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Seismic events have always marked the history of Italy by changing and upsetting the social, demographic and economic contexts of the places involved. The interventions carried out in relation to seismic events are related to the severity of the damage caused to public real estate assets, to the private one and to infrastructures. In this perspective, resources and interventions have been mobilized, inevitably linked to the financial resources of the State. Precisely in relation to the limited budgets, the State has adopted political choices, sometimes questionable, which have conditioned the post‑earthquake reconstruction and the return to the normal social trend of the populations. The essay aims to outline intervention policies and understand their outcomes, within the political, social and economic contexts that characterized the Italian twentieth century, referring to some political choices adopted by the State on the occasion of some major earthquakes that have interested Italy.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ada Di Nucci
Paola Nardone
Natascia Ridolfi

  1. Università “G. D’Annunzio”, Chieti‑Pescara, Italia

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