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Kolektory słoneczne są głównymi elementami solarnych systemów grzewczych. Praca tych urządzeń polega na konwersji energii promieniowania słonecznego na ciepło czynnika roboczego. Czynnikiem tym może być zarówno ciecz (glikol lub woda), jak i gaz (powietrze). Ze względu na konstrukcję wyróżnia się kolektory płaskie, próżniowe, próżniowo-rurowe i skupiające. Kolektory płaskie są stosowane przede wszystkim w budynkach, w których potrzeby cieplne są niskie lub średnie, czyli na przykład w gospodarstwach domowych. Rozwój kolektorów został ukierunkowany na zwiększenia wydajności oraz poprawy efektywności ekonomicznej inwestycji. W artykule oceniono wpływ zmiany powierzchni płaskich kolektorów słonecznych na opłacalność ekonomiczną inwestycji. Do analizy wytypowano dom jednorodzinny, zlokalizowany w województwie małopolskim, w którym instalacja przygotowania ciepłej wody użytkowej została rozbudowana o system solarny. System ten składa się z płaskich kolektorów, o łącznej powierzchni absorberów 5,61 m2. Jako czynnik roboczy w instalacji stosowany jest glikol. W celu poprawy efektu ekonomicznego zaproponowano zwiększenie powierzchni absorberów. Na podstawie trzyletnich pomiarów nasłonecznienia oraz efektów cieplnych instalacji, stworzono model ekonomiczny służący do oceny opłacalności zwiększenia powierzchni kolektorów słonecznych. Obliczenia z użyciem modelu promieniowania HDKR wykonano w środowisku Matlab dla lokalizacji Tarnów (najbliższej instalacji). Ponadto na podstawie rzeczywistych pomiarów z tej instalacji, odzwierciedlających wpływ wielu niemierzalnych czynników na efektywność przetwarzania energii słonecznej, wykonano symulacje efektu ekonomicznego dla różnych wielkości zapotrzebowania na ciepło. Otrzymane wyniki uogólniono, co daje możliwość ich wykorzystania w procesie doboru wielkości powierzchni kolektorów w przypadku podobnych instalacji.
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Authors and Affiliations

Aleksandra Augustyn
Piotr Olczak
Dominik Kryzia
Małgorzata Olek
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This article presents the topic of atmospheric pollution. The authors have presented the most important national air-quality regulations. They have identified measurement stations in Kraków (Poland), collected data from them and conducted their analysis. The aim of the article is to present the research results on developing a statistical model for estimating air pollution in Kraków depending on the changing weather conditions during the year. The authors used the mathematical modelling method to prepare the air-pollution model. The article presents collected data showing the situation prior to the introduction of a number of environmental regulations in the city of Kraków. The paper is based on meteorological data in the form of daily average values of air temperature, wind speed, air humidity, pressure and precipitation. Emission data included the average daily concentrations of the selected air pollutants, including sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), nitrogen oxide (NO), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3) and particulate matter PM10 and PM2.5. The results of the study indicate that the three most significant factors influencing the level of air pollution (appearing as explanatory changes in the models for each of the pollutants listed) are the value of ambient air temperature (a destimulant, except for ozone), wind speed (a destimulant) and the concentration of each pollutant on the previous day (a stimulant). The article concludes with a summary and conclusions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Monika Pepłowska
Dominik Kryzia

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
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The aim of this article is to assess the potential of converting gasoline-powered passenger cars into electric vehicles in Poland. Based on the available literature data, the vehicle structure was classified using the following criteria: vehicle age, engine capacity, car segment, type of fuel used, and curb weight. The average fuel and electric energy consumption values per vehicle before and after conversion were determined using specially developed statistical models. The conversion and operation costs of a conventionally fueled vehicle and an electric vehicle (after conversion) were estimated using a stochastic simulation model employing probability density distributions of vehicle parameters and the Monte Carlo method. Vehicle parameters were estimated to reflect the real structure of passenger cars in Poland. The estimated costs of converting a gasoline-powered vehicle to an electric vehicle (including the purchase and installation of an electric motor and battery) and its subsequent operating costs enabled the assessment of the economic efficiency of the car conversion process. The potential for converting gasoline-powered cars to electric vehicles was estimated by comparing the operating costs of the vehicle before and after conversion, taking into account the costs of the conversion itself. The potential of the studied conversion process amounted to 535,000 vehicles, which would generate an annual electricity demand of 1,746.36 GWh with electricity prices of 0.6 PLN/kWh. The conversion is economically viable mainly in passenger cars with a spark engine (more than 90% of cases).
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Authors and Affiliations

