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Artykuł jest próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie, czego poszukuje Elzenberg poprzez swoje zainteresowanie mistyką. Myśli Elzenberga nie można interpretować jako mistyki teologicznej ani jako mistyki czystej. Poprzez doświadczenia, które on sam określa jako mistyczne, i refleksje nad mistycyzmem Elzenberg usiłuje dotrzeć do własnej podmiotowości, do własnego „ja” i konstytuować je. Pozwala to na wpisanie jego rozważań do mistyki filozoficznej, nurtu filozoficznego, który odwraca się od myślenia społecznego, a koncentruje na rozbudzaniu świata wewnętrznego. W swoich rozważaniach autorka wykorzystuje głównie pamiętnik Elzenberga Kłopot z istnieniem oraz jego pracę doktorską Odczuwanie religii u Leconte de Lisle’a.
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Zofia Rosińska
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O zwrocie ku czułości w projektowaniu, czyli przesunięciach dizajnu w kierunku relacji, emocji i empatii.

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Monika Rosińska
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The paper concentrates on the possibilities of checking the extent to which cities meet the smart city concept. The presented concept concentrates on one of the main smart cities characteristic: smart environment. This paper is a result of joint work of specialist from two diff erent areas: management and environmental protection. The interdisciplinary character of the paper is characteristic for smart cities.

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Aleksander Orłowski
Paulina Rosińska
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The aim of the presented research was to analyse the pollution of the Kozłowa Góra Dam Reservoir

with PCBs (28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, 180) and heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Ni, Cd, Pb, Cr). The investigated water

and bottom sediments were sampled from two sampling points in November, 2009. The sampling points were

located in the southern part of the Kozłowa Góra Dam Reservoir. The samples of bottom sediments were taken

from the surface layer of 5 cm thickness. The extraction of PCBs from the bottom sediments was performed

according to the EPA 3550B standard. For the sequential extraction analysis of metals from the sampled bottom

sediments, the method suggested by Tessier was applied. Based on the obtained results the water and bottom

sediments from the Kozłowa Góra Dam Reservoir were polluted with polychlorinated biphenyls. The highest

concentration of the investigated PCB congeners in bottom sediments was determined in the sampling point

No. 1 (2.78 µg/kg d.m.), whereas in the sampling point No. 2 this level was over 20-fold lower which might

result from the inflow of these compounds with the waters of the Brynica river. In both sampling points the investigated bottom sediments were predominated by higher chlorinated PCBs with comparable contents of 86%

and 85%, respectively. The level of pollution in the investigated bottom sediments (calculated per dry matter)

with polychlorinated biphenyls did not exceed the level of TEL (< 0.02 mg/kg). The PEL value (3.5 mg/kg) was

exceeded in the case of cadmium in the bottom sediment from the sampling point No. 2 and also lead (91 mg/kg)

from both sampling points. The first two fractions with the mobile forms of metals are the most sensitive fractions to any changes of the environmental conditions in the benthic zone. In those fractions significant contents

of lead, cadmium, nickel and zinc were observed.

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Authors and Affiliations

A. Rosińska
L. Dąbrowska
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On the shift toward tender sensitivity – the role of relations, emotions, and empathy in design.

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Authors and Affiliations

Monika Rosińska
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Principles of bioluminescence have been described as well as some examples of the biotests that utilize natural bacterial luminescence for assessment of the effects of environment contamination and remediation have been reviewed. The achievements of the last eight years and a new outlook on using rapid biotests for waters, wastewaters, sediments and soils toxicity investigations have been taken into account.
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Beata Cwalina
Anna Wiącek-Rosińska
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In studying contemporary transformations of social relations and family life, researchers and social theorists have been focused on the increased diversity of forms of bonding, coupling and other interpersonal connections. When single people are discussed, either it is to emphasize the disintegration of their ties and the crisis of the family, or their single life is considered as an identity choice. The aim of this text is to look at the experience of singleness not by choice among contemporary corporate employees in Poland and to try to set this experience against the background of a broader social reality, especially the reality of professional work. The text also examines the relationship between relational forms (including being single) and the social system in late capitalism. The experiences of people who are not single by choice are discussed and contrasting variants for people whose single situation is associated with low interpersonal skills and for those with an interactional proficiency are distinguished. In the conclusion, the authors are looking for patterns of connection between being unwillingly single and operating on the late capitalist labour market.

