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The presence of the Bible in the movies is a complex reality: besides direct interpretations of the stories from the Holy Scriptures, a number of films has been inspired by other cultural sources (passion-plays, arts, literature, music, other films). By reason of its subject and its non-religious origin, a biblical film is important for theologians: numerous audiovisual adaptations of the Gospel have raised the issues of the faithfulness of this particular kind of translation (transmediatization) of the Bible. A particular attention should be paid to Jesus-movies because of their impact on the audiences and very different ways of portraying of Jesus (from a relatively simple „historical" Jesus till elaborated Christ-figures).

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Ks. Marek Lis
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In the search for the critical functions of theology, we can find a growing number of dilemmas, which come from the theology itself and from the modern knowledge about the world, which theology has to face, not only offering expected answers, but also formulating its own Christian doctrine proper for contemporary times and consistent with the Tradition of faith. The only way to present such a broad and difficult problem in a short paper is through a general perspective. The key to the systematization of the problem is by observing that the tasks of theology can be seen from four different perspectives, according to the distinction ad extra – ad intra. Astrong emphasis is put on the encounter between theology and science. The attempt to make predictions about the future is based on analysis of the contemporary situation in theology and on the extrapolation of existing trends for the near future.
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Ks. Jacek Kempa

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
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This paper focuses on three issues. First, it is about the context and environment of pre-Nicene theology. It is emphasized that pre-Nicene theology did not neglect ca-techetical and liturgical reflection (ad intra) while at the same time successfully ente-red into a critical and creative dialogue with both the Semitic and Greco-Roman world where first Christians lived (ad extra). For contemporary theology its means that it cannot reject historical reasoning, placed in space and time. The second part stresses that, in spite of different situations and all historical and cultural contexts, theology before Nicea was above all an understanding of Sacred Scripture to which the key is the Risen Christ as the source and definitive fulfilment of the inspired writings. Finally, the third part of the paper focuses on the existential and spiritual experience from which pre-Nicene theology originated. For this theology the Gospel of Christ is not just the rule of faith but also the rule of life. This leads to a conclusion that a contem-porary theologian is a to take up an existential-personalistic reflection on Revelation using the historical-hermeneutic method .

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Ks. Krzysztof Witko
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The methodology used in patrology - patristics results from its classification into purely theological disciplines. Before Vaticanum II the term patrology was used in a historical-philosophical sense, which led to perceiving patrology as a historical field of study. The study dealt with the old Christian writings from the chronological and literary point of view. This approach implied using research methodology typical of historical sciences. Since the Vatican Council II patrology has been considered a branch of theology and the name patristics has been used more often. Gradually its close association with dogmatics has been observed. The aim of patristics is to present theological thoughts of the Church Fathers. To achieve this objective a researcher has to carry out a thorough analysis of the Church Fathers’ writings by means of theological and literary criteria within the historical context. By resorting to the teaching of the Church Fathers patristics should show the development of theological thinking without identifying itself with Church history, the history of dogmas or ancient Christian literature.

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Ks. Bogdan Częsz
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Bible and liturgy are the main sources of the Church's life. The Bible tells us about God saving man and the liturgy makes present the salvation given by God. The presentation of the Bible in the liturgy begins with the description of the syna- gogue worship at the time of the early Church. Since the beginning Christians read the Bible during the liturgy. The liturgy of the word was formed gradually, until it reached its final shape in he antiquity. That form was preserved till the Second Vatican Council. The Council resolved to enrich the table of the Divine Word and to read the Scripture in a cycle longer than one year. For Sundays and festivities has been introduced a triennial cycle, the readings of the liturgy of the hours have been changed, biblical readings have been added to the liturgy of the sacraments and the Psalms have been distributed in a 4-weeks cycle.

The words of the Bible are not only read but they become prayer and song. The liturgical prayers draw their inspiration, words and expressions from the Scripture. It is Christ who proclaims the gospel, God speaks to his people and the Church listens to the Divine Word. The liturgy of the Word is closely connected with the liturgy of the Eucharist. During the Mass, the table of the Divine Word and the table of the Eucharist are spread.

