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The article deals with ultrasonic testing possibilities of the copper alloy centrifugal casts. It focused on the problems that arise when testing

of castings is made of non-ferrous materials. Most common types of casting defects is dedicated in theoretical introduction of article.

Ultrasonic testing technique by conventional ultrasound system is described in the theoretical part too. Practical ultrasonic testing of

centrifugal copper alloy cast - brass is in experimental part. The experimental sample was part of centrifugally cast brass ring with

dimensions of Ø1200x34 mm. The influence of microstructure on ultrasonic attenuation and limitations in testing due to attenuation is

describes in experimental part. Conventional direct single element contact ultrasound probe with frequencies of 5 MHz, 3.5 MHz and 2

MHz were used for all experimental measurements. The results of experimental part of article are recommendations for selecting

equipment and accessories for casting testing made of non-ferrous metals.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

R. Konar
M. Mician


The paper, which is a summary and supplement of previous works and research, presents the results of numerical and physical modeling of the GX2CrNiMoCuN25-6-3 duplex cast steel thin-walled castings production. To obtain thin-walled castings with wall in the thinnest place even below 1 mm was used the centrifugal casting technology and gravity casting. The analyzed technology (centrifugal casting) enables making elements with high surface quality with reduced consumption of batch materials and, as a result, reducing the costs of making a unitary casting. The idea behind the production of cast steel with the use of centrifugal technology was to find a remedy for the problems associated with unsatisfactory castability of the tested alloy.

The technological evaluation of the cast construction was carried out using the Nova Flow & Solid CV 4.3r8 software. Numerical simulations of crystallization and cooling were carried out for a casting without a gating system and sinkhead located in a mold in accordance with the pouring position. It was assumed that the analyzed cast will be made in the sand form with dimensions 250×250×120 mm.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

G. Stradomski
M. Nadolski
A. Zyska
B. Kania
D. Rydz
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The studied silicon bronze (CuSi3Zn3Mn1) is characterised by good strength and corrosion resistance due to the alloying elements that are present in it (Si, Zn, Mn, Fe). This study analysed the casting process in green sand moulding, gravity die casting, and centrifugal casting with a horizontal axis of rotation. The influences of Ni and Zr alloying additives as well as the casting technology that was used were evaluated on the alloy’s microstructure and mechanical properties. The results of the conducted research are presented in the form of the influence of the technology (GS, GZ, GM) and the content of the introduced alloy additives on the mechanical parameters (UTS, A10, and Proof Stress, BHN).
The analysis of the tests that were carried out made it possible to determine which of the studied casting technologies had the best mechanical properties. Microstructure of metal poured into metal mould was finer than that which was cast into moulding compound. Mechanical properties of castings made in moulding compound were lower than those that were cast into metal moulds. Increased nickel content affected the BHN parameter.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

D. Witasiak
A. Garbacz-Klempka
M. Papaj
P. Papaj
M. Piękoś
J. Kozana
M. Maj
M. Perek-Nowak

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Foundry Engineering, Poland

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