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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Rosińska
Marcin Gońda
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The investigations were carried out in order to assess the effect of thermophilic fermentation on

changes in concentration of seven congeners with codes: 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153 and 180 in sewage sludge.

The total concentration of PCBs was the highest before the process of thermophilic fermentation. On the tenth

day of the process of fermentation it was found that the total concentration of LCB doubled the previous level,

whereas in higher chlorinated PCBs this value decreased twice. After the process of thermophilic digestion,

all the determined congeners of PCBs were still present. However, their total concentration was reduced by

84% on the fourteenth day of the process. Low concentration of heavy metal ions in the liquid phase of sewage

sludge was observed. The metal ions precipitated and remained bound throughout the stabilization process.

Metal speciation analysis was performed, and revealed some changes in the chemical forms of the metals during the stabilization process of sludge. The highest increase of zinc, copper, nickel, cadmium, and chromium

concentration was observed in the organic-sulfide fraction, whereas the highest increase of lead was found in

the residual fraction. Thermophilic methane fermentation did not cause the accumulation of heavy metals in the

mobile fractions of sludge.

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Authors and Affiliations

L. Dąbrowska
A. Rosińska
M. Janosz-Rajczyk
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The paper presents findings of a research project aimed at a reconstruction of the dynamics of biographical experiences of some of those categories of the Polish society’s members whose educational and professional careers have been shaped by the systemic transformation after 1989. The text is an attempt to delineate analytical guidelines for grasping how some components of three types of social order, conceived in terms of premodernity, modernity and postmodernity, interpenetrating each other in the contemporary life of the society, impact its members’ biographical experiences on the level of work, social ties and identity.

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Authors and Affiliations

Kamila Biały
Marcin Gońda
Andrzej Piotrowski
Karol Haratyk
Anna Rosińska
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Kroniki pandemii to zbiór 27 stanowisk opublikowanych przez interdyscyplinarny Zespół doradczy ds. COVID-19 przy Prezesie Polskiej Akademii Nauk, działający od lipca 2020 roku. Jest to już drugie po Zrozumieć COVID-19 obszerniejsze opracowanie naszego zespołu porządkujące wiadomości dotyczące wirusa SARS-CoV-2 i powodowanej przez niego choroby COVID-19. Wydane we wrześniu 2020 roku Zrozumieć COVID-19 miało na celu podsumowanie przebiegu pierwszych miesięcy pandemii i przygotowanie społeczeństwa w Polsce do ciężkiego sezonu jesienno-zimowego 2020/2021. Niniejsze opracowanie powstaje po dwóch latach trwania pandemii, która rozpoczęła się w Wuhan w grudniu 2019 roku. Mamy nadzieję, że dzięki na bieżąco tworzonym tekstom raportującym przebieg pandemii i dylematy, przed którymi stawało społeczeństwo, w przypadku kolejnych podobnych wyzwań skorzystamy z tych trudnych i ważnych doświadczeń.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jerzy Duszyński
Aneta Afelt
Małgorzata Kossowska
Anna Ochab-Marcinek
Radosław Owczuk
Wojciech Paczos
Anna Plater-Zyberk
Krzysztof Pyrć
Magdalena Rosińska
Andrzej Rychard
Tomasz Smiatacz
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This issue, Chronicles of a Pandemic, is a collection of 27 position statements published by the Interdisciplinary COVID-19 Advisory Team to the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, set up in July 2020. This publication is our team’s second comprehensive compilation (after Understanding COVID-19) of information about SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Published in September 2020, Understanding COVID-19 aimed to sum up the first months of the pandemic and prepare the public in Poland for the difficult fall and winter 2020–2021. The present study, in turn, was written after two years of the pandemic, which first began in Wuhan in December 2019. We hope that ongoing reports on the course of the pandemic and the dilemmas faced by the public will help us learn from those difficult and important experiences, should similar challenges arise in the future.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jerzy Duszyński
Aneta Afelt
Małgorzata Kossowska
Anna Ochab-Marcinek
Radosław Owczuk
Wojciech Paczos
Anna Plater-Zyberk
Krzysztof Pyrć
Magdalena Rosińska
Andrzej Rychard
Tomasz Smiatacz

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