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The author’s aim is to analyze the letters of Lydia Zinovieva‑Annibal to Vyacheslav Ivanov for the years 1894‑1899. Not only was their relative‑communicative aspect interpreted, but chiefly the reflection contained in it, concerning literature (poetry), music, creating works of art, the condition and role of an artist etc. It was demonstrated, by joining the author in her general reflections on life, that she constituted a voice in the dialogue with Vyacheslav Ivanov – the poet, literary theorist and philosopher. The conducted analysis also proves that the writer’s views, as reflected in her letters, are inscribed in the aesthetics of symbolism and the philosophical‑literary tradition contained in it (Plato, Nietzsche).
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Agnieszka Gozdek

  1. Lublin, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej


The article discusses two books: a fairy tale novel The Stolen City. 1941 (2017) by Yuliya Yakovleva and a graphic novel Survilo (2019) by Olga Lavrent’yeva. These are projects different in terms of genre and form, resulting from the sense of insufficiency of the methods used so far to talk about the blockade of Leningrad, going beyond the official discourse of historical politics. The works were created by the female representatives of the generation, for whom the reference point in writing about the siege is not the reality of their own biographical experience, but historical sources and the accounts of others. This connected the reflection on the content of the books with the issues of the functioning of individual memory, postmemory and collective memory. The basic task is to check how the authors “tell the siege”, what presentation strategy they choose, what goals it helps to achieve.
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Ewa Komisaruk

  1. Wocław, Uniwersytet Wrocławski


The article is dedicated to Ihor Kostetskyi, the organizer and general secretary (1957‑1979) of the Ukrainian Shakespeare Society. The article presents the history of the foundation of the Ukrainian Shakespeare Society. Special attention is paid to the organizational, publishing, and translation activities of Ihor Kostetskyi. The article analyzes archival materials proving Kostetskyi’s active participation in the Ukrainian Shakespeare Society. The article describes the main directions of the society’s activities and notes the need for further study into the history of the Ukrainian Shakespeare Society.
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Ludmiła Mnich

  1. Siedlce, Uniwersytet w Siedlcach


The article covers the functioning of medical vocabulary in the poem Aeneid by Ivan Kotlyarevskyi. Lexical‑semantic groups within the medical vocabulary were analyzed. Medical vocabulary performs a nominative function and forms a medical discourse in the artistic text. The medical lexemes of the Aeneid are representatives of the phenomena of the medical culture of that time. Medicine in the text is implemented through a significant arsenal of lexemes, which are related to folk and the new scientific medicine of the 18th century and at the same time represent the level of medical development. The evolution of medical practices and professions in Ukraine can be traced through the prism of medical images and the corresponding names of medical professions. The text of the Aeneid contains rich linguistic material for the study of the development of medical terminology in the Ukrainian language, therefore it bodes well to introduce the poem into the field of terminological research. The work’s medical issues give credence to an interdisciplinary approach and a multi‑vector study of Ivan Kotlyarevsky’s Aeneid.
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Mariana Hdakovych

  1. Lviv State University of Internal Affairs


The article offers a survey of works of Ukrainian linguists in the field of Church Slavonic, in particular its Ukrainian recension. While applying the historiographic approach, the author focuses on various publications and the study of the language of some records and their authors, and the reconstruction of orthoepy. The article also discusses some controversial questions of the interrelation between the Ukrainian (southern) and the Great Russian (northern) redaction of the Church Slavonic language from the second half of the 17th century onward. The author also highlights changes in the methodological principles and argues that, despite the use of sociolinguistic and cognitive methods along with the traditional structural and functional approach, the current discourse in Ukrainian linguistics appears to be incomplete.
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Halyna Naienko
1 2

  1. Łódź, Uniwersytet Łódzki
  2. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The study focuses on the reflection of Jewish‑Slavic relations in the work of Alexander Pavlovіch (Oleksandr Pavlovych, 1819‑1900). The author in question was a Greek Catholic priest – a representative of the Eastern Religious Rite (Byzantine) during the 19th century. In the context of his poems, the figures of Jewish innkeepers appear to be overly burdened with stereotypes. We briefly present the history of the Jews in Eastern Slovakia, where Pavlovich lived. The aim of such poems, which were written mostly by the clergy during the mentioned period, was not to stir up passion. The task of didactic works was to educate people and warn them against the harmful effects of alcohol. Pavlovich belonged to the group of writers that raised awareness of alcoholism. Despite being canonized, it is necessary to critically revise the approach of the poet’s treatment of the Jewish theme over a longer period.
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Adriana Amir

