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Philip Sabin points out that modern wargames not only contain substantial amounts of historical information but also arrange it into interactive models which depict historical processes in a simplified manner. Such models can be used in historical research as well, complementing the discourse through more holistic and mathematically strict accounts, and providing tools that impose some discipline on counter- factual speculation.

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Michał Stachura
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The Author analyzes the meaning of the notion "heretics" in the legislation of the Christian Emperors of the Roman Empire. He manifests that evident differences existed also in the understanding of this term among the Fathers of the Church and explains why was it so.
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Michał Stachura
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Craniopharyngiomas are rare tumors with peak incidence between 5–14 and between 65–74 years of age. Treatment of choice is surgical resection, sometimes associated with radiation therapy. Complete tumor resection may be challenging. Radical surgery is particularly risky in older patients. Authors evaluate three cases of large cystic craniopharyngioma in patients in their 7th and 8th decade of life operated with the use of endoscopic technique. The postoperative follow-up period in which out-patient controls with imaging examinations were performed was up to 6 years. Symptoms of intracranial hypertension resolved in all patients in the immediate postoperative period. Visual acuity improved in two patients. No cases of aseptic meningitis have been reported. One patient underwent subsequent radio-therapy. The well-being of the operated patients continued.
Endoscopic transventricular approach to cystic craniopharyngiomas may be a safe and effective approach in older patients, being an alternative to microsurgical procedures.
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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Stachura
Ewelina Grzywna
Maciej J. Frączek

  1. Department of Neurosurgery and Neurotraumatology, Faculty of Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
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The investigations were inspired with the problem of cracking of steel castings during the production process. A single mechanism

of decohesion – the intergranular one – occurs in the case of hot cracking, while a variety of structural factors is decisive for hot cracking

initiation, depending on chemical composition of the cast steel. The low-carbon and low-alloyed steel castings crack due to the presence

of the type II sulphides, the cause of cracking of the high-carbon tool cast steels is the net of secondary cementite and/or ledeburite

precipitated along the boundaries of solidified grains. Also the brittle phosphor and carbide eutectics precipitated in the final stage

solidification are responsible for cracking of castings made of Hadfield steel. The examination of mechanical properties at 1050°C

revealed low or very low strength of high-carbon cast steels.

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Z. Stradomski
G. Stradomski
S. Stachura
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Elastic instability of steel I-section members has been investigated with regard to axial compression, major axis bending as well as compression and major axis bending, based on the Vlasov theory of thin-walled members. Investigations presented in this paper deal with the energy method applied to the flexural-torsional buckling (FTB) problems of any complex loading case that for convenience of predictions is treated as a superposition of symmetric and antisymmetric components. Firstly, the review of energy equation formulations is presented for the elastic lateral-torsional buckling (LTB) of beams, then the most accurate beam energy equation, so-called the classical energy equation formulated for bisymmetric I-section beams is extended to cover also the beam-column out-of-plane stability problems, referred hereafter to FTB problems. Secondly, for the simple end boundary conditions, the shape functions of twist rotation and minor axis displacement are chosen such that they cover both symmetric and antisymmetric lateral-torsional buckling modes in relation to two lowest eigenvalues of the beam LTB in major axis bending. Finally, the explicit form of the general solution is presented being dependent upon the dimensionless bending moment equations for symmetric and antisymmetric components, and the load factor where the lower k index identifies the load case.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marian Antoni Giżejowski
Anna Maria Barszcz
Zbigniew Stachura

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw
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BIM technology is not commonly used in the Polish bridge engineering yet. The article presents a case study of a road bridge made of prestressed concrete and built using the incremental launching method, modelled according to the BIM technology. The bridge with a complex geometry is located along the S1 expressway. Particular attention is paid to the development of the BIM 5D model created on the basis of a design developed traditionally in order to gain competence and verify the set goals. The process of creating subsequent stages of the BIM model is characterized synthetically, in particular the 3D geometric model with the surrounding area and additional 4D (time) and 5D (costs, kinds of materials) dimensions together with the software used. The article discusses the assumptions adopted for the development of numerical models and data analyses. The developed models take into account the assembly phase (construction) and the use (operation) phase, appropriate for the incremental launching method. The results obtained while using BIM technology were confronted with the results identified on the basis of a conventional design. Conclusions present the most important challenges and the achieved goals as well as the pros and cons of creating designs while using BIM technology.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wojciech Trochymiak
Artur Krygier
Michał Stachura
Jakub Jaworski