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Ks. Jan Miazek
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Metodologia di analisi della monodia liturgica


Per monodia liturgica si intendono i canti a una voce che non richiedono accompagnamento strumentale. Nel suo ambito rientrano soprattutto: canto gregoriano, repertorio neo-gregoriano e canti liturgici a una voce in lingue nazionali. I principali metodi di analisi della monodia sono stati adottati dalle science storiche (euristica e metodi indiretti: filologico, geografico, comparativo, induttivo e di riduzione). In medievistica musicologica ha guadagnato importanza il metodo genealogico che serve a determinare la cosiddetta famiglia di manoscritti cio attribuirli ad un circolo geografico e culturale preciso. Oggi un metodo applicato universalmente. Senza dubbio la priorit spetta pertanto al metodo comparativo. Il seguente un metodo basato sull’aspetto modale del canto gregoriano. Esso base sull’analisi dei tipi di scale e dei tipi di melodie. Per questo si concentra sia sui finali delle composizioni che sul sottolineare le cosiddette strutture melodiche, soprattutto iniziali. Nell’ambito dei canti neo-gregoriani non stato ancora elaborato un metodo completo di analisi. Esso basa finora sugli studi relativi al rapporto della melodia verso il testo (uso di melismi, accento dinamico). Nella melodia vengono esaminati gli intervalli, la scioltezza del movimento dei suoni, l`alternanza dei modi autentici e plagali, l’adozione del principio di quinta tonalit (invece dell’attuale tonalit quartale). Le successive analisi della monodia liturgica possono apportare sia una correzione dei metodi attuali, sia un’elaborazione dei metodi di analisi completamente nuovi.

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Ks. Ireneusz Pawlak
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Studiando le vicende della spiritualit polacca si pu notare che fin dallinizio, cio dal momento dellinserimento della Polonia nellEuropa cristiana, erano presenti in essa alcune correnti della spiritualit europea. Un forte influsso sulla nascita e sullo sviluppo della spiritualit polacca avevano gli ordini religiosi. Tra le dimensioni della spiritualit europea coltivate in Polonia una particolare attenzione merita la dimensione cristocentrica e mariana.

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Ks. Jarosław M. Popławski
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Edith Stein is a person who was born in the Jewish traditionally religious family. In her youth she lost her faith in God. However in her life she was seeking the truth. In this search she was very honest. The article first shows different definitions of truth. Then he takes the presentation of Edith Stein’s, the ways of phenomenological discov-ery of the truth about a human person. Finally, it shows her coming to the discovery of the God of Love, who has drawn her to mystical union in the spirituality of Carmel. Edith Stein died in the concentration camp in Auschwitz, experiencing the mystery of the Cross of Christ and sacrificing herself for her people.

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Ks. Andrzej Pryba MSF
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The paragraphs 300-305 belong to the most controversially discussed quotations of the Pope’s Francis Exhortation Amoris laetitia. A suggestion appears in them, that people living a non-sacramental unions can find themselves subjectively unable to act differently without causing a new harm, though at the same time they are fully aware that their present living conditions are objectively a grave sin. Such people – so the Pope says – are not deprived of the divine grace and could under some circum-stances received the sacraments. These statements are interpreted in different ways. According to the first interpretation the particular circumstances can change the moral character of the person’s act so far that the life in a non-sacramental union can no more be assessed as an adultery i.e. a grave sin. The supporters of the second inter-pretation claim that the particular circumstances could cause a grave moral constraint which – like other forms of constraint too - can diminish one’s moral responsibility, though his/her act remain objectively a grave sin. Eventually according to the third interpretation the statements of Pope Francis are in the present article related to the particular category of people living in non-sacramental unions namely those ones who are subjectively convinced that their first marriage was never valid.