  1. Prešov, Prešovská univerzita


The present study attempts to present the Russian traveler’s view of Constantinople, based on Andrey Muravyov’s Journey to the Holy Places in 1830 and Letters from the East. When the writer first saw the former capital of Byzantium, he was enchanted by the panorama of the city he could admire from the sea. However, when he stepped ashore, he experienced disappointment with Istanbul’s realities. According to the writer’s idea of Tsargrad as the New Jerusalem, for him its holy center was the Hagia Sophia. In Muravyov’s descriptions, the orthodox cathedral is a kind of an “in‑between” place, a borderland sphere where two orders, Christian and Islamic, intermingle. He saw the church as a Christian object, although it had been converted into a mosque. The paper uses the xenological reflections of the German philosopher Bernhard Waldenfels to demonstrate that although Tsargrad in Muravyov’s work is a place that is “foreign”, since it is located outside its own area, belonging to another state, it is at the same time a space that is “one’s own” for religious reasons.
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Anna Kościołek

  1. Toruń, Uniwersytet Мikołaja Kopernika


The study of colonial discourse in belles‑lettres fiction in the context of the “great time” (M. Bakhtin) allows us to trace its connections with the historical and cultural past, with today’s realities and find a connection with future events. Particularly interesting in this regard is the Russian colonial discourse, which claims a special place in history that distinguishes it from the colonial discourses of other empires. The poem by the poet Pavel Vasiliev, who was repressed in 1937, reflects imperial ideologemes relating to the Asian frontier – the Kazakh‑Russian transboundary. The colonial discourse in the poem is built on the opposition ‘COSSACKS – KAZAKHS’, which is an implementation of the opposition ‘OWN – OTHER’. In the conditions of the frontier the image of the OTHER is transformed into the image of the ENEMY. The Cossacks, the defenders of the imperial borders, brutally suppress the revolt of the Kazakhs working in salt mining. They act under the slogan‑ideologems of defending the fatherland, the tsar, and Orthodoxy. The description of this suppression is distinguished in the poem by naturalistic details, which are not of the author’s imagination, but an image of information heard from others. The author conveys the attitude of the Cossacks to the murder of unarmed women, children, old people, as a revelry, fun, using the technique of the “carnivalization” of a terrible, awful event. The author shows sympathy and pity for the victims of the massacre and presents the Cossacks as ruthless killers and robbers.
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Zifa Temirgazina

  1. Павлодарский педагогический университет им. А. Маргулана, Казахстан


The composition of information law’s terminological lexicon requires a comprehensive study in view of its diversity. The article attempts a linguistic characterization of professionalisms and nomens as important functional elements of the specific vocabulary of the informational and legal field. The purpose of the article is to clarify the specifics of different types of special lexemes (nomens and professionalisms) in informational and legal discourse in comparison with the main lexical unit of the terminological system – the term, which involves the analysis of established views of linguists and new trends in terminological studies regarding the studied types of special vocabulary, the linguistic interpretation of professionalism and the nomenclature unit of scientific style. It has been established that in the speech of specialists, professionalisms verbalize special knowledge, and act as synonymous professional‑conversational doublets, name realities and convey special information. They appear in use, replacing officially recognized terms and adapting themselves to oral collective communication. It was found that professionalisms not codified in dictionaries often penetrate into written speech during the coverage of topical issues by journalistic publications or professionally oriented texts. As part of the terminology of information law, a special group has been identified and classified – nomens, which denote single names, most often their own. It was found that they reveal certain difficulties for codification, since a new nomen is not always accompanied by a characteristic. The presence of professionalisms and nomens in information and legal discourse is quite obvious and is explained by the functional expediency of the names used by specialists in special communication.
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Liudmyla Arkhypenko
Pavlo Melnyk

  1. Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
  2. Рarliament of Ukraine