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16,00-637 Warsaw, Poland
  2. PORR S.A., ul. Hołubcowa 123, 02-854 Warsaw, Poland
  3. BHJ-Inzynieria Sp. z o.o., ul. Gustawa Herlinga-Grudzinskiego 19E/6, 80-283 Gdansk, Poland
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Steel prismatic elements of equal flanges double-tee section subject to major axis bending and compression, unrestrained in the out-of-plane direction between the supports, are vulnerable to buckling modes associated with minor axis flexural and torsional deformations. When end bending moments are acting alone on the quasi-straight member, the sensitivity to lateral-torsional buckling (LTB) is very much dependent upon the ratio of section minor axis to major axis moments of inertia, and additionally visibly dependent upon the major axis moment gradient ratio. In the case of major axis bending with the presence of a compressive axial force, even of rather small value in relation to the section squash resistance, there is a drastic reduction of structural elements in their realistic lengths to maintain a tendency to fail in the out-of-plane mode, governed by the large twist rotation. Increasing the load effects ratio of dimensionless axial force to dimensionless maximum major axis bending moment, the buckling mode goes away from that of lateral-torsional one, starting to become that closer to the minor axis flexural buckling (FBZ) mode. Different aspects of the flexural-torsional buckling (FTB) resistance of the typical rolled H-section beam-column with regard to the General Method (GM) formulation, developed by the authors elsewhere and based on the parametric finite element analysis, are dealt with in this paper. Investigations are concerned with different member slender ratio, different moment gradient ratios and different load effects ratio. Final conclusions are related to practical applications of the proposed format of General Method in relation to the effect of large displacements on the FTB resistance reduction factor described through the dimensionless measure of action effects and the FTB relative slenderness ratio of quasi-straight beam-columns.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marian Antoni Giżejowski
Radosław Bronisław Szczerba
Zbigniew Stachura
Marcin Daniel Gajewski

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw
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Assessment of the flexural buckling resistance of bisymmetrical I-section beam-columns using FEM is widely discussed in the paper with regard to their imperfect model. The concept of equivalent geometric imperfections is applied in compliance with the so-called Eurocode’s general method. Various imperfection profiles are considered. The global effect of imperfections on the real compression members behaviour is illustrated by the comparison of imperfect beam-columns resistance and the resistance of their perfect counterparts. Numerous FEM simulations with regard to the stability behaviour of laterally and torsionally restrained steel structural elements of hot-rolled wide flange HEB section subjected to both compression and bending about the major or minor principal axes were performed. Geometrically and materially nonlinear analyses, GMNA for perfect structural elements and GMNIA for imperfect ones, preceded by LBA for the initial curvature evaluation of imperfect member configuration prior to loading were carried out. Numerical modelling and simulations were conducted with use of ABAQUS/Standard program. FEM results are compared with those obtained using the Eurocode’s interaction criteria of Method 1 and 2. Concluding remarks with regard to a necessity of equivalent imperfection profiles inclusion in modelling of the in-plane resistance of compression members are presented.

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Authors and Affiliations

M.A. Giżejowski
R.B. Szczerba
M.D. Gajewski
Z. Stachura
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Management and Production Engineering Review (MPER) is a peer-refereed, international, multidisciplinary journal covering a broad spectrum of topics in production engineering and management. Production engineering is a currently developing stream of science encompassing planning, design, implementation and management of production and logistic systems. Orientation towards human resources factor differentiates production engineering from other technical disciplines. The journal aims to advance the theoretical and applied knowledge of this rapidly evolving field, with a special focus on production management, organisation of production processes, management of production knowledge, computer integrated management of production flow, enterprise effectiveness, maintainability and sustainable manufacturing, productivity and organisation, forecasting, modelling and simulation, decision making systems, project management, innovation management and technology transfer, quality engineering and safety at work, supply chain optimization and logistics. Management and Production Engineering Review is published under the auspices of the Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Production Engineering and Polish Association for Production Management. The main purpose of Management and Production Engineering Review is to publish the results of cutting-edge research advancing the concepts, theories and implementation of novel solutions in modern manufacturing. Papers presenting original research results related to production engineering and management education are also welcomed. We welcome original papers written in English. The Journal also publishes technical briefs, discussions of previously published papers, book reviews, and editorials. Letters to the Editor-in-Chief are highly encouraged.
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Authors and Affiliations

Radosław Wichniarek
Anna Karwasz
Ewa Dostatni
Jacek Diakun
Damian Grajewski
Marek Stachura
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Rozwój technologiczny spowodował zmiany w różnych dziedzinach, także w gospodarce, a co za tym idzie, również na rynku pracy. Zmiany te obejmują między innymi rozwój nowych form pracy. Celem badania było wykonanie adaptacji hiszpańskiego narzędzia mierzącego prekaryjne warunki pracy (EPRES II) oraz porównanie warunków pracy pomiędzy pracownikami platformowymi, freelancerami i pracownikami tradycyjnymi. Skala EPRES II została przetłumaczona na język polski. W badaniu wzięło udział 672 polskich pracowników. Przeprowadzona konfirmacyjna analiza czynnikowa potwierdziła oryginalną, 6-czynnikową strukturę narzędzia. Spójność wewnętrzną podskal uznano za akceptowalną. Pozwala to uznać, że polska wersja EPRES-PL wykazuje zadowalające właściwości psychometryczne. Badane grupy zawodowe różnią się pod względem prekaryjnych warunków pracy. Najmniej prekaryjnymi warunkami pracy, z wyjątkiem podskali Niewłaściwe traktowanie, charakteryzują się pracownicy tradycyjni.
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Authors and Affiliations

Aleksandra Stachura-Krzyształowicz
Łukasz Kapica
Paulina Barańska

  1. Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy-Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
  2. Progressive Policies
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I n t r o d u c t i o n: Complications occurring aft er neurosurgical procedures which lead to reoperations are associated with poor treatment outcomes. Th e aim of our study was to establish predictive factors of unplanned early reoperations aft er intracranial meningioma removal.

