the problems of degraded land and related land-use conflicts, it can significantly help in establishing valuable solutions, as well as ensuring connections between environmental, social and economic needs in the development of functional urban areas.

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Justyna Gorgoń
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The pathogenetic bacteria are in flowed to the Dzierżno Duże dam-reservoir by highly polluted Kłodnica River. Their considerable number decreases along with distance within the reservoir. From the Kłodnica River estuary and in the distance 700 m, the water quality is classless (coefficient of Coli - fecal type was 0.002 - 0.008). In the 1500 m distance water quality was III and II class purification. Near the Kłodnica River estuary the number of streptococci fecal-type, rod-shaped bacteria (Clostridium) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa was big (MPN 2400). The FC/FS index (fecal coliform/fecal enterococci) was 4. It is indicative of human-fecal pollution. No diversification in the number of staphylococci depending on sample point localization was recorded. The research by traditional and the latest methods did not confirm the presence of Salmonella in the water of reservoir. The investigations of staphylococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa seem to confirm the role of zooplankton as an important element (consumption of biocenosis feeding on bacteria pressure) in the selfpurification processes. The patho-rnicrobiological pollution of the reservoir is a factor, due to recreational function of its east part of.
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Aleksandra Smyłla
Katarzyna Glowacka
Maciej Kostecki
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The article reports the results of a comparative analysis made for three novel unconventional gear wheel forging processes based on the authors’ patented [5,6,21] plastic forming methods developed chiefly for the purposes of extruding hollow products as well as valves and pins. These processes are distinguished by the fact that part of the tooling elements which are normally fixed during conventional forging are purposefully set in motion. This is intended to change the conditions of friction at the metal-tool contact surface and to induce additional thermal effects due to the transformation of the plastic deformation energy into thermal energy and, as a consequence, to improve the plastic flow of metal and to reduce the force parameters of the process.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Michalczyk
S. Wiewiórowska
Z. Muskalski
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Research concerning changes or chosen chemical elements concentration in alluvial sediments was conducted in the lower course or the Obra river valley. The analyses of Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Ca, Mg and K concentration were done in a fragment or vertical profile, which was characterized by variable lithology. On the basis of statistical analysis (cluster analysis) an attempt was made to distinguish geochemical groups of alluvial sediments of the Obra river valley. Six geochemical groups, which represent reductive conditions within peat deposits, the environment ofllood sediments (inserts of fine sands within peats and sandy silts in the top of the profile) and the environment or river bed sediments (fine sands in the bottom part ofthe profile), were singled out. Results of the study show that it is possible to distinguish the above mentioned depositional environments on the basis of variations of sediments' chemical constitution.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Słowik
Tadeusz Sobczyński
Zygmunt Młynarczyk
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In this paper, we have researched implementing convolutional neural network (CNN) models for devices with limited resources, such as smartphones and embedded computers. To optimize the number of parameters of these models, we studied various popular methods that would allow them to operate more efficiently. Specifically, our research focused on the ResNet-101 and VGG-19 architectures, which we modified using techniques specific to model optimization. We aimed to determine which approach would work best for particular requirements for a maximum accepted accuracy drop. Our contribution lies in the comprehensive ablation study, which presents the impact of different approaches on the final results, specifically in terms of reducing model parameters, FLOPS, and the potential decline in accuracy. We explored the feasibility of implementing architecture compression methods that can influence the model’s structure. Additionally, we delved into post-training methods, such as pruning and quantization, at various model sparsity levels. This study builds upon our prior research [1] to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter at hand.
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Authors and Affiliations

Artur Sobolewski
Kamil Szyc

  1. Wrocław University of Scienceand Technology, Wrocław, Poland
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Monthly and dekadal mean soil temperatures were evaluated with a use of measurements at depths of 5, 10, 20 and 50 cm, collected during the expeditions 1978—1986 and additionally at depths of 80 and 100 cm during the expeditions 1980—1986. Fourier analysis revealed a phase shift of 1 to 2 dekads between neighboring measurement depths.

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Mirosław Miętus
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To reduce the sediment transport capacity, shear stress needs to be reduced as well. The article describes work that has been done to find a way to make these reductions possible. The theoretical study and the approach proposed allowed us to obtain a general equation that determines conditions and calculates the most important parameters which support the reduction of shear stress. This describes the mechanism that erodes soils by free surface water flow.
In a similar vein, we have shown that adding a short non-prismatic channel to the entrance of a prismatic channel, which has the same geometric shape, is a very powerful way to reduce shear stress. With the idea of reducing shear stress, we have shown that the water-surface profile type plays a key role and must therefore be included in future reflections on reducing the importance of shear stress.
Additionally, the notion of efficiency was introduced that allows to evaluate the expected gain after the reduction of shear stress and adding a short non-prismatic channel.
The laws of similarity applied to free surface flows allowed us to obtain an equation with several equivalence scales and compare different geometric shapes in terms of their efficiency in the reduction of shear stress.
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Authors and Affiliations

Samir Haddad
1 2

  1. Houari Boumediène University of Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering. LEGHYD Laboratory, BP 32 Bab Ezzouar, 16111 Algiers, Algeria
  2. Akli Mohand Oulhadj University of Bouira, Rue Frères Boussendalah, 10000 Bouira, Algeria

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