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In the rotor system, depending upon the ratio of rotating (internal) damping and stationary (external) damping, above the critical speed may develop instability regions. The crack adds to the rotating damping due to the rubbing action between two faces of a breathing crack. Therefore, there is a need to estimate the rotating damping and other system parameters based on experimental investigation. This paper deals with a physical model based an experimental identification of the rotating and stationary damping, unbalance, and crack additive stiffness in a cracked rotor system. The model of the breathing crack is considered as of a switching force function, which gives an excitation in multiple harmonics and leads to rotor whirls in the forward and backward directions. According to the rotor system model considered, equations of motion have been derived, and it is converted into the frequency domain for developing the estimation equation. To validate the methodology in an experimental setup, the measured time domain responses are converted into frequency domain and are utilized in the developed identification algorithm to estimate the rotor parameters. The identified parameters through the experimental data are used in the analytical rotor model to generate responses and to compare them with experimental responses.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Dipendra Kumar Roy
Rajiv Tiwari

  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati – 781039, India.

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