The article presents the results of a sociolinguistic study of surzhyk in the speech of residents of the North‑Eastern region of Ukraine. The focus is on the main trends of communicative possibilities of surzhyk and its functional features in the situation of a multi‑code. It was found that the conscious use of surzhyk speech is a characteristic primarily of young speakers, who are able to realise its irregularity and use for a certain purpose, although in a limited range of situations. In situations of family communication, they use surzhyk as their ‘home language’. Such behaviour can also be a sign of a certain communicative ‘game’ when the speaker uses any language ‘image’ adapted to the specific needs of language communication. A diachronic analysis of the functional capabilities of surzhyk made it possible to reveal, on the one hand, its gradual ‘ageing’ as a functional first language, and on the other hand, its ‘getting younger’ as a conventional stylistic marker. Besides, its increased frequency in extra‑family communication has been recorded, which may indicate a gradual transition of the Russian‑speaking residents of Sumy to Ukrainian‑speaking forms of behaviour.
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Tetiana Kuznietsova
1 2

  1. Ольденбург, Інститут славістики Університету ім. Карла фон Осецького
  2. Київ, Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка


This article aims to analyze the structure and semantics of Polish and Russian speech acts of wishing sent in greeting cards in the second half of the 20th century. The research leads to the conclusion that speech acts of wishing usually come in a fixed and concise form in both languages. However, some of the described formulas have not been recorded by researchers so far. The brevity of the texts may be related to the small size of the card, which requires the senders to write concise messages. It is also worth pointing out that formal modifications of Russian wishes are sometimes made for pragmatic purposes, mainly with the intention of reflecting the asymmetry of relations and the distance between the interacting partners. In contrast to Russian wishes, the form and content of their Polish counterparts is more varied depending on the holiday they concern. In addition, Polish speech acts of wishing are more often combined with other speech acts than are their Russian equivalents.
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Daniel Dzienisiewicz

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


The article carries out a linguo‑axiological analysis of the representation of empathic joy and Schadenfreude in the Ukrainian language picture of the world. Malicious joy has a positive hedonistic assessment, but a negative moral one. To designate malicious joy in the Ukrainian language, the nouns злорадство, злорадість, зловтіха, the phrases злобна ( зла, злісна) радість, зла ( злісна) втіха and the verbs зловтішатися, злорадіти, тішитися, радіти are employed. As the analysis of the material has shown, the negative nature of Schadenfreude in the Ukrainian language can be reflected by contrasting it with the constructive emotion of compassion, as well as by using anthropomorphic and zoomorphic metaphors. Empathic joy has positive moral and hedonistic evaluations. The description of the experience of empathic joy in the Ukrainian language is carried out with the help of the lexemes радість, радий, радіти, тішитися, which function in several structural and grammatical models presented in the article. The representation of the positive nature of empathic joy in the analyzed texts is carried out, in particular, by contrasting it with the destructive emotion of envy.
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Larysa Nikolayenko

  1. Київ, Інститут мовознавства імені Олександра Потебні НАН України


The main focus of the article is to point out and analyse translation strategies as determinants of translators’ intercultural competence in the dubbed animated films: Shrek the Third, Shrek Forever, Kung Fu Panda 1, and Kung Fu Panda 2. The research problem is an attempt to answer the questions: which components of the source culture are submitted for domestication and foreignization as well? What kind of language equivalences can we observe in the Polish and Russian dubbed animated films? Is there a parallelism between Russian and Polish strategies in translation? Are we able to observe differences between Polish and Russian translation strategies in parallel places? The research material consists of 120 pages of film dialogue transcript in Polish, written by Bartosz Wierzbięta, and in Russian, written by Pavel Silenchuk. Qualitative and quantitative research into the Polish and Russian language versions of the dubbed animated films was conducted. The analysis shows that the translators predominantly tend to use domestication in parallel places for the Polish and Russian dialogues: according to the names of people, realities, and quotes. There is one crucial difference between the approaches of the Russian and Polish translators: Pavel Silenchuk makes reference to high culture (literature, poems, and films) but Bartosz Wierzbięta makes references to low culture. What’s more, both translators tend towards a third culture that doesn’t exist in the original version. As with Pavel Silenchuk, Bartosz Wierzbięta tends to foreignization as well. The functional analogues mentioned in this research, show that creativity is a factor that determines the high intercultural competence of a translator of animated films with dubbing.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Karolina Wakulik

  1. Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II w Lublinie

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