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Ks. prof. dr hab. Marian Machinek MSF
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Polish authors have made a considerable contribution to the formation and development of the Theology of Spirituality that has become a separate subject of ecclesiastical studies since 1931. In the Middle Ages the eminent Polish theologians were Mateusz of Kraków (+1410) and Jakub of Paradyż (+1464). They visited Germany and Czech where their works gained some recognition. Confessio Fidei Catholicae Christiana (Moguntiae 1557) by Stanisław Hozjusz (+1579) is one of the most important works of the modern times, written in Latin, published 39 times during the authors life. The contents of the work influenced the attitudes of the people of those times. Christocentrically directed spirituality is represented by Stanisław Sokołowski (+1593) and Kasper Drużbicki (+1662). Many important thoughts on spirituality, especially on Catholic mysticism, come from Mikołaj of Mościska (+1632). The very first treatise on Ascetic and Mystic Theology is Summarium Asceticae et Mysticae Theologiae (Cracoviae 1655). Grzegorz Terecki (+1659) also skilfully combined ascetism and mysticism in his Directorium Spiritualis Vitae Fratrum Eremitarum Ordinis Sancti Pauli Eremitae (Cracoviae 1649). The Cistercians played the significant part in the propagation and development of the Theology of Spirituality: Michał Antoni Hacki (+1703) and Feliks Simplex Łącki (+circa 1700) together with Stanisław Papczyński (+1701) and Florian Jaroszerwicz (+1771). Notwithstandingly, the writings of Polish Resurrectionists, especially by Piotr Semenenko, greatly enriched Catholic Spirituality. Many works of importance for the development of the Theology of Spitituality were written in more recent times including 20th century. Józef Sebastian Pelczar (+1924), Aleksander Żychliński (+1945), Józef Puchalik (1958), Antoni Słomkowski (+1982) and Stanisław Witek (+1987) are important authors whose works cast new light on the problems of spiritual life and ensured the deserved position for the Theology of Spirituality among the theological disciplines.

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Ks. Jerzy Misiurek
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The Faculty of Theology of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw is endowed with rich history. It existed at the Royal University of Warsaw, established in 1816.

It operated until the University was closed in 1831; then its activity was continued at the Main Seminary (1823–1835), and fi nally at the Roman-Catholic Clerical Academy (1835–1867). The Theological Faculty came into being again at the University of Warsaw in 1918. Aft er the World War II, the faculty became active in 1945, in 1954 it became part of the Academy of Catholic Theology and since 1999 it has been included into the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University. The achievements of the faculty are important, it has employed many eminent theologians and instructed thousands of graduates. Its merits for the Church and Polish culture are not to be neglected.

The following scientific grades in theology were awarded at the Theological Faculty of the Academy of Catholic Theology (1954–1999): 85 professional bachelor’s degrees, 4853 master’s degrees, 762 canonical licentiates, 313 doctor’s degrees, 92 nostrifications of doctorates and 89 post-doctoral degree.

The following scientific grades in theology have been awarded at the Th eological Faculty of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University (from 1 October 1999 to 16 June 2008): 3916 bachelor’s degrees, 5718 master’s degrees, 1315 canonical licentiates, 299 doctor’s degrees, 71 nostrifications of doctorates, 45 post-doctoral degrees and 23 professor’s degrees in theology. In addition, the Institute of Studies of the Family has awarded 1733 master’s degrees in studies of the family.

Nowadays, the Theological Faculty of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University is composed of six institutes: Institute of Theology, Institute of Media Education and Journalism, Institute of the Studies of Culture, Institute of Theology in Radom, Institute of Apostleship Theology, Institute of Studies of the Family. The Theological Faculty includes as well the Non-local Didactical Centre in Gdynia. Three clerical seminaries are affiliated at the Theological Faculty: Higher Clerical Seminary in Płock, Gdańsk Clerical Seminary in Gdańsk-Oliwa, Higher Clerical Seminary of Catholic Apostleship in Ołtarzew. The following institutions are bound with the Faculty of Theology of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University with the cooperation agreement: Archdiocese Clerical Seminary in Białystok, Higher Clerical Seminary in Łódź, Higher Clerical Seminary in Łomża, Franciscan Higher Clerical Seminary in Łódź-Łagiewniki, Higher Clerical Seminary of the Salesian Society in Ląd nad Wartą, Higher Clerical Seminary of the Salesian Society in Łódź.

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Ks. Roman Bartnicki

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