Dominik Kryzia
Katarzyna Kryzia

  1. The Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  2. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
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A domestic hot water (DHW) system has been modernized in a multi-family house, located in the southeastern part of Poland, inhabited by 105 people. The existing heating system (2 gas boilers) was extended by a solar system consisting of 32 evacuated tube collectors with a heat pipe (the absorber area: 38.72 m2). On the basis of the system performance data, the ecological effect of the modernization, expressed in avoided CO2 emission, was estimated. The use of the solar thermal system allows CO2 emissions to be reduced up to 4.4 Mg annually. When analyzing the environmental effects of the application of the solar system, the production cycle of the most material-consuming components, namely: DHW storage tank and solar collectors, was taken into account. To further reduce CO2 emission, a photovoltaic installation (PV), supplying electric power to the pump-control system of the solar thermal system has been proposed. In the Matlab computing environment, based on the solar installation measurement data and the data of the total radiation intensity measurement, the area of photovoltaic panels and battery capacity has been optimized. It has been shown that the photovoltaic panel of approx. 1.8 m2 and 12 V battery capacity of approx. 21 Ah gives the greatest ecological effects in the form of the lowest CO2 emission. If a photovoltaic system was added it could reduce emissions by up to an additional 160 kg per year. The above calculations take also emissions resulting from the production of PV panels and batteries into account.

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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Olczak
Małgorzata Olek
Dominik Kryzia
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According to the European Environment Agency (EEA 2018), air quality in Poland is one of the worst in Europe. There are several sources of air pollution, but the condition of the air in Poland is primarily the result of the so-called low-stack emissions from the household sector. The main reason for the emission of pollutants is the combustion of low-quality fuels (mainly low-quality coal) and waste, and the use of obsolete heating boilers with low efficiency and without appropriate filters. The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of measures aimed at reducing low-stack emissions from the household sector (boiler replacement, change of fuel type, and thermal insulation of buildings), resulting from environmental regulations, on the improvement of energy efficiency and the emission of pollutants from the household sector in Poland. Stochastic energy and mass balance models for a hypothetical household, which were used to assess the impact of remedial actions on the energy efficiency and emission of pollutants, have been developed. The annual energy consumption and emissions of pollutants were estimated for hypothetical households before and after the implementation of a given remedial action. The calculations, using the Monte Carlo simulation, were carried out for several thousand hypothetical households, for which the values of the technical parameters (type of residential building, residential building area, unitary energy demand for heating, type of heat source) were randomly drawn from probability distributions developed on the basis of the analysis of the domestic structure of households. The model takes the coefficients of correlation between the explanatory variables in the model into account. The obtained results were multiplied so that the number of hypothetical households was equal to 14.1 million, i.e. the real number of households in Poland. The obtained results allowed for identifying the potential for reducing the emission of pollutants such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, dust, and nitrogen oxides, and improving the energy efficiency as a result of the proposed and implemented measures, aimed at reducing low-stack emission, resulting from the policy.

The potential for emissions of gaseous pollutants is 94% for CO, 49% for NOx, 90% for dust, and 87% for SO2. The potential for improving the energy efficiency in households is around 42%.

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Authors and Affiliations

Dominik Kryzia
Monika Pepłowska
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This article presents the results of an assessment of the potential for the use of CNG in Poland as a fuel for passenger cars powered by an internal combustion engine fuelled by petrol or diesel. The basis for assessing the potential was an analysis of the economic efficiency of converting a passenger car fuelled by petrol or diesel to a dual-fuel vehicle by installing a CNG system. On the basis of available literature data, the vehicle structure was characterised using the following criteria: vehicle age, engine capacity, car-segment, type of fuel used and kerb weight. The average fuel consumption (petrol or diesel) of the vehicle before conversion was determined on the basis of specially developed statistical models. The conversion and operating costs of a vehicle fuelled with conventional fuel and with CNG (after vehicle conversion) were estimated on the basis of a stochastic simulation model using probability density distributions of vehicle parameters and the Monte Carlo method. The vehicle parameters were estimated so that the obtained set of vehicles reflected the actual structure of passenger cars in Poland. The estimated costs of vehicle conversion (purchase and installation of a CNG system) and its subsequent operating costs made it possible to assess the economic efficiency of the car conversion process. The potential use of CNG as a fuel for combustion cars was estimated by comparing the operating costs of a vehicle before conversion and the operating costs of a vehicle after conversion, taking into account the costs of conversion. Analogous calculations were carried out for the conversion of a vehicle to run on LPG, i.e. the most important competitor to CNG.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dominik Kryzia
Monika Pepłowska