Ma t e r i a l s a n d M e t h o d s: We retrospectively analyzed 177 patients who underwent craniotomy due to an intracranial meningioma. Early reoperation was defi ned as reoperation during the same hospital stay. We used a χ2 test for proportional values and t-test and Mann-Whitney U tests as appropriate for continuous variables. To determine the potential predictors of early reoperation we used univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses.

R e s u l t s: A total of 13 (7.34%) patients underwent unplanned early reoperation. Th ese patients underwent retrosigmoid craniotomies (25.00% vs. 6.40%; p = 0.047), suff ered from ischemic heart disease (66.67% vs. 6.64%; p <0.01) and atrial fi brillation (60.00% vs. 6.25%; p <0.01), were receiving heparin (50.00% vs. 6.74%; p <0.01) and anticoagulants (66.67% vs. 6.21%; p <0.01) signifi cantly more oft en than the general study population. In multivariate logistic regression analysis anticoagulant use (OR: 31.463; 95% CI: 1.139–868.604; p = 0.04) and retrosigmoid craniotomy (OR: 6.642; 95% CI: 1.139–38.73; p = 0.034) remained independently associated with a higher risk of early reoperation.

C o n c l u s i o n s: Patients who underwent retrosigmoid craniotomy, those with a history of ischemic heart disease or atrial fi brillation and those who take heparin or anticoagulants are more likely to require early reoperation. Retrosigmoid craniotomy and anticoagulant use are independent risk factors for early reoperation.

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Authors and Affiliations

Borys M. Kwinta
Roger M. Krzyżewski
Kornelia M. Kliś
Marcin M. Dragan
Paulina Donicz
Małgorzata Gackowska
Krzysztof Stachura
Marek Moskała
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The stability of longwall mining is one of the most important and the most difficult aspects of underground coal mining. The loss of longwall stability can threaten lives, disrupt the continuity of the mining operations, and it requires significant materials and labour costs associated with replacing the damages. In fact, longwall mining stability is affected by many factors combined. Each case of longwall mining has its own unique and complex geological and mining conditions. Therefore, any case study of longwall stability requires an individual analysis. In Poland, longwall mining has been applied in underground coal mining for years. The stability of the longwall working is often examined using an empirical method. A regular longwall mining panel (F3) operation was designed and conducted at the Borynia-Zofiówka-Jastrzębie (BZJ) coal mine. During its advancement, roof failures were observed, causing a stoppage. This paper aims to identify and determine the mechanisms of these failures that occurred in the F3 longwall. A numerical model was performed using the finite difference method - code FLAC2D, representing the exact geological and mining conditions of the F3 longwall working. Major factors that influenced the stability of the F3 longwall were taken into account. Based on the obtained results from numerical analysis and the in-situ observations, the stability of the F3 longwall was discussed and evaluated. Consequently, recommended practical actions regarding roof control were put forward for continued operation in the F3 longwall panel.
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Authors and Affiliations

Phu Minh Vuong Nguyen
Sylwester Rajwa
Marek Płonka
Waldemar Stachura

  1. Central Mining Institute (GIG), 1 Gwarków Sq., 40-166 Katowice, Poland
  2. Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa SA, Poland
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In this article, the authors confront the thesis found in historical discourse about the dominance of male figures in historical narratives present in the public sphere. In order to do so, they analyse the new research field that is the social networking site YouTube and the most popular channels on historical topics contained therein. The main research question is whether women are marginalised in the narratives contained in the sources discussed, in which contexts they appear and what is the reception of the films in which they appear. In addition, the authors look at the question of the form of historical narratives. The study combines quantitative methods (descriptive statistics, correspondence analysis) as well as qualitative methods (Northrop Frye’s typology of story motifs. For this purpose, 551 films were analysed, which were then annotated using seven groups of tags corresponding to the content of the sources ‑ concerning the func-tioning of female characters and the subject matter of the films. As a result of the analyses carried out, it was observed that the thesis of the absolute dominance of male characters in historical narratives does not fully hold true under the conditions of Web 2.0 sources in terms of quantity, while in terms of content it cannot be accepted unreservedly in the context of the very diverse use of female themes in social media resources.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wiktor Werner
Nell Sypniewska
Zuzanna Szymczak
Maciej Stachura
Adam Stryjakowski
Borys Staszak
Adrian Trzoss
Cyprian Kleist

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

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