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
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There are many financial ways to intensify the construction of new renewable energy sources installations, among others: feed in tariff, grants. An example of photovoltaic grant support in Poland is the “Mój Prąd” [My Electricity] program created in 2019. This program, with a budget of PLN 1 billion, is intended for households in which installations with a capacity range of 2–10 kWp have been installed. During its first edition 27,187 application were submitted. Over 98% of installations cost less than PLN 6,000/kWp. The total installed capacity is 151.3 MWp, which gives the average amount of co-funding per unit of power at the level of PLN 884.7/kWp. The average power of the installation on the national scale is 5.57 kWp, the indicator per 1000 inhabitants is 3.94 kWp, and per unit of area is 0.484 kWp/km2. These installations will produce around 143.5 GWh of electricity annually, contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions by approximately 109,800 Mg per year. Most applications came from the Silesian Province (3855), which translated into the largest installed capacity of 21.82 MWp, as well as 4.81 kWp/1000 inhabitants and 1.77 kWp/km2 (over 3 times higher than the average in Poland). The installed capacity in the individual province was closely correlated with the population of the province (correlation coefficient – 0.95), while the installed capacity indicator per 1,000 inhabitants with insolation (0.80). The highest power ratio per 1000 inhabitants was achieved in the Podkarpackie Province and amounted to 5.05, and the lowest in the West Pomeranian Province (2.41).

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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Olczak
Dominika Matuszewska
Dominik Kryzia
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Energy transition is a process that affects entire regions, not only reducing the prevailing socio- -economic conditions but most importantly, creating a new framework of functioning for their inhabitants. The changes that are taking place can be described as territorial stresses, which are factors that affect not only the psychological well-being of residents but also the economic, demographic, technological and ecological conditions of the regions. The article presents the partial results of research work conducted within the EN TRAN CES project. The authors compare two carbon-intensive regions: Kraków Metropolitan Area (high air pollution area) and Silesia (coal mining area). Comparing the results of the two components and thus the research methods: - the identification and systematization of the socio-cultural stress situation (a component describing events relevant to the transformation of the regions from 1945–2022 and the sparing of its significance on the development conditions in the regions; - the assessment of the adaptive capacity of the residents based on their attachment to the place, individual adaptation strategies for resolving tensions and the level of life satisfaction (socio-psychological component).
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Authors and Affiliations

Wit Hubert
Wojciech Kowalik
Aleksandra Komorowska
Dominik Kryzia
Monika Pepłowska
Lidia Gawlik

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute PAS, Kraków, Poland
  2. AGH University of Krakow, Kraków, Poland
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This article presents the results of a study of the determinants of energy transformation of coal-dependent regions. The case study was on the region of Silesia. This region is the main producer of hard coal and coking coal in Poland, with nineteen mines and numerous coal-fired power plants. Silesia is highly industrialized and urbanized, contributing significantly to Poland’s GDP. However, it is also a leader in terms of methane and carbon dioxide emissions. The study used an approach based on Alvin L. Bertrand’s ‘stress-strain’ theory, to investigate the socio-cultural stresses emerging as a result of the interaction of external factors and internal process dynamics within the region itself. Then, using Marc Wolfram’s systems-based analytical framework approach, the current transformative capacity of Silesia was analyzed. The theoretical framework adopted assumes that socio-cultural stress can be inferred from past situations of tension, influencing the social structure of the region and shaping accepted patterns of adaptation to change. Socio-cultural stress emerges as a key determinant of a region’s coping strategy and shapes its ability to transform in the long term. The research approach presented in this article adopts a comprehensive framework that integrates socio-cultural, socio-ecological and technological dimensions, providing a holistic view of a region’s transformation challenges and opportunities. The research was conducted using focus group interviews and a structured interview questionnaire. Participants in the research were individuals representing a diverse community of experts and activists involved in the energy transition process in Silesia, including local government officials, businesses, professional associations and social activists.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wojciech Kowalik
Wit Hubert
Monika Pepłowska
Dominik Kryzia
Lidia Gawlik
Aleksandra Komorowska

  1. AGH University of Krakow, Kraków, Poland
  2. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute PAS, Kraków, Poland
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The article presents the results of research conducted as part of the ENTRANCES project (financed by the Horizon 2020 program), which focused on the analysis of sociological conditions in the transformation process involving the abandonment of coal production. The Polish research area in this project was the Silesian region. The research concerned the problems that will inevitably affect the region’s community as the transformation towards the abandonment of coal becomes increasingly profound. The article identifies the main challenges facing this region in the context of adaptation to profound changes resulting from the liquidation of basic jobs in the region, which are coal mines. Moreover, the authors of the article propose strategies that can be used to effectively deal with these challenges. These strategy proposals include both actions at the public policy level and initiatives undertaken by the private sector and the local community. The research method used included a broad analysis of many dimensions to which the region’s society is subjected in transitional conditions within five components: socio-cultural, socio-psychological, socio-political, socio-economic, and socio-ecological-technical. The identified challenges and developed applicable strategies summarize this broad research. The obtained results allow for a deeper understanding of social processes during the energy transformation in coal regions, as well as the formulation of practical solutions for the Silesian region and other similar areas.
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Authors and Affiliations

Monika Pepłowska
Wojciech Kowalik
Lidia Gawlik
Wit Hubert
Dominik Kryzia

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute PAS, Kraków, Poland
  2. AGH University of Krakow, Kraków, Poland

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